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While browsing the gameplay of another game in development that you will probably recognize, I discovered an interesting idea:

Make free pk possible only at night. There are several ways to integrate and adapt this idea in Ashes of Creation:

- Less corruption for the killer during the night (everywhere except in the nodes)
- No corruption at all during the night for the killer (everywhere except in nodes)
- Select only areas known to be insecure at night. Reduce or remove corruption in these areas.

Some elements (graphics only or messages) should help the player not to get trapped by warning him that night is falling or will fall soon.

EDIT : I specify that it would not be a question of favoring the FPK as if the punishments in corruption are lowered the night, they would be consequently increased the day.
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Never hurts putting ideas or things you'd like to see out there! I think many ideas, such as this one, make for good thought starters for the event system that will be utilized in Ashes of Creation :)

Side note, the open seas sure will be a formidable place with all of you PvP-loving, corruption-hating pirates out there! 😈πŸ˜