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Something that I've been wondering for a while is if we really need the three tiers of the primary currency that we have seen so far in AoC. It appears that Ashes of Creation has a system similar to World of Warcraft where 100 copper is equal to 1 silver, and 100 silver is equal to 1 gold. If we have these three currencies then I should expect to see items with values of a silver or less, otherwise copper serves no real purpose. Based on what I've seen so far, even low level players will be acquiring silver and gold as rewards far more than simple copper.

I feel that if players are always going have enough money in their bags to ignore the existence of copper, then keeping it in the game just becomes information bloat. Lets look at it with USD. Would having a coin that is 1/100 of a penny make your life any easier? People already complain about having to deal with change now that almost everything costs more than a dollar. Adding currency that is even smaller would only serve to make things more complicated.
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Something that I've been wondering for a while is if we really need the three tiers of the primary currency that we have seen so far in AoC. It appears that Ashes of Creation has a system similar to World of Warcraft where 100 copper is equal to 1 silver, and 100 silver is equal to 1 gold. If we have these three currencies then I should expect to see items with values of a silver or less, otherwise copper serves no real purpose. Based on what I've seen so far, even low level players will be acquiring silver and gold as rewards far more than simple copper.

I feel that if players are always going have enough money in their bags to ignore the existence of copper, then keeping it in the game just becomes information bloat. Lets look at it with USD. Would having a coin that is 1/100 of a penny make your life any easier? People already complain about having to deal with change now that almost everything costs more than a dollar. Adding currency that is even smaller would only serve to make things more complicated.

Interesting discussion-starter! I was recently discussing US currency with someone, funny enough. Long story short, we talked about pocket change, and concluded that even if we wanted to get rid of small currency, how would we make exact change?

I'm not an economist and I was never good at economics, but I believe using gold, silver, and copper as a currency is also a way to make in-game currency relatable and easy to understand. For someone like me, it feels more quantifiable than using some more unique examples others have provided. This is just my personal opinion on the subject.

With that said, I think it can be fun and insightful to think outside the box and come up with reasons, examples, and ideas for currencies and how they can work :)