Original Post — Direct link
I am currently thinking about few options to make the archetype more sexy... TANK sounds too ridiculous ! Here are the current archetypes and classes : I am suggesting : CHAMPION HERO (WAR)CHIEF AEGIS SENTINEL Already used COLOSSUS SHIELDBEARER Edit with suggestions from posters : CRUSADER ROYAL GUARD / GUARD ENFORCER GUARDIAN Already used (Or change the class Guardian to use Guardian archetype instead of Tank). KNIGHT Already used WARLORD PROTECTOR Already used DEFENDER VANGUARD JUGGERNAUT WARRIOR ROCK STALWART
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Let's make sure we're being respectful to one another here. Not everyone will share the same opinion. With that said, this isn't the first time I've seen this idea discussed. I was surprised to see the amount of differing opinions across the board here. Some interesting suggestions, too!