almost 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
8s thank you
16s hello everyone Welcome to our April
20s development update for ashes of creation
22s we hope that everyone has been having a
25s magnificent month uh and we hope that
28s you know you're excited spring is in the
30s air I know I can't believe spring has
33s come AKA allergies soon to be summer too
36s I know it's been
39s it's been wild I think we say this every
41s single month we're like you blink in a
42s month has gone by but I feel like an
44s entire
45s half a year has almost happened and I'm
47s like how how well these are the I mean
49s to be fair these streams are very much
52s like uh touch points or um excuse me
55s they're kind of like um you know where I
58s put my head back up and I say oh a month
60s has gone by because each of the weeks
62s you're just kind of in the thick of it
63s and you don't really realize the passage
65s of time except for these kind of staple
67s dates where we talk with the community
69s and we have you know we know it's
71s monthly so we're like oh okay wait a
73s month has gone by you know moment of
75s reflection and you're always like wow I
77s don't know if anyone ever takes a moment
79s of reflection but when you stop for a
80s moment you're like what have I done oh
83s that's a lot of things oh yeah for those
86s of you who are new here I'm just going
87s to quickly go over what you'll be seeing
88s today and you can probably see it below
91s um uh we are going to be going over our
93s quick reminders our Mage update our art
95s update Studio update and then questions
98s and answers from our forums that we
100s always pull before so Beckner has gone
103s through them all and he also answers all
104s of them for you if you didn't get your
107s question answered here a lot of
109s questions are repeat questions so he
110s goes through and answers them and then
112s he also um you know if your question
114s didn't get answered you can always ask
116s it again in the future if it's one that
117s we have not asked before
119s um but obviously I'm Margaret Crone I'm
121s your director of communications and with
123s me as always is Steven Sharif our
125s creative director and before we get
128s things started we'll quickly go over our
130s YouTube comment that was selected so
134s toss that over today's one is from Tima
137s 200 and they want to know people camping
140s open world dungeon areas was a huge
142s problem in ESO please Intrepid prevent
145s this and I don't know Steven if you have
146s thoughts on how
149s that is going to work out
151s um
152s that is a good question people camping
155s open world dungeon areas
157s well
159s um you know part of Ashes of creation
161s that's a very important aspect is that
163s there is a there is a competitive nature
166s to
167s um the environments the open world we're
169s a non-faction based game where your
171s reputation matters and the relationships
173s that you build matter and those
174s relationships can be competitive they
176s can be adversarial they can be
178s cooperative and friendly and and camping
181s really is a mechanism in which
183s um you know players are spending time at
185s a certain location uh in order to either
188s you know continue control over that
190s location or to prevent others from
193s having access and so one of the ways
195s that we kind of um allow certain systems
198s to
200s uh interact with that idea of camping is
203s you have opportunities to initiate
206s things like Guild Wars where you can
208s engage with those individuals you can
210s you can participate in the flagging
212s system where you can attempt to remove
214s those individuals
215s um you know there are opportunities for
218s player friction to occur if people are
221s doing things that are not received well
224s by the community or by your group of
226s players or by others and this is an
229s opportunity to engage in the political
231s aspect of the game and the politics in
234s an open world you know sandbox oriented
237s type of game design
239s is really the lifeblood of what keeps
243s many players you know interested and
246s invested in the outcome of those types
248s of political situations
251s um so I would say
252s that it's not necessarily a bad thing
256s um when some group of players might try
258s to extend or exert their type of
262s influence to to have control over
264s locations that's an opportunity for
267s player political engagement to occur
271s um and you know sometimes there are in
273s our past experiences of playing MMOs
276s maybe an imbalance that can happen
278s between some groups that either grow too
280s large or consolidate too much power and
283s it's difficult for the server to push
285s back against those individuals I would
287s say in the designs of Ashes of creation
289s we've created a lot of opportunity for
291s smaller groups to affect change in the
294s world and changes that can be negatively
297s affecting of larger groups right we have
299s anti-zerk mechanics when it comes to
301s traveling across the world and being
303s able to be at any singular location in
305s any you know given point of time or
307s quickly by fast teleportation we don't
310s have access to right that's one example
312s but also there are open world objectives
314s that can occur through things like Guild
316s Wars and node Wars there are also your
318s home base of operations which are nodes
320s that can be adversely affected should
321s players do something that are against
323s their reputation these are the types of
325s of interactions we want to occur and
329s those points of friction are
331s opportunities for for players to get
332s engaged
334s um so you know I would say it's
337s difficult in an open world environment
339s and a non-faction based game to kind of
340s prevent players from loitering in a
342s particular dungeon or area to try to
344s exert that control but there are a lot
346s of opportunities system wise for players
348s to push back against it
351s all right and you know if you want your
354s comments spotlighted whenever we have
356s our next Dev update which is going to be
357s the April one here you can head on over
359s to our YouTube and make sure that you
361s subscribe to us and you'll have to flag
363s it so that it is we can see that because
366s if you don't have it public then we
367s can't tell that you're subscribed and
369s then also leave a comment on the YouTube
371s channel and we will select
374s at random a person so
377s um yeah we're excited to see more of
379s those things and with that I will going
381s to quickly go through some of the other
382s updates that we've had so first and
384s foremost we've got our Dev discussion
386s that we just put out this month so we
389s hope that you have been enjoying that
391s we've also had an office hours for it
393s which if you don't know what that is
395s um bachner and Roshan have been amazing
397s and doing these uh calls with folks and
400s you can pop on and give your feedback in
402s more of a kind of chat setting versus in
406s a forum setting it's a little different
407s I don't think I've seen a ton of people
409s doing stuff like that but it's really
410s cool and hopefully you enjoy it but this
412s was on average how long do you prefer a
414s dungeon playthrough to take and our next
417s one will be on the major arc tape so we
419s love your feedback you know we do so
421s keep tossing it our way and of course if
424s you didn't catch it Steven did a
425s Community Q a with chibi Bree from the
428s Golden Feather Richie sh and submerg
430s from Ash's Pathfinder if you want to
432s check that out it's over on our YouTube
433s channel so we hope that you like that
436s and get some of your questions answered
438s from the community and of course we do
440s have our cosmetic swap over that will be
443s happening on May 10th at 11 A.M Pacific
447s so if you'd like to snag these you can
449s do so now
450s if you're not aware these are all things
452s that are going to be NPCs creatures
454s building things like that in in our game
456s so you're really helping us build the
458s world as we are creating it and of
461s course a reminder that we do have a
462s content creator program that is still
464s taking applications
466s this is currently an application Phase
468s and we will be kind of closing that as
470s we get closer to the invitation phase
471s which will be closer to Alpha 2. so as
474s you start seeing that happen and you
475s might know you might get some inklins in
477s your in your bones of what's what's to
479s come
481s um and with that I'm going to toss it
483s over to Steve natak a little bit about
485s the Mage update before we showcase it
488s yeah absolutely so as promised and I
491s know we've been getting a little bit
492s ahead kind of in what um our future
495s updates monthly updates will include you
499s guys been looking forward to the Alpha 2
501s Mage update for the last month uh I know
503s we we talked about that last month
506s this is an opportunity for you guys to
509s see the direction that we've taken on
511s some of these abilities on the class kit
513s for the Mage you're not going to see all
515s of the abilities obviously but you're
516s going to see
518s um nine or ten abilities that relate to
521s um you know uh
524s um utility spells some Mobility spells
527s mainly DPS spells and as it relates to
530s kind of affecting status conditions that
532s have keyword interactions and can be
534s promoted from like Tier 1 to tier two
536s status conditions uh mainly through
538s Elemental use of electrical type
541s abilities and ice type abilities as is
545s always very important we are still a
548s work in progress we are still working
550s towards Alpha two
552s um this excuse me this demonstration was
556s a little bit different than the ones
557s we've done in the past which this was a
559s little bit more of a kind of test Arena
562s type of display we go through each of
564s the abilities
565s and we talk a little bit about them but
568s it's not going to be kind of a
570s run-through of a location or an area or
573s POI really we're spawning some monsters
575s we're showing the interactions between
577s the abilities and we are just kind of
579s giving you a combat display and it's
582s very important that you guys when
583s watching this Keenan who participated
585s this asked a few questions that I think
587s are very relevant to get kind of
589s feedback on so keep an ear out for for
592s what those questions are and how they
593s pertain and we'll chat about them after
595s after the demonstration but enjoy these
597s next 40 minutes of an early look at the
599s Alpha 2 Mage update
602s all right see ya when we get back
606s [Music]
626s hello everyone and welcome to another
630s live stream in the world of Vera I am
634s joined today by three of our absolutely
637s awesome developers we have with us two
641s regulars and one new face
643s one of our Engineers obviously our
645s glorious Engineers Keenan how you doing
646s buddy
648s good thanks for asking welcome sir
651s welcome back it was just uh let's see
653s last time you were on was for the tank I
656s believe the tank showcase right
657s yeah that's correct yeah and then we
659s also have I think uh as well from that
661s showcase one of our senior designers Mr
663s tradd how you doing buddy
666s doing good hello everyone good to see
667s everyone again and then we have a new
670s face with us one of our senior visual
672s effects artists Mr John how you doing
675s I'm doing really well man this is fun
677s yeah this is fun this is this your first
680s time on right yes yes it is and you have
682s been doing a lot of work on the visual
684s effects side and and today I know many
686s in our audience uh have been
688s anticipating this early work in progress
691s look at the Alpha 2 Mage and we have I'm
697s sure already the the chat is ecstatic
700s looking at the hot bars of abilities
702s that we're going to be looking at today
703s we're not going to go through all of
705s them but we are going to go through uh I
707s believe the electrical spells some of
711s the utilities and some of the frost
712s abilities right trap
714s that's right yeah we're going to be
716s looking at a bit of an ice uh ice
718s lightning Mage this will not be the only
721s elements that you'll see on the Mage but
722s that's what we're going to be focused on
723s today and just specifically some
725s interactions between those elements and
727s showing off how the elements can be used
730s together to create synergies yes and I
732s know we've been talking about this
733s obviously for a good amount of time and
735s the way that kind of the class kits
737s synergize and work together and you guys
739s saw a little bit of that with the tank
740s demonstration between
743s um I believe two abilities had like a
744s staggered two a knock down promotion is
747s that right trend
749s that's correct yeah we're going to be
751s diving a little bit deeper into that
753s kind of stuff you'll see probably three
755s or four different interactions within
756s this kit and that's just the start of it
759s cool
760s um now we are in the riverlands of
763s course
764s um but we are where are we right now I
766s think we're at the uh this is like uh
770s um
771s what is this place called is this the
772s this is the Hall of judication which is
776s um was an alien uh I guess prison slash
780s uh trial location that they kept
783s criminals uh for court and we're not
786s going to go inside this location because
789s I think it's filled with some goblins
791s that might be a little bit beyond our uh
793s pay grade but outside I think there are
796s some more
797s friendly flowers
799s perhaps that we can also uh play with
803s and then maybe some rock monsters but
804s what I want to do before we start there
808s um is I think it would be beneficial for
810s us to first get kind of a base on what
812s each of these abilities do I know that
814s that was something that a lot of the
815s players really liked
816s um uh seeing before we actually get into
818s some combat interactions and then later
821s I'm gonna let Trad show off some of the
823s intricate combos
826s um
827s when we kind of showcase the broader kit
830s but one thing I want to tell the
832s audience is that
833s um you know in our previous showcases
836s we've tended to kind of showcase a
839s little bit more gameplay oriented kind
841s of walkthroughs of zones and areas and
843s have elements of different encounter
845s designs and and monsters and whatnot
848s today we're going to really focus in on
851s these individual abilities uh their
853s mechanics and what it means for the
855s broader you know combat design of our
857s archetypes in ashes of creation and
860s hopefully get some good feedback from
861s the community on this direction and and
863s I know Keenan has some questions that he
865s wants to talk about and John I know
867s we're going to talk with him a little
868s bit about kind of the next I think next
871s Edge kind of uh technology that we're
873s utilizing for some of our VFX and and
875s how these abilities interact so before
878s we get started let's go through these
880s abilities one at a time what's our first
883s one that we have here this is something
885s that I think we had in Alpha One this is
887s our blink uh is that right Chad Yep this
891s is one of the ones that we've brought
892s back uh this was definitely I would say
894s most of our favorite spells from alpha
896s one so we had to we had to bring it back
898s even the visuals were just awesome so
901s um yeah anyone who played Alpha One
903s should be pretty familiar with them you
905s know I'm gonna set my cooldowns to zero
906s so I can show the abilities over and
908s over again so this this is the blink
910s ability and obviously its purpose is to
914s close the gap to create a gap to
916s reposition uh talk to me a little bit
919s about the use case of a blink from the
921s Mages kit perspective
923s oh I mean you covered it there it's a
925s gap opener Gap closer whatever you want
927s it to be and you know we'll we'll
929s showcase some kind of that first we'll
932s showcase that kind of gameplay and
933s actual action once we get to the
935s encounter section of this
937s um this stream but
940s um you'll see that Mages will probably
942s prefer to use this spell in different
944s ways based on how you're specking the
945s Mage so if you are a more ranged based
949s classic Mage you'll most likely use this
951s to create space to put between you and
954s your opponent but like a more melee
956s based Mage might actually want to use
958s this to get on there yes to to initiate
961s absolutely that's that feels like the
963s way I would use it and then
966s um after this we have a uh let me see
969s look before we get into the combat
971s abilities perhaps we use
973s um you know actually let me show The
976s Shield speaking of a combat Mage if
978s you're in the middle of fighting talk to
979s me a little bit about the shell
982s yeah uh this is a pretty classic uh Mage
986s spell that you've probably seen before
988s it's just a big Health Shield it absorbs
990s a bunch of damage and it has a duration
992s so usually you want to time it with when
994s you're going to anticipate taking a
996s bunch of damage at once and we'll show
998s that off to
1000s um in a little bit with some of our
1001s rotations that put the Mage in a little
1003s bit more danger for greater payoff and
1006s this is kind of a short duration shell
1008s now obviously duration excuse me can be
1012s one of the parameters that are augmented
1014s by some of our augmentabilities so it
1016s could be potentially extended by an
1018s augment in the future but it's
1019s essentially short duration for those
1021s temporary hit points is that right kind
1023s of like if you're stuck in a little bit
1025s of a bind exactly yeah and that's that's
1028s the point of the duration like usually
1029s these Health Shields can be pretty
1031s strong and so timing that is part of the
1034s balance and also part of the gameplay
1035s skill that comes into
1037s um you know deciding when to use that
1039s and when to put it on cooldown and then
1042s let's show off this ball of lightning
1046s now John you have done a lot of work on
1048s the tech side for VFX with regards to
1052s you know how lightning kind of interacts
1054s with surfaces from a sticky surface
1056s perspective and
1057s um you know just establishing what I
1060s think is a really cool even style guide
1062s and shape language for this electricity
1064s and talk to us a little bit about what
1066s it took to create this
1069s you know I think one of the things that
1071s uh helps set ashes apart from an effects
1074s perspective is that we want rfx to be
1076s dynamically generated we want them to
1078s interact with the world you know we want
1080s them to feel like they are part of the
1082s combat
1083s um so
1084s when we come to wanting to work with
1086s something like lightning we actually
1088s want it to seek out different you know
1090s things in the world and stick to them uh
1092s we want it to feel like you are actually
1094s in control of that lightning not just
1096s plastered on top
1098s um so what we've been working on are
1101s kind of behavior systems where you model
1104s the behavior of the lightning and how it
1106s should work and then you know those
1109s systems get put into our effects and you
1112s get a very consistent repetitive not
1114s repetitive in like its motion but how it
1116s behaves result from it yeah I think I
1121s think it looks great
1122s um I love this ability too and when we
1124s get into combat you guys will see kind
1126s of its use case
1128s I will say this is one of my favorite
1130s spells just to use not only visually but
1133s like
1134s for reasons you'll you'll see later but
1136s like it's a zoning tool it's like a
1137s mobile zoning tool it's great for
1139s applying status effects because it's
1141s hitting very rapidly there's lots of
1142s different ways you can use this thing to
1144s your advantage
1146s I'm sorry this one was so much fun to
1147s make
1149s people aren't supposed to be using I
1151s have cooldowns I'm sorry I set my
1152s cooldowns to zero so I'm launching like
1154s a whole bunch of them
1155s um but I just really love the effects
1158s I think it's so cool this is fun to
1161s figure out how to get it to stick to the
1163s floor and make it actually kind of walk
1164s along you know oh yeah absolutely now we
1167s also have
1169s um a little bit on the frost side
1172s let's talk about this ability and this
1175s one is uh a blizzard explain a little
1180s bit about uh blizzard Keenan
1184s um lizard is a very complicated spell I
1188s have thought a lot about blizzard
1190s um it rains projectiles down that deal
1193s damage but also does a fairly frequent
1196s burst that applies chilled Stacks
1198s um
1199s it also has a little bit of Mobility
1201s into it which is something we talked
1203s about quite a bit we felt that it was
1205s important to maintain some control over
1208s this ability even though it's very
1209s powerful just to give players that
1211s maximal sense of agency as they are
1214s um destroying the battlefield oh yeah I
1217s mean I I love the visuals here as well
1220s John the the decals on the ground with
1223s the Frost and the impacting ice shards
1226s now is this in a is this
1229s talk to me a little bit about kind of
1230s how you create from a visual effects
1232s perspective
1233s um these individual elements and and
1235s their reusability
1237s uh you know one of the things that's
1239s really good about working here is that
1241s we are involved very early on and we can
1244s look at the things that are going to be
1245s challenging from you know what design
1247s and the engineering team want to build
1249s from an effects perspective and then
1252s inform them on those things and when we
1254s want really cool Frost zones all over
1257s very uneven terrain that you know they
1259s build out like cool displacements in the
1262s ground
1263s that's there's not a button for that you
1266s know we have to go and work really
1267s closely with tech art and figure that
1270s stuff out and then how do you make sure
1272s that the particle systems can drive
1273s those decals and they can be animated
1276s um so you know being part of that
1278s process very early on working with the
1281s concept team to identify what the
1283s challenges are going to be and then
1284s really being able to communicate with
1286s those teams about how to accomplish it
1288s before it hits our desk is really
1291s powerful
1293s absolutely I remember when I showed you
1295s or when you showed me your first
1296s iteration John and I was like how does
1297s it look when you move and you were like
1299s what
1301s yep that is definitely one of the things
1303s that you are so very good at Keenan if
1307s you take like whatever system we have
1309s designed and you find the one thing
1311s almost immediately that we didn't
1313s account for and I appreciate you for
1315s that because once we fix it it looks so
1317s good
1318s absolutely you know it is it is a very
1321s difficult process kind of you know
1323s creating these abilities in a way that
1326s you know obviously answers a call from a
1328s design perspective in the kits that we
1330s want to create the interconnectivity
1331s between those kits
1332s um but also establish what players want
1336s to see out of the class fantasy and the
1338s Mage is a very near and dear to many
1339s people's hearts uh I know it is to mine
1342s as well and there's just so much space
1345s here to create strong visual languages
1348s around the different types of magics and
1350s elements that are utilized you know it's
1352s a very uh
1353s strong part of the ashes of creation
1357s class kits so we have another ability
1359s called cone of cold talk to me a little
1362s bit Chad about cone of cold
1365s yep ice spells have a tendency to be
1368s complicated this is another one um so
1370s this is a cone spell I mean it's pretty
1372s simple in that regard like you hit Area
1374s enemies in front of you you apply uh
1376s what is a one of our Elemental status
1378s effects called chilled does as you would
1380s probably expect it slows the Target and
1382s it can stack for an increasing amount of
1384s slow per
1385s um sack you put on them but if you might
1388s notice you might notice that there are
1390s some little crystals that it leaves on
1392s the ground there and each one of those
1393s is a proximity ice mine that if someone
1396s steps on it will explode and apply
1398s additional stacks and damage so it's
1401s really good at creating area denial
1403s between your opponent and yourself and
1406s if you force them through it then you
1408s can count on being able to escalate your
1410s stat specs a little quicker now I've
1413s aggroed this monster you guys will
1415s notice that it's not passing towards me
1417s but that's because I want to show off
1419s some additional
1421s abilities
1423s excuse me that require require a
1426s Target
1427s so lightning strike talk to me about
1430s what lightning strike does
1433s sure uh this one's a little more
1436s straightforward it's kind of one of your
1438s bread and butter single Target abilities
1441s um you can charge it for varying degrees
1443s of efficacy so you can either release it
1446s really soon to apply Stacks quickly of
1448s the electrified status effect in the
1452s lightning category or you can charge it
1453s up longer and do more damage
1456s um
1457s so as you I'll get I guess I'll take
1459s this opportunity to talk a little bit
1461s about what you might be noticing on the
1462s icons on these enemies but once you
1465s build 10 stacks of electric electrified
1468s on the target you'll notice that they'll
1471s get another icon on them and that is the
1473s shocked status effect and what that
1475s means is that when you hit them with
1477s damage once that thing is applied it
1480s will consume electrified Stacks with
1483s each hit you do to them while that's
1485s active to do or proc additional damage
1488s so I'll show that here
1490s you can see that electrified gets
1493s applied
1496s but one thing also that
1498s is interesting is this Elemental
1500s empowerment talk to me a little bit
1502s about Elemental empowerment
1505s yep so you might be wondering well how
1507s am I going to get all the way to the
1508s number of status effects I need if my
1510s abilities are on cooldown and you know I
1512s need 10 of them to get there well the
1515s wand combo is or well your weapon combo
1517s in gym in General on the Mage is very
1519s good at doing so because it will take
1522s the elements of the last spell you cast
1524s and for about a five second period or so
1527s apply that element in satisfact
1529s applications to the enemy as you're
1531s attacking them so you might see that
1533s happening here so let's show off a
1536s little bit of that
1538s um of that interaction after I kill this
1541s guy real quick
1544s um and the next one and how promotions
1547s work on those types of status conditions
1549s so what's a good promotion effect that I
1552s can do between electricity and frost
1553s right now
1555s usually I like to stick with frost first
1558s so I'll open with do we want to show
1560s Frost Bowl
1561s so this is a single Target projectile
1564s attack that applies to stacks of chill
1566s to the enemy and then after that hit him
1568s with a few Wanda attacks
1570s now you'll see that you've gotten a
1573s frozen status effect on him and then he
1576s timed that really well right there but
1577s like in that very last frame you'll see
1579s that he hit him with a light a lightning
1581s effect which triggers the shattus uh
1583s it's not even a condition it's just a
1585s reaction
1587s um and that just triggers a bunch of
1588s damage so that's a good way to get your
1591s burst damage if you're rotating your
1593s spells and your elements the correct way
1596s yeah that's super cool
1599s very cool yeah that particular
1602s interaction is by far my favorite thing
1603s about this mage
1606s yeah I like the uh the you know the
1608s ability for for a spell Caster or just
1611s any player with their archetype
1614s um having the option to kind of weave in
1616s between those rotations and those spells
1619s um and to create successful combinations
1623s within their kit that you amplify uh the
1627s DPS or the status conditions or the
1630s control effects or you know whatever it
1632s is your is your end goal
1635s um having a
1637s a rotation that emphasizes your ability
1641s to succeed or fail in those combos I
1644s think is is compelling from a gameplay
1646s perspective
1648s yeah I agree and like they really are
1650s intended to be rotational drivers and
1652s and help you and get introduced to a kid
1655s that you know might otherwise feel like
1657s just a disparate set of spells that
1660s don't really belong together
1661s um this is how just one way that we're
1663s really making them feel connected and
1666s it's not the only way you'll see some
1667s other synergies that are a little bit
1668s more organic with a few of these other
1671s spells that we have yet to get to but
1673s um that's kind of the Crux of how we're
1676s getting those rotational elements down
1681s I know yeah I timed it uh so that it
1684s would
1685s it would essentially hit the uh hit the
1687s target while the frost application
1690s applied
1691s um I used another ability called chain
1693s lightning talk to me about chain
1695s lighting
1698s uh yeah that's
1700s it's pretty similar to lightning strike
1702s except it's more of an AOE roll that
1704s it's filling so you won't see it here
1706s because you're only attacking one target
1708s but if there were multiple targets you
1710s would see
1712s um lightning Branch off from the main
1713s target that you have
1715s um to nearby additional targets so it's
1717s really good at applying its status
1719s effect in a more AOE scenario which we
1721s will also show you soon let me see if I
1723s can sorry I spawned a few more targets
1726s just to demonstrate that let me sleep
1728s them all talk to me a little bit about
1729s sleep
1731s uh yeah so this is an AOE CC that breaks
1733s on damage it's great for like creating
1736s space and setting up a window but you
1738s can't just like DPS them down while
1741s they're sitting there a week so it's
1743s kind of uh it's a trade-off it's very
1745s good
1746s um especially if you're in a more
1747s organized group that knows to hold off
1750s and like you know kind of control the
1752s battlefield without just throwing damage
1754s everywhere
1759s yeah that that is super cool but now
1762s John talk to me a little bit about
1766s um the ability for this lightning to
1769s kind of connect with these different
1772s points of collision
1774s so
1775s first
1777s working with this combat team so early
1779s makes things like the idea that they
1782s want to be super Twitchy and you know
1785s rotate the player while they're casting
1786s it very obvious from the start as a you
1791s know a huge challenge so
1793s um
1794s when we go about designing these systems
1797s we're looking for not only does it look
1800s good but is it performant and
1803s you know
1804s building out the systems that can look
1806s for all of the players the ground
1809s um Collision objects like trees or rocks
1812s and not only like Collide them but avoid
1815s them
1817s um it's just
1819s super satisfying
1821s yeah I totally agree and that's one of
1824s the cool things you know you were
1825s talking about like looking for that
1827s collision and and one thing I want to
1830s demonstrate on that comment is let me
1832s see if I can find a good spot
1834s to Showcase that here hold on one second
1837s let me just spawn a little dude maybe
1839s right here ish and then oh actually no
1844s wait we got a friend we got a friend
1846s let's use him
1847s asleep right there
1851s there okay and then let me get behind
1853s this rock oops sorry guys
1857s out launch
1859s round this area here
1864s oh that looked so good did you guys see
1866s that Arc that was so cool all hacks and
1870s you can rotate while you're casting it's
1872s so we wanted to really pay attention to
1875s that player agency that's been so
1877s important for the combat team you know
1879s if if you're able to move and rotate and
1882s get out of the way and your effects
1884s suddenly disconnect from you or don't
1886s feel like you're in control of them
1887s anymore that just it doesn't look right
1889s and we really want it to look and feel
1891s interactive and fun you know we don't
1893s want you to turn the effects off we want
1894s you to enjoy it
1896s um I'm definitely not used to seeing
1898s such like grounded lightning in games
1902s and in those especially I am a mage
1905s player and bad lightning angers me so it
1909s was just not allowed like we had to do
1911s better and
1914s it's still very much a work in progress
1916s but we are definitely on the right path
1918s and it's performant and you know I think
1922s another aspect of this that's really
1923s cool is
1925s you're looking at it as Lightning right
1927s now but the same system that does
1930s lightning does the ice crystals does
1933s the airstrike Roots there's all kinds of
1936s different behaviors that these very
1938s performance systems can handle
1940s absolutely all right next up we have
1944s Arcane balling what is Arcane volley
1948s uh this is a single Target Arcane spell
1950s unlike the other ones we've shown you
1952s this doesn't have any particular element
1954s associated with it and it might look a
1958s little underwhelming at first but you
1960s can use this pretty quickly it's on a
1962s two charge cooldown and there is a
1964s particular Synergy that we all like to
1966s use with it if you haven't figured it
1968s out it's how it synergizes with the
1971s shocked status effect the shocked status
1974s basically says the with each hit it
1977s triggers additional damage and Arcane
1980s volley is a perfect candidate for that
1982s synergy
1983s you know I am let me just make sure this
1986s guy's wings are good to go
1988s I Chad I would love for you and I'd
1991s perhaps swap places here and for you to
1993s walk us through some of these more
1994s elaborate combinations one thing that is
1998s really cool guys
1999s uh I don't know it was about a year ago
2001s or so we showed off
2003s this particular uh Thunderbolt uh
2006s lighting
2008s Mount and we put a little bit more work
2010s Jason's been putting a little bit more
2011s work into the Glide mechanic and let's
2015s see if I can set myself up I want to fly
2018s you over to a little location
2020s um uh Trad where you can
2023s can demonstrate some of these combos so
2025s I think there's a plateau that's kind of
2027s near here let's see if we can do this oh
2029s God
2030s and we're doing it okay so this is this
2032s is kind of the gliding distance
2034s that you can develop a little bit with
2037s these gliding mounts so there's some
2039s some good amount of distance traveled I
2041s think oh my God I pulled over too many
2043s troops hold on hold on
2045s wait wait let me fly back out reset set
2052s all right
2055s we're good let's just walk over actually
2060s fly to a little safer spot burner
2066s there we go
2068s oh Andy's t-posing don't mind him he's
2072s good
2073s just tell him to go away
2076s up and we got another one
2078s and he died
2085s all right Brad let me just uh let me
2088s hold on my God I hope I don't die
2092s all right get ready we're gonna swap
2093s over here why are there so many creeps
2094s on this hill
2097s oh no I'm sorry guys oh my gosh give me
2100s one second let me just see if I can
2102s reset them okay there we go we're good
2104s we're good we're good we're good
2108s they reset
2110s hey reset
2111s nope they're trying to path to me
2113s they're very angry
2115s very angry
2118s oh
2120s I want they leash
2122s they have a super long leech radius
2124s okay Trad let us lets you and I swap
2128s what do you think you want to swap
2130s and we'll do this over here yeah good
2132s luck yeah that's here yes
2135s all right big AOE pull all right we're
2137s gonna swap
2139s give me one second
2142s and we are now swapped or we're swapping
2145s sorry Trad come on over
2149s and show us some of the Magic in the
2151s combos
2156s [Music]
2158s foreign
2177s all right so first I'm gonna thin out
2179s this encounter a little bit I'm gonna
2182s demonstrate one of the more singles I
2184s just want you to know Chad real quick
2185s that prior to you thinning out the herd
2188s there
2189s that if it wasn't for my training all of
2191s those creeps you would not have had this
2192s a spectacular opportunity to just
2195s showcase the sheer AOE potential in this
2197s case oh I see I see we're skipping
2199s straight to that then all right and he
2201s can do it without the cooldowns too no
2203s pressure whatsoever all right no let's
2204s back down yeah you can do it oh yeah
2208s yeah
2210s all right doing it live
2213s um let's see first
2214s so walk us through kind of what you're
2216s gonna use
2218s so because this is going to be more of
2220s an AOE combo
2222s um I would say one of the better
2223s rotations for this is almost one of the
2226s more battle mage-like rotations so that
2228s this is going to be something you could
2229s almost expect from like maybe age
2232s fighter or something like that you know
2234s I'm gonna equip the great blade so this
2237s is just to show that you know Mages use
2239s non-conventional weapons in ashes of
2242s creation
2243s we're going to show that off soon
2244s especially with what we showed you
2246s earlier the elemental empowerment build
2248s this will actually apply to all things
2250s that you hit in your cleaving radius
2252s with the great sword
2253s so here we go
2273s no trap
2276s oh God
2277s I canceled my blizzard I canceled my
2281s blizzard I was a rip oh that's so good
2284s too many mobs dude yeah we're good we're
2287s good maybe they'll reset Matt now you're
2290s reset you're good
2292s okay guys I just had to set Trad up to
2295s die like that I apologize
2298s I just wanted to just showcase that the
2300s Mage is not a literal God like in many
2302s games that if you over pull and you bite
2306s off more than you can chew you're still
2308s gonna die
2310s I love it
2312s we can't ever get at the first try right
2313s that would be a boring game no that
2315s would be very boring there's there's a
2317s there's a little bit of a you know a
2319s little bit of a difficulty challenge
2322s here
2326s oh you almost made it back this is nice
2328s not bad
2330s kind of like a little puzzle to get back
2331s in here he did it pretty quick too I get
2333s lost yeah
2336s all right let's see if we can get a
2338s little bit of a better set up here
2340s all right I'm gonna shelf the AOE one
2342s and go to the Singletary one then we'll
2344s we'll do the Aon all right once again
2346s after that
2347s all right
2348s all right so this is a little easier one
2350s here we go
2355s you're gonna need your wand
2364s okay yeah some big deeps there
2367s and that's because of the shattered
2376s slept the next one nice
2382s I love that ball
2395s now you're making quick work of these
2396s Chad not bad
2398s yup so that's that's the single Target
2400s rotation I like at least with this kit
2402s once you start introducing some of these
2403s other elements in here that we're not
2405s going to show you this time but you'll
2407s get to see them eventually it really
2408s opens like a whole realm of
2410s possibilities actually we could even try
2413s it on this one this guy's got a lot of
2415s Health
2416s this guy takes a few rotations to bring
2418s down yeah I haven't really practiced on
2420s this one let's see how it goes and now
2422s Keenan talk to us a little bit about
2424s kind of the process that goes into
2426s creating these you know class kits for
2430s Alpha two your Strike team has been hard
2433s at work and kind of developing phase one
2436s and phase two of these what exactly goes
2438s into those phases
2440s well
2441s um it's this pretty much a three-phase
2444s process phase one is very open-ended to
2446s be pretty much try everything under the
2448s sun and we put it together in every way
2450s we can imagine and we try to figure out
2451s what we like and don't like and iterate
2453s fast I think we usually do playables
2456s like twice a week when we're in that
2457s phase
2459s uh what you guys are seeing here is
2460s actually abilities that are in the
2463s process of passing phase two so they are
2465s approaching
2467s um levels where we are happy with how
2469s they play happy with how they look and
2472s um some details may change over time but
2474s generally speaking this is
2476s uh what we're going for and from here it
2478s would mostly just be like like polish
2480s and um
2482s assets and uh just getting like external
2486s feedback and stuff like that
2488s very nice Chad I liked your use of
2490s Slumber there you're in a precarious
2493s spot
2496s oh God
2497s oh my God Chad I am literally on the
2500s edge of my seat just watching this
2502s hoping you don't turn into ash oh God
2506s crap
2508s oh my gosh that was crazy butt shell I
2512s wanted to make it look close you know
2513s it's good for you uh-huh yeah yep me too
2517s that's when I die it's because it's you
2519s know yeah I mean it's dramatic effect
2521s yeah it's a great totally
2524s all right should we set our health back
2525s up or do we have to wait for region here
2529s you can uh you can negative nuke
2531s yourself dude the aggro range on these
2533s things I see why you Agger everything's
2534s soft you see what I mean this is what
2537s I'm having to deal with right now
2544s that's well done you see this audience
2546s utilize elements of the terrain to
2549s obstruct the pathing from the monster
2551s wow
2553s uh we're we have yet to stand up the
2556s right pathing
2557s deal with that
2560s oh it's so good
2564s this guy's a little boy though he's not
2566s too bad
2572s this is just more of like the single
2574s rotation kit
2575s yeah and you do not have to build
2579s your mage
2580s down this Elemental path right that's
2583s one of the the
2584s design elements of this kit is that
2587s there are a lot of different paths that
2590s you're able to take the Mage down not
2592s just the lightning and ice path or
2594s Elementals talk to us a little bit about
2595s kind of the composition of abilities
2597s that are intended between utility
2599s defensive Gap closers and Mobility DPS
2603s oriented ones
2605s yeah I mean that's kind of what we've
2607s been demonstrating a little bit with
2608s some of these other ones uh like this
2610s show has definitely saved me more than a
2612s few times
2614s um Slumber as well like a lot of
2617s defensive utility goes into the Mage
2619s being able to sustain themselves you
2621s know when they're having situations like
2623s this where you know detected by mobs and
2626s they weren't quite prepared for it and
2628s um I think that's really what rounds out
2630s the kit for classes like this it's not
2633s all about just dishing out DPS all the
2636s time it's all it's really it really
2637s comes down to those like situational
2638s things and
2640s using those things intelligently to come
2643s out on top and I see if we can get an
2646s AOE encounter here by the way if you
2648s wanna if you want to turn around Trad
2650s you're able to um you can do like one
2652s two and three just kind of in the middle
2654s just face directly into that dirt area
2656s there and just numb numb pad123 and
2658s it'll spawn
2660s just right in front of you
2662s and just turn slightly yeah there you go
2663s perfect all right classic AOE encounter
2665s here let's go
2667s and guys just to give you context here
2669s as trad's doing this again we were
2671s taking a little bit of a direction here
2672s with this showcase we wanted to kind of
2674s give you just how we do things from a
2677s combat Arena perspective and development
2679s perspective and how we iterate as Keenan
2681s was talking about you know the multiple
2683s iterations that occur during phase one
2684s development uh twice a week almost with
2687s that Strike team and they use Arenas
2690s that are a little bit lower weight than
2691s the uh than Vera than the ashes of
2694s creation world and that's kind of the
2696s combat Arena that has things like
2697s dummies and you know just a a lot of
2700s different design oriented test subjects
2704s that are helpful one of those is just
2705s spawning monsters as you need it
2708s yeah one of our guiding series is that
2710s the more iterations we can execute on
2713s the better the game will be so we're all
2715s about minimizing that time to iteration
2717s yeah that's something that's also really
2719s important for us
2721s um when you guys are iterating so
2723s quickly you know we want to make sure
2724s that the systems that are using that
2727s animation to really drive the effects
2729s don't break every four days because you
2732s guys decided to change it up we really
2735s want to only address changes for you
2738s know major differences in how the
2740s ability functions so these systems are
2742s pretty robust yeah and I noticed their
2745s Trad when you were swinging with your
2747s your Greatsword you had that Elemental
2750s is it Elemental empowerment Elemental
2752s empowerment yeah that's kind of what I
2753s was alluding to earlier like it's not
2756s just the wand that interacts with these
2759s different abilities different weapons
2762s have different synergies with glass
2764s abilities which just introduces that
2767s extra level of depth right it's like you
2769s know how can I maximize the effect of
2772s this and you know it's like I'm trading
2774s in this case my my ranged potential for
2777s the ability to apply these status
2778s effects in a more AOE regard which makes
2782s the Greatsword a lot better for dealing
2784s uh with Pax than the wand and you know
2787s sometimes you'll even be able to use
2789s either one based on the situation right
2790s will allow players to swap their weapons
2793s based on
2795s um you know what they are coming up
2796s against and it creates a lot of answers
2798s to different situations if you have the
2800s tools for it
2801s absolutely yeah just to be clear the
2803s Greatsword was dealing so much damage
2805s there because they were shocked exactly
2807s yeah it's good it's a good AOE weapon
2810s but by itself it's not it's not that
2812s good it was really the shock that was
2814s making it deal so much damage yeah
2817s well oh I think you got another little
2819s friend there he'd probably put uh press
2822s four a couple times you want to grab a
2823s couple more of those
2825s I think we'll just put him to sleep good
2828s call
2829s um
2831s well guys as always you know this is a
2835s continued work in progress Alpha 2 as
2837s you know is a big test period for us a
2840s lot of the archetypes are going to be
2842s online to a significant level with a
2844s significant amount of abilities that are
2846s going to be available to kind of test
2848s and as part of our monthly showcases
2851s where we show you development and
2852s progress this is our opportunity to
2855s collect feedback on what you guys have
2856s seen Keenan do you have some questions
2858s that are most relevant for your teams uh
2862s with regards to the iteration and
2863s development of this combat that you'd
2865s like to posit to the community
2868s yeah I would say there's there's three
2870s major things that I'm interested in
2871s gathering feedback on and the first one
2875s stems from player agency which is one of
2877s the things that we prioritize the most
2879s and so with in in the context of this
2882s kit what that looks like is how people
2885s feel about the amount of Mobility that
2886s it has during spells people may have
2888s noticed that the cleric was walking out
2890s of its spells and canceling them but
2891s this page can actually continue to cast
2893s they just have a slower movement speed
2895s how do people feel about that how does
2896s it look
2898s um the second thing I'm interested in is
2902s um
2902s how
2904s the transition between spells is coming
2907s across does it look good does it look
2909s clunky how do people feel about that
2911s and then finally the complexity of the
2914s kit are people pretty happy with these
2916s Elemental interactions and how they uh
2918s how they would think about them during
2920s combat or are they interested in
2921s something more complicated or less
2924s complicated
2926s awesome and guys as always remember this
2930s is a work in progress there is still
2932s iteration necessary there's a lot of
2934s artwork that's still outstanding and
2936s requires second third fourth passes and
2938s polish but we are showing you you know
2941s everything as it is in development
2943s because we find that it's a very
2944s important interaction with the community
2946s to collect this type of feedback and get
2947s your guys's thoughts on the direction
2950s that we're taking because at the end of
2952s the day when we launch ashes of creation
2954s we want to make sure that we've had as
2955s much touch point with the community as
2957s possible so people don't go what game is
2959s this
2960s but with that being said John tradd
2964s Keenan I want to thank all three of you
2966s for joining me today and showcasing the
2968s hard work that you and the rest of the
2969s team have been putting towards
2971s developing this Mage and the other
2972s archetypes I know I speak for the
2974s community when I say thank you you guys
2976s are doing an awesome job very excited to
2979s see this played by by players in Alpha
2981s two and with that being said we will see
2985s you all back on stream
2988s bye guys
2992s [Music]
2998s welcome back
3001s um we'll play the video in the
3002s background it seems like most people
3004s enjoyed the Showcase
3008s oh you're muted for me
3011s I don't hear you
3015s whoops my bad you're okay okay I'm good
3019s now yeah
3020s um yeah it looks like everyone enjoyed
3022s that so you know just to give you guys
3024s again uh further context there this was
3027s just showcasing uh the lightning and Ice
3029s interactions on the abilities as you
3032s guys know that there there is a pipeline
3035s behind ability creation uh there's still
3037s outstanding artwork on the visual
3039s effects side for the fire and Earth
3041s spells that we're kind of working on
3043s um we talked a little bit about in that
3045s showcase kind of our phases of
3046s development uh for our different
3048s archetype classes
3050s and there are phase one phase two phase
3052s three uh and these were ready to kind of
3055s showcase and we wanted to get your
3057s guys's feedback on that so look forward
3059s to disappointed in the fire Stephen
3060s thanks guys
3063s in the future stay tuned absolutely we
3067s don't want to show everything too by the
3068s way we want we want people to experience
3070s and play this as well so we do have
3073s quite a few questions so I'm going to
3074s try to power through some of these yeah
3076s um one of the things was can we swap
3078s weapons in the middle of combat we saw
3080s that uh tried doing that with the great
3081s sword or great Blade versus
3083s um the wand but yeah we've talked a
3085s little bit in the past and this was
3086s President Alpha One as well for those of
3088s you who played and those of you who
3089s watch
3090s um you may not swap armor when you're in
3093s combat but you may swap your weapons
3096s um and you know there's obviously a few
3098s reasons of why this can be important
3101s um we're a itemization agnostic class uh
3105s design so players kind of equip with
3109s items that there are most necessary
3110s based on the adversary or the challenge
3113s that they're facing
3114s um and so we want that to be available
3117s for players to kind of swap with weapons
3119s all right and then there's a question
3121s regarding ball lightning does this
3123s charge what what's it like when it's not
3125s charged up versus charging it all the
3127s way up
3129s um so ball lightning you cannot charge
3132s up it's the arc lightning that you can
3135s charge up and um and that charge up is
3138s essentially uh additional time that's
3140s spent as a risk in exchange for
3143s additional DPS when the execution occurs
3146s all right
3148s um and then there are folks wondering is
3150s there an underlying system for the
3151s skills and combat from the UE gameplay
3153s ability system or is this a proprietary
3156s solution that we've created
3158s yeah this is a this is our our custom
3161s ability system uh that's been created at
3164s Intrepid Adam and Keenan and Mike have
3168s had a significant hand in creating that
3171s um you know there is functionality that
3173s we need to occur in our ability system
3175s that's not capable of being done through
3177s what's natively available through Unreal
3179s Engine and so as a result many of our
3181s systems that we utilize in ashes of
3183s Creations
3184s are made custom in-house in order to
3187s better facilitate our needs
3189s and then folks were wondering about
3191s foliage as it seems like it could hide
3194s your character from your own camera can
3196s you uh can it do something like turn
3199s transparent to you so you could lose
3201s your own character yeah don't lose
3202s yourself in the grass absolutely those
3204s are those are kind of um uh literal
3208s higher Fidelity types of polish that we
3210s get around to when we're out of guts of
3214s building you know core systems and
3216s abilities and archetypes so you know
3219s part of watching our game in development
3222s is understanding that a lot of the
3224s quality of life or or polish oriented
3227s features that you would typically see in
3229s a launched game are not yet worked on
3231s from our perspective we're very much
3233s still on the on the core aspects of our
3236s feature development and um on our
3239s archetype and class designs
3240s and then the next one here and I knew
3243s this was going to come up which is
3244s action versus Tab basic attacks when
3246s using the one how does it work
3248s um and just I guess in general
3250s um this is everyone was saying that this
3253s looks more tab targeted versus like
3254s hybrid so they're wondering
3257s um
3260s it's important to note that when we talk
3263s about ashes of creation's hybrid combat
3267s designs you have abilities that are
3271s skill shot oriented abilities the cone
3273s of cold the blizzard pbaoe the placed
3277s template aoes the directional line
3280s attacks that are not predicated on a
3282s Target and then we also have a mixture
3284s of abilities that require targets we
3287s have two alternate modes of camera
3289s settings we have the action reticle
3291s based camera setting which utilizes a
3294s soft lock featuring mechanic that that
3298s allows the player to utilize their tab
3301s targeted Orient abilities but then also
3303s gives them an additional Fidelity from
3304s an action camera perspective when
3306s they're utilizing a positional based or
3309s directional based template type attacks
3312s as well so our desire has always and
3315s continues to be how we can create a
3318s mixture of tab Target abilities and
3320s skill shot oriented positional
3322s directional based ability usage and make
3325s something cohesive in that design and I
3327s think that what we're achieving with
3330s that regard may not fully you know feel
3333s action oriented may not feel like an
3334s action or any game but we've always
3336s intended to be more uh hybrid oriented
3339s leaning towards tab Target so you're
3342s going to see a mixture of abilities that
3343s require the targets and that don't and
3345s then you're going to have an option as
3346s the player's perspective to utilize an
3348s actual cam action camera mode which
3351s which utilizes a soft target lock
3353s feature and our reticle
3356s all right
3357s and then folks are wondering can I and
3359s then real quick sorry just to touch on
3361s the basic attack comment there so when
3364s you have your weapon and you utilize a
3366s basic attack you can blind fire that
3369s weapon if it has a projectile associated
3370s with it without having to have a Target
3372s in addition if your reticle in action
3375s camera mode is over a Target you will
3377s have a soft target lock and projectiles
3380s will home to that Target if within the
3383s right angle of Direction just to answer
3384s specifically the question about basic
3387s attacks
3388s yeah and to verify like or to clarify
3391s um when he's talking about a like ground
3393s Target AOE is being like
3395s um like skill shots a lot of them are I
3397s don't know if you've played a lot of
3399s people played a variety of games but a
3400s lot of the times you can play something
3401s and then it goes in that spot so you
3403s have to there are abilities that are
3405s like that where you have to place them
3406s and creatures move then you know so
3408s there is some skill element to it
3410s absolutely like you know having to fire
3412s at the right target but it's trying to
3414s predict where the targets are going to
3415s be to some extent yeah if they're not
3418s moving that makes it easy I suppose so
3420s you have to pick the order in which
3421s you're putting them in
3423s um and then the follow-up question to
3424s this is um can I be a fire Mage only or
3427s a frost Mage only or a lightning Mage
3429s only or will I always have to have some
3432s combination of these elements So within
3435s the elements themselves there are combos
3438s that can be leveraged for example you
3440s were seeing there in the ice bolt and
3442s the example of the elemental empowerment
3444s on the wand ability when the elemental
3446s empowerment assume for your wand attacks
3449s the last used element for a number of
3451s seconds after that spell was used so in
3454s this example I use a a frost bolt which
3458s is an ice element and that applies
3461s stacks of chill to the Target right and
3463s now chill has the ability when
3465s additional stacks of Chill from another
3466s source are applied to uh promote into a
3471s frozen State and when a target's Frozen
3474s They're susceptible to the shattered
3476s effect and shattered effect can be
3479s utilized against a frozen Target by an
3481s electrical attack so you saw you saw
3485s there
3487s excuse me you saw there that I ice
3490s bolted to apply stacks of chill I Then
3492s followed up with my Elemental empowered
3494s one attacks that added additional chill
3497s Stacks which created the Frozen
3498s condition on the target they couldn't
3500s move and then before that Frozen
3502s conditions subsided I used my arc
3505s lightning in order to cause the
3507s shattered effect
3508s um so you know there are abilities and
3512s ways by which in within a particular
3514s element you you can create those
3517s promotions
3518s um but you know obviously when building
3519s your class kit you want to take into
3521s consideration what type of intricate
3524s connections am I creating with my Combos
3527s and then in addition how does that
3529s interact with groups that I'm going to
3530s interface with and other classes and
3533s archetypes that play off of the keyword
3535s interactions from my abilities as well
3537s because remember ashes of creation is a
3540s group Centric group focused game which
3543s means that when you take into account
3544s all of these different types of tier
3546s status conditions you need to take them
3548s with the uh with the grain of salt that
3550s it has to interact with the party you're
3552s accustomed to playing with and so
3554s there's some Synergy that needs to be
3555s kind of planned out there
3558s the twitch server is having problems
3562s I just did a speed test and on my end
3564s I'm getting 20 up but I think on the
3566s twitch that server side there's some
3568s weird stuff going up on oh no um so
3570s there might have been a little bit of
3571s weirdness going on with the live stream
3573s Zone we apologize for that everybody but
3576s the video will have the the Deeds that
3580s Steven mentioned if you want to re-watch
3582s that
3583s um and then the next question here is
3585s how will line of sight work with
3587s abilities in PvP it's clean it's cleared
3590s up now Stephen okay got it sorry I was
3592s just checking
3594s how well sorry what was that last
3595s question how a line of sight work with
3597s PVP of delays so um one of one of the
3602s things we're looking into and you saw a
3603s little bit of this with the visual
3604s effects Tech that was used around chain
3607s of uh chain lightning
3609s um is the ability to have projectiles
3612s path around corners
3614s um and the reason for that and the
3616s reason why I think that's interesting
3617s and we're going to explore that is that
3619s some abilities might have indirect fire
3622s so if you have uh let's say a Archer or
3626s Ranger who has the ability to select a
3630s mage as their secondary class and they
3632s might want to augment a snipe ability uh
3635s in order to you know go around a corner
3637s like an Arcane Archer might have right
3640s um those those interesting types of
3642s interactions I think play with the uh
3646s the problem statement that sometimes
3648s we've had in gaming and combat where you
3650s can play around a corner and try to
3652s block line of sight and play with that
3654s line upside well some abilities might
3656s not care about that line of sight they
3659s might care the distance to the Target
3661s around the corner or the path that it's
3663s taking and if it's outside that path is
3665s too long it might not be able to reach
3667s them of course but if you're playing
3668s kitty corner with the uh with the player
3671s that who's on the opposite end of you
3673s you might need to look out for some
3675s abilities that are able to path to you
3677s that I think is something that's
3679s interesting and and I haven't seen used
3681s very much in the in in in general combat
3685s Mechanics for MMOs
3688s back to the previous question to more
3690s clarify in regards to like if I want to
3693s only be a fire Mage could I only be a
3695s fire Mage we get that there's Combos and
3697s things like yes yeah if you wanted to
3698s only so let me ask that if you wanted to
3701s only focus on one particular element
3703s this might reduce your horizontal
3706s application in the design of combat
3709s however within one element there are
3712s plenty of options and synergies and
3714s combos that will still make you relevant
3718s all right cool just clarifying
3721s um and then at higher levels how much
3724s will Mana management matter to Mage
3726s players we didn't see a lot of that
3727s happening here yeah yeah over here I
3729s know that we're not at the balance level
3731s of right in regards to Mana but yeah for
3734s folks who are curious
3736s um what is the Mana management going to
3738s look like for mage players well meta
3740s management I think
3741s um not just for mage players but for
3745s really every class is a relevant
3747s resource mechanic that they have to take
3749s into consideration when they're
3751s utilizing their rotations and there are
3754s going to be abilities that will you know
3756s sap your Mana faster than others and
3759s they're going they're going to be
3761s situational
3763s now
3765s um with that blanket statement of Mana
3767s is always relevant uh there is also
3770s going to be mechanics and or class
3772s energies and abilities that you can spec
3774s into to help mitigate that there's
3776s itemization that you can utilize from a
3780s set bonus perspective or certain types
3782s of weapons and tattoos that you can
3784s acquire
3786s um there are certain enchantments that
3787s you can acquire that might reduce the
3789s cost of Mana use that might increase
3791s your amount of regeneration that might
3793s increase your manitotal pool you know
3795s there are even specs that you can build
3797s towards if mana mana management is your
3802s Mana management nice is your um is your
3805s issue right
3806s um so we want to make it a compelling
3808s case that you need to think about Mana
3811s use because
3812s um you know you don't just want to go
3814s 100 all the time with no you know
3816s downside to that that's a very boring
3819s type of interaction
3821s all right and then we know we have a lot
3823s of new folks and we've answered this
3824s question before but in large scale PVP
3827s situations with a lot of players how are
3830s we going to handle particle effects and
3832s spell effects so that they're not
3834s overwhelming for people yeah I think um
3837s you know a lot of commentary I saw in
3838s the twitch chat around these particular
3841s effects that you're seeing today
3843s is a good example of how in the past
3846s especially during Alpha One we talked
3849s about first passes and how art is always
3851s improving and our art is always moving
3853s forward here is an example where you s
3856s where now you see some of these
3858s abilities are bit dialed back and
3860s they're now within kind of the scope of
3863s what we would consider not to in your
3865s face and more amenable to massive types
3869s of PVP situations or large amounts of
3872s players but in addition we'll have uh
3874s certain features from a scalability
3876s setting standpoint that will allow
3878s players to even further tone down both
3881s the Bloom and brightness of these types
3883s of effects has also in addition some of
3886s the elements and channels of those
3887s effects as well
3889s um but I think you guys will agree with
3890s me here that you know effects now are
3893s are as opposed to where they were in
3895s alpha one we've taken into account what
3897s people's feedback were although it was
3899s always the case we were going to address
3900s them and we've implemented them in such
3902s a way where they're more conducive to
3903s large player battles
3906s um you know we'll be testing sieges and
3907s stuff so we'll we'll be keeping an eye
3909s on all of that so don't worry and we'll
3911s take a lot of feedback into play
3914s um and I think one of the questions that
3915s Keenan even asked was like how are you
3917s feeling about the look and the visual
3918s quality of the class as well so we do we
3922s will have a thread up in regards to the
3924s Mage archetype it probably is already
3926s actually up right now
3928s um so definitely come on over to the
3929s Forum and you invite us your feedback
3931s before we move off that subject real
3933s quick I would like to say that visual
3935s effects uh artists are very hard to come
3938s by they're one of the very the one of
3940s the more difficult
3941s um uh talents to acquire within the game
3944s industry and I will say for those of you
3947s who are following our project and who
3949s are excited about ashes of creation to
3950s come to fruition and you really want
3952s those visuals to look strong and good
3954s don't be afraid to become a de facto
3957s recruiter for ashes of creation by going
3960s out there and finding your favorite
3961s types of visual effects you've seen in
3963s games and messaging those people on a
3965s Twitter out of LinkedIn and saying hey
3967s ashes of creation is hiring Intrepid
3969s Studios is hiring for visual effects
3972s artists and we want the top tier visual
3974s effects artists in this industry because
3976s we're building a top tier MMORPG and we
3978s need that Talent so our visual effects
3980s team is growing along with a lot of
3981s teams at Intrepid Studios and you guys
3984s can be part of helping us acquire that
3986s Talent by helping evangelize for uh
3989s ashes of creation out in those
3990s communities yeah and our wonderful
3992s social media manager Peter is constantly
3995s posting those things so I think we we
3997s have something up right now if you want
3999s to go check out our social channels
4000s scroll a little bit you'll find our
4002s promotion for our job applications so
4005s definitely definitely some people our
4007s way we're trying our best to to get the
4010s voices out there but it always does help
4011s whenever there's a little amplification
4013s or if you know people personally that's
4016s always helpful as well oh yeah we're
4018s keeping an eye out I know that there's
4019s been a lot of layoffs which we extend
4022s our hearts oh yes who have had to deal
4024s with that as someone who has been part
4026s of that and survived many layoffs I
4029s think like it is definitely not an easy
4031s thing to go through on either side
4033s whether you survive it or you are let go
4036s um but we are definitely keeping our eye
4037s out for good talent and we appreciate we
4039s see all the messages you guys send us
4041s when you're like hey check out this
4043s person they just got laid off so um we
4045s are reaching out to folks who
4047s um we feel would be good fits for
4048s Intrepid Studios
4051s yeah and with that we'll head on up to
4055s our art update unless you have anything
4056s else you would like to touch base on
4059s Stephen in regards to the Mage no I
4061s don't think so of course as always the
4064s reason we do these demonstrations and
4065s the reasons why we show you our works in
4068s progress is to collect feedback and get
4070s your guys's thoughts on what you saw
4071s today Keenan gave some great examples of
4074s questions and focus areas that we want
4075s you to opine on but um you know feel
4079s free make sure you're jumping on our
4080s forums the Discord social media channels
4083s and Twitter and YouTube and Facebook and
4085s giving us your thoughts on what you saw
4087s today what did you like what did you
4089s think could be better what are examples
4091s from other games and other
4094s um uh
4098s MMOs that you've played that you enjoyed
4100s and and that we could potentially
4101s incorporate yeah we want to hear it I
4103s want to hear your feedback
4106s all right moving on to character goodies
4108s our character artist well our artist in
4110s general are just um awesome uh we've got
4113s some skeleton weapons you know gonna
4115s look a little tarnished but
4118s um you've probably seen some of our
4120s Undead creatures and whatnot and some of
4122s our skellies are ready but they're
4124s working on some more weapons for them so
4127s that you can murder them or they can
4129s murder you whichever way it ends up
4131s going as we saw it can go both ways and
4135s also we've got the Featherstone
4137s Expedition pack
4139s that is now has a 3D model and we have a
4144s little
4147s turntable of that as well
4150s looks great love this and remember guys
4153s um you know on the uh
4155s on the back slot there's a few different
4157s options that you'll have on for the
4159s player in order to Showcase a weapon
4162s um accessory Cape
4164s um this this one's a pretty cool
4166s accessory yeah this is cosmetic a
4169s cosmetic one so it'll go over that whole
4171s slot but there are other ones where you
4173s can swap out like the little pieces and
4175s details which will be really cool
4177s and then we've got the ward of the
4180s implacable
4182s now it has a 3D model as well looking
4185s awesome I know yes didn't necessarily
4188s like the feathers on this one but I
4190s think it looks cool whoa I love the
4193s colors I love the materials I think that
4196s they did a great job with this set and
4198s uh
4199s and the faction in game that this
4201s represents from the NPC perspective I
4203s think is super cool
4205s um yeah this is a this is a great set
4208s it will definitely help us with in-game
4210s stuff and then we've got the godsinger
4213s garb
4218s and we'll wrap things up and move on
4222s with our cows sorry cows I know jensy
4228s did such a good job with the cows and I
4230s told her I was like we need Highland
4231s cows you know those like long cows and
4233s she was like oh
4235s um but she was she was directed I think
4237s is this the cows yeah is this one of the
4239s first kind of farm animal stuffs that
4241s we've seen no I think little ducks but
4244s yeah that's kind of the first of the
4246s like livestock livestock is available
4249s for people to kind of mobilize animal
4251s husbandry with on their freeholds and
4253s whatnot yeah what's funny is it's just a
4255s cow and normally like we are so weird
4257s with our stuff so I'm sure you're gonna
4258s see some weird deformities of cows in
4260s the future don't worry guys
4262s we have some like more bull-esque
4265s looking creatures as well in the past
4267s and then I think I have a turntable of
4269s that yeah here we go
4271s or we need the longhorn ones with the
4273s big long horns
4275s I was tempted
4277s for those of you who are old fans of
4280s um like EverQuest I was tempted to get
4282s catkins to do a little scene with us and
4284s if catkins is watching this right now
4285s he'll know what I'm talking about
4288s um but he we had like a whole cow thing
4291s and you know one of our old companies
4294s that kind of thing yeah I'll have to
4296s send it to you Stephen and you'll be
4297s like I think I saw it okay
4300s it's pretty funny I was like oh we
4302s should have done a little thing but
4304s maybe with future cows and then last
4306s minute uh ginsey was like I finished the
4309s Sheep too I want to show them and so
4313s they're so cool I love their horns
4318s look at the the Sheep
4321s I can't wait to Shear them for some whoa
4326s yeah they probably make some cool
4328s clothes we need some interesting sheep
4332s bold clothes
4334s I was thinking you know part of like the
4337s Freehold slash animal husbandry design
4339s when you've domesticated animals and
4341s you're like processing them for their um
4343s for their materials and whatnot it would
4346s be a really cool idea from a narrative
4347s perspective if occasionally your
4350s property and the things that you've done
4353s on that property have an opportunity to
4356s Spur a random Quest where one of the
4358s sheep breaks out of the pen and you need
4360s to go get the Sheep back and where is
4363s that sheep and what did the Sheep get
4365s into I mean those are great Predators
4367s you know as someone who has grown up
4370s around like farm animals they do Escape
4372s sometimes one of your friends posts will
4375s like rot and like fall over and then
4378s they're like absolutely it's over here
4379s and then they start walking across the
4381s street and then you're like having to
4383s chase them and get them back in it is uh
4385s it is wild times
4389s um but yeah so that is our character art
4391s we're gonna go on to our q a and I oh
4394s actually it's Studio update first so
4396s Stephen if you want to talk a little bit
4397s about
4399s um what's going on on the studio front
4401s yeah absolutely
4403s um you know we are finishing up uh our
4406s Sprint next week and we'll be in our
4407s hardening week prior to our next Sprint
4409s we have had some really successful hires
4412s over the course of uh April um we
4415s brought on a principal animator a lead
4417s uh technical animator
4419s um a couple of visual effects artists uh
4422s some audio programmers and designers
4426s um there's been a big month for hires
4428s um as you guys know and as we've been
4430s posting we're we're stepping up hiring
4432s this year again
4435s um so a lot of success there Stacy
4438s Cameron
4440s um John and Midori have been doing a
4442s great job on the HR side with
4443s facilitating those things
4446s um we had our uh bring your kids to to
4450s work day uh was it yesterday a day
4453s before I think it was yesterday it was
4455s yesterday there's a lot going on
4456s yesterday
4457s but uh that was also happening there's
4460s just a bunch of kids here at the studio
4463s and I saw that there was some really
4464s cool like color books of our characters
4467s that they were coloring in that was
4469s really cool to see those characters made
4471s some of those pieces for them and so
4473s yeah that was awesome
4476s um but yeah things are going really good
4477s at the studio lots of lots of fun stuff
4480s yeah and you know we have a lot of more
4483s things coming up in the future we're
4485s excited about so we can't wait for you
4486s guys to see that and like Steven said we
4488s are hiring so please please send folks
4491s our way we're trying to fill a lot of
4492s roles here so that we can continue
4494s making lots of good progress is the goal
4499s um so that you can have Alpha 2 faster
4500s right we know what you guys want we're
4502s working towards it yes so moving on to q
4505s a I will just play the video again in
4507s the background so you have something
4508s visually compelling whilst we talk we're
4511s not that visually compelling I mean
4514s we're still on the screen I I definitely
4516s I'll speak for myself I'm not that
4517s visually I mean I think people would
4520s prefer to see the Mage over looking at
4522s them
4523s the first question here is from blizz
4525s bub over on our forums and the question
4528s is about Dungeons to ourselves how many
4531s dungeons will a party of adventurers
4533s have to access when they meet up each
4536s evening in other words we will
4537s intentionally or will it be
4539s intentionally rare to find level
4541s appropriate dungeon content that is not
4544s already engaged by others I think the
4546s concern here is more that uh because
4548s there's a lot of contested content will
4551s there be enough content for everybody or
4553s will there be cases where yeah there's
4555s so much contestion that like they can't
4557s I think
4559s so to answer the question to begin with
4562s uh we are purposefully launching
4566s with
4568s probably one of the most uh
4571s aggressive and ambitious
4575s content schedule uh for an MMO at launch
4580s um I think and uh but to the second part
4584s so the answer to that is yes there's
4585s going to be a lot of different
4586s opportunities of content areas that you
4588s can participate in a lot of that's
4589s predicated on how the world gets
4591s developed uh that unlocks those zones
4593s but
4595s um
4596s the second part of that question
4598s Margaret too I think your point in
4599s reading into the the purpose of that is
4601s when talking about like contestion
4604s um
4605s is that not all content is equal okay
4609s and and that's a very important
4612s contextual point to this answer
4615s um we are we purposefully create tiers
4617s of content areas
4620s and we also create types of content
4623s areas and the tiers might relate to
4626s things like
4627s uh better drop rates better respawn
4631s rates better uh
4634s damage mitigation for your particular
4636s group composition
4639s um
4640s uh better uh proximity to certain
4645s locations those create tiers of areas
4648s where content becomes more relevant or
4650s more desired right on the second flip
4653s side of that is there are
4656s the what you gain from those content
4659s areas that might be relevant for certain
4662s classes or certain groups more so than
4664s others
4665s so yes you will have access to a lot of
4668s different content will the will the best
4671s or most relevant content that's to you
4674s or your group always be available no and
4678s that is the element of competition right
4681s and if things don't feel competitive
4684s around what's best
4687s then you have removed an element of the
4691s satisfaction when you've acquired slash
4694s succeeded in participating in that
4697s content and that is a fundamental core
4700s pillar behind what ashes is attempting
4704s to achieve
4706s um through the distribution of content
4708s but also the interaction of players
4711s um and and I think that's an important
4713s concept that we cannot forget about when
4716s we think about
4718s um a question like this
4720s all right next up is a long answer uh
4724s hopefully we can get through a few more
4725s so let me know what you're cut off time
4727s is uh lithium wants to know about
4730s crafting skills are there any passive
4732s skills in crafting in the crafting tree
4734s that allow you to drop less material on
4737s death
4739s uh not in the crafting tree but there
4742s are in the
4744s um material inventory bags that you can
4747s acquire
4749s um and the crafting trees there are
4752s within those professions abilities to
4755s augment things like drop rates and
4758s Gathering speeds and ability to survey
4762s stuff like that
4764s um and Tool creation what not
4767s um but uh the dropping mechanics really
4771s more relate to uh your bags and so there
4775s will be different benefits to bags yes
4777s there's item there's item progression as
4780s it relates to quality of bags types of
4782s bags and the materials they're most used
4784s for some of them are more PVP oriented
4788s that can reduce significantly drop rates
4790s for PVP as a result of that progression
4793s um you know so there are there's a
4795s there's a complexity there
4797s all right and anduin wants to know about
4799s character role play effects player death
4802s means XP debt and losing materials the
4804s RP Community wants to know what are the
4807s in-game lore repercussions of Revival
4809s upon death for example does my character
4811s lose memory are they weaker does a
4814s period of time occur before Revival
4817s what happens when we are funny I had
4821s this I had we had this question
4822s yesterday in our PI meeting
4826s [Music]
4835s um I was gonna say that uh I'll kind of
4837s give the same answer I gave there is you
4840s know that question touches a little
4842s close to the metaphysical nature of the
4845s universe and Ashes of creation
4847s um I it's a difficult one for me to
4849s answer without revealing perhaps too
4852s much of that metaphysical nature what I
4855s will say is that there is a spiritual
4857s element obviously to ashes of creation
4860s and its universe and story and the lore
4863s um there is a spark there is a mortal
4865s coil that the character has which
4867s relates to kind of the interaction of
4870s Resurrection or Revival and how it
4873s relates to the goddess of creation Your
4875s Existence within that universe as a
4877s mortal coil
4879s um so there is lore there it's just not
4881s one I'm comfortable commenting on prior
4883s to the game's launch
4885s right you guys will have to find out uh
4889s and ezrae wants to know about Caravans
4891s does a caravan stop moving or slow down
4893s when it's attacked
4896s there are certain attacks that can slow
4899s the Caravan but basic attacks will not
4901s slow a caravan now so you can try to
4903s trudge through why you're taking yeah
4905s they're they're they're that's correct
4908s run well and to that point right Caravan
4912s speeds are built around character speeds
4915s so that the interaction and interval of
4918s of distance traveled by a Caravan versus
4921s when players are attacking it is
4922s somewhat Equitable but there are certain
4925s types of items that you can use that can
4927s slow and or block Caravans from a
4929s collision perspective there are certain
4931s abilities and or status conditions that
4933s can get applied to Caravans which reduce
4935s uh there's damage that can be done to
4938s components of Caravans which reduce
4939s speed
4941s um there's you know there's lots of
4942s different ways to affect that
4944s all right and then I'm kind of going
4947s back to the resurrection stuff but this
4950s is from Nick and they're wondering about
4952s items well we have items that let us
4956s resurrect other players we know that
4958s there are certain archetypes that will
4960s allow that but will there ever be items
4962s that allow it as well
4967s um
4968s so sorry I was I my mind actually went
4972s off in a totally different direction I
4973s got stuck on that thought while you're
4974s asking the question and I missed the
4976s last half part of it what was that what
4977s was it again will we have items that let
4979s us resurrect other players oh yes yeah
4982s there will be there will be uh Scrolls
4984s of Resurrection available
4986s um although there are is an element of
4988s Resurrection that's important as it
4990s relates to experience debt
4992s um and being able to recover portions of
4994s that experience debt when utilizing
4996s higher grade resurrections that are only
4997s available from classes and then there
5000s are lower grade resurrections which are
5002s can be granted through items like
5004s Scrolls of Resurrection that that allows
5007s for parties who may not have access to a
5009s resurrection class uh be able to
5011s continue on but it will be at a deficit
5014s all right and then horrendous wants to
5016s know about tool Nara lore since we
5019s received an immortal Soul or spark of
5023s Life by going through the Gateway from
5024s Sanctus how are the toner players able
5027s to respawn since they didn't go through
5029s the same portal
5031s well
5033s um
5036s so again not to touch too much on the
5039s metaphysical nature here
5042s um the talnar are descendants of the
5045s Divine races
5047s and
5048s the talar sought refuge in an area of
5052s Vera
5053s that has some element of mystery around
5056s how that occurred which players will
5058s need to discover
5060s and there is a connection the spark
5062s exists within the tonar as well and how
5065s that spark exists within the talnar just
5068s something that
5069s players will be able to discover as they
5071s progress through the storylines in ashes
5074s you will learn
5076s this one is about gather bowls from
5079s Ruffian and they want to know what are
5081s the differences between biome exclusive
5084s resources for example do different ores
5087s give different resistances Etc
5091s um yeah there are associated with
5093s specific types of raw gatherables and
5096s resources that can be processed into
5098s refined materials that Grant different
5103s elements of benefit and or bonuses or
5107s um or uh
5110s abilities uh to the different types of
5113s itemizations and or recipes that are
5115s available
5116s so based on where that element can be
5119s found there might even be relationships
5121s that are shared across different
5122s materials and or resources in those
5124s locations that share some of those
5127s characteristics that can be applied to
5129s items so yes it is it is specific to the
5132s material and it's even great potentially
5134s that are that are used
5137s sudden Garden wants to know about
5138s gliding mounts which we kind of showed a
5140s little bit today well gliding mounts be
5142s momentum based or feature any speed
5145s boosting mechanics to make the
5146s experience more skill based and
5148s Interactive
5149s yeah so important thing to note is that
5152s all mounts have the ability to acquire
5156s up to four abilities and skills some of
5159s those skills will be uh you know
5162s propulsion based or speed based that can
5164s enhance or increase uh or burst
5168s different speeds some might be defensive
5170s base that would protect the writer and
5172s the mound for a short period of time
5174s some can be offensive
5177s and that's part of what interfaces with
5180s the animal husbandry system and the
5182s ability to train those mounts in order
5184s to unlock the use of those abilities I
5188s think this is more of when you're
5190s gliding the skill in regards to the
5192s player like the skill of the player
5194s gliding the creature is it going to be
5196s more skill based in that regard and
5198s interactive versus I hit a button I'm
5201s now gliding and I land you know type of
5204s thing
5205s um not not specifically probably what
5207s they're thinking about skill wise but
5209s there is skill associated with it
5211s where's my launch Point am I going to
5214s you know hit this ledge that I'm trying
5217s to depth you know gauge the depth for
5220s from my distance and calculate the speed
5222s on when do I use the abilities that I
5224s need to use
5226s um you know do they uh am I misusing
5230s them at different times so there is
5231s skill there so I'm not sure exactly you
5234s know what type of skill they're
5235s referring to if not those okay and then
5238s this one is from Phantom Max which they
5241s wanted about removing player corruption
5243s we talked about how experience removes
5245s corruption but does gaining crafting
5247s experience specifically remove
5249s corruption does gaining crafting
5251s experience remove corruption yes so any
5253s experience that's gained by the player
5256s whether it be through achievements in
5258s crafting or in adventuring or
5262s um uh uh uh through other types of
5265s achievements all of that experience goes
5268s towards your adventuring class
5270s experience gained and then some
5272s experience can Dual Purpose towards
5274s professions as well so if I reach an
5278s achievement in my crafting profession
5280s and that grants me additional experience
5284s within that profession to rank up it
5286s will also Grant the same amount of
5288s experience over in my
5290s um uh adventuring level and to that
5293s point anytime you gain adventuring
5295s experience
5296s you tick away at the corruption
5300s and our last question is from hartisan
5303s who wants to know about Guild meta and I
5306s apologize if I'm saying your name wrong
5307s I think that's the first time that one's
5308s come up
5310s um will The Meta for guilds be to just
5313s create alliances of smaller guilds with
5316s many skills rather than larger guilds
5318s with less skills well remember alliances
5321s are limited the number of guilds that
5324s can participate in an alliance is a
5327s limited number also achieving the
5329s ability even to launch at Alliance is
5333s something that is uh is very late in the
5337s guild leveling process
5339s um and uh uh essentially you know what
5343s we're trying to create is an environment
5345s where there's a duality between guilds
5348s that try to go towards population and
5350s then guilds that choose to forego
5352s population in exchange for a a deeper
5356s access to passive skills that the
5359s players have access to will The Meta be
5362s for many smaller guilds to to co-locate
5364s with each other yes I'm sure that that
5367s will be utilized by some number of
5370s smaller guilds in order to try to combat
5372s the numbers that other guilds might have
5374s access to
5376s um I don't think that that's a bad thing
5378s I don't necessarily know if that's a
5379s meta either because it's going to be
5381s beneficial for larger guilds to be
5384s allied with smaller guilds that might
5385s have access to those passive abilities
5387s that they don't have access to so what I
5390s think the meta will actually be is
5392s probably a mixture of large Guild and
5395s small guilds that exist within the
5396s alliances so that they can overcome the
5398s types of challenges that occur in
5400s objective-based gameplay for events
5401s where you need the smaller Guild with
5403s the passives to overcome the challenge
5405s rating but you also need the numbers
5406s from the larger guilds in order to
5408s engage with the opponent at the choke
5409s points
5410s I think the question is more that people
5412s feel that larger guilds will decide to
5415s go with more smaller guilds like let's
5419s say I have a guild of a thousand people
5420s normally I'll spread that out into a
5422s bunch of 100 people guilds in order to
5424s get better benefits I think is what
5426s they're trying to aim for versus like
5428s because there will be different benefits
5429s for small guilds versus larger guilds
5432s yeah I mean
5434s um is that what is going to happen will
5437s large will the largest guilds segment
5440s off into different chapters of their
5444s Guild that are part of small guilds
5446s um absolutely that will happen and uh
5449s the way that we combat the efficacy of
5452s doing that always is through how we
5455s design our encounters and our events to
5457s incorporate
5459s um uh the use case of where smaller
5461s guilds and their passive abilities are
5463s necessary to overcome certain challenge
5465s ratings will it always be most
5467s beneficial for larger guilds to do that
5469s no not always it depends on what they're
5471s encountering
5472s um but you absolutely will see some
5474s guilds leveraging that for sure
5477s cool and that
5479s and that or today we made it to the end
5482s and it was a long one so thank you all
5484s for hanging in with us and we hope that
5487s you had fun and enjoyed this as well as
5489s getting like a little sneak peek of the
5491s Mage we know that you want to see fire
5492s abilities so maybe you'll see those in
5494s the future uh and also we do want you to
5497s experience experience some of it in
5498s Alpha too so we're not going to share
5500s everything all the time on here but we
5502s do have some really fun updates for next
5504s month so we hope that you will join us
5506s we'll let you guys know whenever those
5508s things are coming up over on our social
5510s channels definitely recommend following
5512s us in all the places at ashes of
5514s creation we're pretty active over there
5516s and then we also want to remind you that
5519s we do have our creative director
5520s Community Q a that is over on our on our
5523s YouTube channel if you didn't get to
5524s check that out Stephen took some time to
5526s he's kind of sick during it but he did
5528s power through and answered a lot of
5530s great questions from our community
5531s members chibi
5533s um Richie sh and samerg so definitely
5536s check those out and of course head on
5538s over to our forums we want your feedback
5540s there's already thread forums. of
5542s in regards to the Mage
5545s archetype so definitely head over there
5547s answer those questions that Keenan had
5549s because they're going to be making some
5551s changes as we move forward especially
5553s before everyone gets to see it in Alpha
5555s 2. and reminder that our cosmetic swap
5557s over is on May 10th at 11 A.M so snag
5560s those and of course we just want to
5562s thank you again for joining us thank you
5564s to John and Keenan and Trad for being
5567s part of this stream as well as Stephen
5569s appreciate your time we know you busy
5572s and we hope that you all had a really
5575s great time here we hope that you go for
5577s another month and are able to return to
5579s us with another fun stream the VOD will
5582s be up here on Twitch we'll also have it
5584s over on YouTube we'll have the 4K
5586s version of the Mage content as well and
5589s then this video will go out on Saturday
5591s with the full uh everything and of
5595s course on the dev update make sure you
5596s leave us a comment subscribe to our
5598s Channel and make sure your subscriptions
5600s are live so that we can see them and we
5602s you you could potentially be spotlighted
5603s in our next one and with that we will
5606s see you all next month for another
5608s update
5609s bye everyone thanks for joining see ya
5614s foreign
5616s [Music]