Original Post — Direct link
Here are a few Housing and Game ideas I had recently,
I'll probably think of more later so check back if you want more ideas:

1. Realistic Cobwebs and Spiderwebs for indoor/outdoor decorations. Very cool for Holiday events or year round.
2. Indoor/Outdoor holiday luminescent vines, lights, candles, or lanterns. Like Christmas string lights, but Verra accurate.
3. Moon(s) causing low tide, and high tide. Could make for fun dungeon discovery and/or harvesting opportunities.
4. Extra Life fund raiser Cosmetic skin pack. $25.00 donation gets you the House, Boat, Mount, Outfit, Pet, and Trinket skins.
5. Bot Management, After your GM's confirm a Bot in-game, the GM triggers a timed Kill Quest for the nearest qualified Bounty Hunter! After the BH kills the Bot, they are awarded half the dropped Materials, and after the Bot dies the Ban process is then completed by the GM. That could be very satisfying!
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Woah! There are some awesome ideas in here! I love threads like these c: Super fun to read!

Keep those ideas coming! ^_^