Original Post — Direct link
Greetings Citizens of Verra, I wanted to announce that The Hidden Dagger Inn, is now open for business. Feel free to stop by at your leisure, grab a seat order a pint. https://www.twitch.tv/thehiddendaggerinn While there we can discuss everything Ashes of Creation, I look forward to seeing all of you! On a personal note, I recently started this channel because of the content creators we have already, they have inspired me to do this and share my passion for Ashes of Creation. If you haven't checked out the content creators please do, I have lurked in the weeds for a very long time watching the likes of @Narc , @NyceGaming @Isth3reno1else , Jamie and lace on tangeant of creation. TGFTavern with @Virtek and @Chibibree. Sonny with loreforged, @xillin and my new favorite @DoctorBurns @Ryvegenesis on Ashes of Relation, @SticQeno And I'm sure many more I have forgotten to mention but not any less important. This group of people, truly care about the development of Ashes and how the community is formed. Them and my love for Ashes of Creation only are the reason I was inspired to do streaming. Such a selfless group of people all hosting each other, working together has been so nice to see, and RARE. I'm proud to be part of the Ashes of Creation Community, and I hope you will join me and all these other great creators on this amazing journey that's just months away! Thanks for reading all and take care!
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I moved this thread to the Community Creations section of the forums :) It's cool to see you talk about your inspiration for becoming a content creator :) Make sure you apply to the Content Creator program: https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/discussion/49164/content-creator-program#latest