11 months ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this is another one of my favorites this
2s is the execute of the kit it's single
4s Target as well but the lower Health they
7s are the harder it's going to hit so this
11s is this is really like you're trying to
13s do as much damage with your other
14s abilities as possible and then when you
16s get him like within that kill threshold
18s you're just going to hit hit him with
20s this hope for a crit maybe and you know
23s finish him
27s off use
29s it there you oh my
33s God this does have a couple spec options
36s as well one you kind of win over if you
38s kill them with that and you have the
39s spec that resets Blitz you could
41s immediately Blitz again even if it was
44s off cool down when you got the kill