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In various games, one usually outshines the other. Either raw or refined materials are worth more gold per stack. In ESO for example, raw materials are more expensive because processing them has a chance to give you upgrade materials. I understand that our AOC economy cannot be known at this time, but are there any predictions as to what will be more valuable and why?

I'm certain that my predictions will change as more information is released, but it seems to me that processed materials will be more in demand since they will be used for both crafting and repairs. Also, it sounds like they will be obtainable through deconstruction and by processing the raw materials themselves. Which might make raw materials less valuable since there will be multiple ways of obtaining these processed goods.

Any thoughts?

about 2 years ago - QuaternionSlerp - Direct link

Do we know for sure that processing will be safe?

Sure, maybe you can turn iron ore into ingots in your freehold. But if you are turning a giant's tusk into diresteel, then you need to do that in the heart of a volcano where firedrakes repeatedly spawn and try to burn you to ash. Or perhaps when you process wightstone from gathered ectoplasm, there is a chance that a vengeful spirit will appear and must be defeated to finish the process.

Yes, that is all crap I made up, but who's to say that Intrepid might not turn the processing part of crafting into just as much of an adventure as it is for the gatherers who have to roam the wilderness and dive into monster lairs?

An important thing to note is that raw resources will often need to make it to a freehold to be processed and then those processed resources need to make it from freeholds to a node for trade and crafting. Processors have their own risks to assess when it comes to moving resources.