over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s but these stats could be improved could
3s they not
4s Bucky yeah so Caravans have these items
8s within them called components and those
10s kind of act like the gear on the Caravan
11s so they can modify their stats grant
14s them passive and even active abilities
16s so you can if you upgrade your
17s components you can get power powerful
19s Caravans I see and just looking at this
23s basic Caravan it only has a capacity for
26s 1X two cargo that's relatively
29s unfortunate because that doesn't seem
32s like a lot for my time but I assume if I
35s were to perhaps equip this carriage in
40s its place nope that didn't do anything
43s let's
43s try the reinforced
47s chassis let's take a look at that buddy
49s oh yeah oh my goodness this thing can
53s now take quite a hall