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I always liked to play the lifeskill path on mmos. For example in archeage I would farm a lot of ore and then go to town to sell it or turn into Ingots. Archeage didn't have a limit per se on how much you could carry. BDO on the other hand has the weight system but you can just go to storage and dump all of it or on your horse and continue gathering.

I remember watching or reading that in ashes I would have to use a caravan to transport goods? Like how exactly does that work? I can't be a gatherer full time unless I venture into the caravan system thus meaning I have to engage in pvp and risk all my gathered goodies?

For example I spend 5 hours gathering and if I go back to town I can't sell the goods? Or I can sell them at a normal price and if I would want more gold I would have to transport them to another node? And what stops me from dumping all of it on my inventory instead of using a caravan?

And if so what guarantees do I have that the goods are more valuable in another node? Since this is a player driven economy.

Thanks In advance

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over 1 year ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

You can gather materials and carry them back to a Node, where you can do things like sell them or put them in other storage you have.

Caravans are a different way to transport materials. You can learn more about Caravans in the October 2023 Development Update livestream, and in the wiki here.