@skipsrod @StevenJSharif It does! The Adventurer Pre-order Package containing Alpha One access will be available for purchase from May 5 until August 13, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific.
@VanityMacc @StevenJSharif It is not! The Adventurer Pre-order Package containing Alpha One access will be available for purchase from May 5 until August 13, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Pacific.
@openshawlee There are a variety of different pet types including cosmetic pets, combat pets, and summoner summons. Combat pets are the type of pets that may be tamed from creatures in the world. 😊
@InnersJacob Add-ons and DPS meters will not be allowed in Ashes of Creation. The community-run wiki does a good job of consolidating our thoughts on the subject. 😊
@minxy_one The animal husbandry profession will allow players to tame and breed creatures! You can read more information about it on the community-run wiki. 😁
@Korkone We can't wait to share more information about the Necromancer class! For now, you can read about what we have said so far on the community-run wiki.