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What would be your ideal chat? How important do you think Chat will be for the sociability of AoC? What things should or shouldn't it have? How important is the chat for you? The chat should have the option to be editable like CC? What ideas under your experience in MMOs would make a chat the "ideal chat"?
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Great question and topic, @MybroViajero ! Personally, I love WoW's chatbox. I believe I use an addon that hides it when not in use which makes it a little dynamic, but I think it's a great tool for communication and serves its purpose very well. I especially liked when they added class colors to the chatbox! It's cool seeing the visual examples that @MybroViajero provided of some other MMORPGs that I am both familiar and unfamiliar with! I'm certainly curious to read more about what everyone thinks is best for Ashes of Creation!