over 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
3s [Music]
20s hello everyone and Welcome to our
24s November development update we hope that
26s you've been having a glorious month and
29s it's definitely been one for us we
31s constantly have so much going on but you
34s know that's all good
37s um of course we are in the festive
39s November season going into winter I got
42s my turtleneck you know I hope you guys
44s all have your hot Cocos or pumpkin spice
47s lattes whatever whatever you're into
51s um how are you doing Stephen I am doing
54s great we had a very fun little recording
58s session I think you guys are in for a
61s treat today it's a little over 40
63s minutes of game play with some cleric
66s action and some some night sky fun stuff
71s and there's a lot of good things I think
74s you guys are going to have a fun time
75s watching so I'm excited 100 I kind of
78s gave everybody a little hint in chat
80s that it was going to be a long long
81s stream so buckle yourself in guys we're
84s gonna be in for a little longer of a
86s ride today
87s um but you always enjoy whenever we're I
90s think the bingo card might have a long
91s stream on it so we'll see if we hit the
93s hit the marker for it but of course
95s before we get into all the things we
97s have some reminders and things of that
98s sort so I would like to say
100s um reminder that we are going over oh
103s what our covering today is going to be
104s reminders as Steven said we're going to
105s be going over a cleric update which also
107s includes some night sky and
109s constellation fun and we also have a
111s character update which will be a little
113s bit shorter and then we have a studio
114s update which will be also probably
116s pretty short and then we have our q a I
119s will be taking questions during the
121s video as well so if you are asking stuff
123s you'll see that I usually pull some
124s things from that if I see if I see
126s things that I think need to be clarified
128s because sometimes we say stuff when
129s we're playing but you know when you're
131s playing and talking at the same times
132s sometimes uh you don't clarify
134s everything that you know you need to so
137s we'll we'll touch base on those things
139s so for our quick reminders first and
143s foremost we want to say thank you to our
145s lovely YouTube subscribers if you would
149s like to be a you know spotlighted you
152s can head on over to our YouTube channel
153s whenever we upload the development
155s update if you subscribe to our Channel
158s and you leave a comment you could
160s perhaps be selected
162s and you must make it available for
164s people to know that you're subscribed so
166s that we can see you so for today's
169s question Papa Smurf 6834 is our lovely
173s Spotlight and they had asked or
175s mentioned in the open world PVP system
178s will there be a prevent attacking
181s innocent option that when turned on will
184s prevent me from accidentally attacking a
186s non-corrupted player I say this because
188s Griefers are often very good at making
190s you attack them by accident good
193s question so there's there's a few things
195s here
196s um first and foremost is that the open
199s world flagging PVP system requires the
203s what we call Force function in order to
205s initiate an attack against another
207s player and by default that's even
209s against players who are already flagged
212s though not against players who are uh
215s corrupt
216s um and they're in the settings you will
219s have options by which you can Auto
222s um you can persist that a force function
225s if you wish through another keystroke
227s input and then Additionally you can set
230s your aoes so that if you initiate an AOE
234s attack against a location and there are
238s flagged players there you will either
240s you can set it so that you can
241s automatically hit those flag players but
245s by default it doesn't
247s um so those are options in your in your
249s settings that you will have access to
251s and be able to adjust
254s foreign
257s thank you for that Stephen we appreciate
259s it and of course thank you uh Papa Smurf
261s for being we love a good Smurf uh
265s supporting us and our development
267s process like I said if you would like
269s your comment spotlighted and perhaps
271s your question answered all you have to
273s do is subscribe to our YouTube channel
274s and when we upload our development
276s updates every month just leave a comment
278s in regards to what you would like uh and
281s you could be selected
283s um so with that we have a little bit of
286s reminders today is not too many uh we
289s want to thank first and foremost
291s everybody who joined us for extra life
293s our community raised over 77.9
296s 000 for the children's Miracles
298s smokes located all across North America
301s the children Miracle hospital will treat
303s over 32 million kids this year alone and
307s children receive care regardless of
309s their family's ability to pay so you've
311s helped literal miracles happen and
314s absolutely and guys can can I just
316s comment real quick Margaret uh I mean
318s good
319s um
320s I know we've said this the field goods
322s are great but honestly if you think
324s about the practicality of what that
326s dollar value means and the fact that
329s um as a community we were capable of
332s achieving uh this accomplishment now
334s bringing our grand total of extra life
338s involvement over the past several years
340s to nearly a quarter of a million dollars
344s um that is something that is is truly
346s significant and it really I mean it's
350s it's difficult sometimes to understand
352s what that impact is not seeing it you
355s know face to face in action but it
358s really makes the world of difference for
361s a great number of children and the fact
364s that you guys showed up and as a
366s community we were able to achieve that
367s together is truly remarkable especially
370s given the fact that we are still in
371s development so I just want to say we are
373s we are setting the right pace the right
375s example
377s um as an MMORPG community in showing
380s doing what's capable from the gamer
381s population to to do good in the world
384s and really big props and kudos to you
387s guys in the community that was really
388s something that was amazing give
389s yourselves a hand it was awesome I'm
392s truly impressed
393s yeah I can do a little round of applause
396s oh you got the sound effects of course I
399s got the sound effects
401s um but we also want to mention that as a
403s teaching Hospital Rady's Children's
404s Hospital not only helps children every
406s single day but they also train future
408s generations of doctors and nurses so
410s we're super proud of our community thank
412s you so much everybody and as Steven said
414s we've raised over 247
418s 000 throughout the years and we that
420s would not be possible without you all
421s and it's pretty amazing to see The
424s Gaming Community come together for a
426s great cause for the kids yes so thank
429s you so so much we super duper appreciate
432s it
433s um and of course we also have our
436s monthly Cosmetics just as a reminder if
438s you are not aware these will be swapping
440s over the wardens in the Wilds will be
442s swapping over on December 14th 2022 at
444s 11 A.M Pacific reminder that all of
446s these are things that will help us build
448s the world so these are NPCs creatures
450s buildings that you'll see in the world
452s and these are just skin so you won't
455s you'll see them in the world as other
457s pieces and NPCs and so if you want to
459s get tidbits of lore of how they'll be
461s affecting the world
462s um it's a great way to kind of get a
465s little hint I know you lure junkies out
467s there always like give us lore I'm like
468s we give you lure every month and
470s sometimes it's really long Laura
473s there's some good ones in there
474s definitely check them out and of course
477s we're going to move into our cleric
479s update slash day night cycle
482s constellation Madness it's a lot uh so
486s I'll let Stephen first and foremost
488s preface this video thank you thank you
490s thank you thank you so as always I have
494s to preface this for those of you who
497s might just be tuning in for the first
498s time
499s um or aren't a regular attendant to our
502s our monthly updates what you're about to
505s see is a work in progress towards Alpha
508s two uh bear in mind that art gets better
512s performance gets better better the
514s gameplay gets better the primary purpose
516s of us showing these on a monthly basis
518s is to give the community an update on
521s progress but also and the more
523s importantly to elicit response and
525s feedback from you guys because we are a
528s transparent development process and that
530s means the world to us from an iteration
532s standpoint it helps direct us and we are
535s capable of directly engaging with our
538s community which is probably the most
540s important component of a development
541s process so as you guys are watching
545s please keep that in mind please make
547s sure to go and comment on the YouTube
549s video it'll be uploaded after this
551s stream in its full 4K Glory
555s excuse me
557s um and then in addition go to our Reddit
559s go to the YouTube go to our Forums on
561s Twitter and give us your feedback your
563s comments what you really liked about the
565s showing today
567s um and where you feel that there's room
568s for improvement uh that's very important
571s um you are going to see a little bit uh
573s uh aspect of the cleric um you're going
575s to see some components of the night and
577s day cycle I think for the first time
579s seeing a transition from day to night
581s um you're gonna see the uh the use of
583s the feature set for constellations
586s um you're going to see and learn a
588s little bit about Undead and how certain
591s types of energy and Elemental components
593s will influence the ability to do damage
594s to different
595s um uh specie types you're going to see
597s some of the advanced AI uh today as well
600s you're going to see a beautiful uh biome
602s within the riverlands it's actually near
604s the Alpine Forest it's a little bit
606s higher in elevation although it is still
607s in the riverlands you're going to see an
610s awesome Cemetery you're going to see a
611s lot of fun stuff
612s um and then we will come back and we
614s will be chatting with you about it
616s afterwards so enjoy
627s [Music]
634s [Applause]
634s [Music]
647s hello everyone and welcome to yet
651s another stream in the world of Vera I am
656s joined by two absolutely awesome and
659s Stellar developers on ashes of Creation
661s with whom you have actually
663s experienced a live stream with before
666s they are our glorious engineer Keenan
671s how you doing buddy
672s good how are you I'm doing good happy to
675s be here with you again and then we also
678s have uh one of our senior game designers
681s Mr tratt how you doing trap
684s hey good to see everyone again good to
686s be back
687s so we are in a new biome that actually I
692s don't believe anyone's ever seen before
696s where are we we are in the this kind of
699s looks a little bit like the Alpine
701s Forest but actually this is a part of
704s the riverlands this is
707s um up near the Alpine Forest Area
710s um so you're gonna see some Western
712s Larks and Eastern hemlocks
716s um we're obviously at a bit of a higher
718s elevation if you look off to the
721s uh East over there
723s you can see
725s kind of where the starting area for the
728s alien humans
729s um or the excuse me the klar and the
732s velune would start in Alpha two down in
736s the basins of the riverlands but we are
740s somewhere else and the reason we're up
742s in this higher elevation is because we
743s want to show to you guys
746s the night and day cycle a little bit of
749s some of the cemetery areas with some
751s Undead
752s and there's some constellations I think
754s we're going to be taking a look at today
756s as well that will get a good vantage
757s point from up in this elevation
760s um and also you may notice two familiar
763s characters uh we have the ranger that
766s you guys saw a little bit Keenan you're
768s playing the ranger right yep all right
770s now don't there was a lot of commentary
772s about my playing of the Ranger and uh
776s some people didn't think I played it
778s very well so we're gonna have to make
779s sure that you're on your game today uh
782s with that Ranger
783s I'll show how it's done and then taking
786s your job exactly and then we also have
789s Chad you're playing uh the fighter right
792s yep I'm gonna have to substitute is the
794s tank roll of the party oh they have the
797s actual tank that's right we haven't
798s shown off the tank yet so the fighter is
801s going to be our tank today which I think
802s is fine
804s um let's start heading let's start
806s heading down this way a little bit what
808s do you say let's go let's do it let's do
810s this
811s so what do we have
814s um today with the cleric Chad we're
817s going to be looking a little bit at the
818s cleric and some of the new weapons
822s um
823s the mace and the staff is that right
826s that is correct uh we've got a
828s two-handed staff and a one-handed mace
831s Shield you'll also see four new spells
835s that the clerk will be casting and I
837s won't spoil too much on that you'll see
839s them as we start getting into combat
840s here but
842s now Keenan you play a cleric as a main
845s in your MMOs is that right
847s yeah I typically play sport and what is
850s the most fun aspect of cleric gameplay
852s for you
856s um
857s [Music]
862s for me it's making sure it's it's being
864s able to uh
867s ensure that uh the party wins
873s definitely the role I think of is
875s support any any good player knows that
877s supports win and lose games in my
881s opinion apologies to all non-support
882s players
884s um but you know when you think about
886s think oh let's hold on let's pause here
887s this looks like a little bit of a scary
888s area and as a matter of fact
892s let me see if
894s but you know we might need some supplies
897s in here
898s let me just see if I can chop down some
900s trees
903s um
903s you know what
906s I think there was some some Oaks down
908s here
910s these Oaks might come in handy later
911s we'll see
914s um but you know when you think about
915s like cleric gameplay
917s that whack-a-mole that Trad said that's
920s that's kind of I think what a lot of MMO
922s players are accustomed to right
925s yeah probably it's like it's like
928s following your your party's hit point
930s bars in
933s health bars in the uh
936s the party window and just clicking
938s between them and making sure you're like
940s maintaining rotations and cooldowns on
942s your heel abilities
945s um you know saving the really high Mana
947s usage ones uh for emergency situations
950s and just ensuring that your resource
952s management as well as like
955s you know who your tanks are who your
957s Fighters are if a DPS gets out of
959s position and starts taking a bunch of
960s damage like they're ruining your your
963s your Mana management essentially right
965s so it's a little bit of dependency on
967s like your party as well as your own
970s rotation
972s yeah it's a very reactive play style
974s that I like
976s um a lot of you know use a lot of the
978s time when you're playing DPS it's like a
980s lot of things are kind of predetermined
982s with your rotation and all that and
983s obviously there's like reactive elements
985s there that you're reacting to out
986s external variables and the the
988s encounters and such but you know with
990s with clerics there's generally not as
993s much of a rotation you're kind of
994s responding every moment based on what's
996s Happening to your party but yeah there's
998s a lot of uh predictive opportunities as
1000s well like making sure that you're in the
1002s right place at the right time
1004s right yeah absolutely
1006s um all right let's just Mount and see
1008s what we got up here these look like some
1010s Skin Walkers
1012s who what are these Skin Walkers Chad you
1014s want to talk to us a little bit about
1015s them
1016s um these are just one of your basic
1019s fodder enemies like you know they're
1020s they're not too dangerous individually
1022s but um you know in a pack they could be
1025s something to to concern yourself with so
1028s you don't want to pull too many of the
1029s time but let's take them out and see
1031s what happens
1037s not too bad not too bad
1040s all right it took some damage there
1045s a little bit of damage there
1048s that wasn't too bad let me actually hold
1051s on let me um adjust the master volume
1054s real quick
1056s audio you guys are gonna see some
1058s outstanding UI work that's necessary
1061s I'm just gonna pull down this a little
1064s bit
1066s there we go
1069s all right so that's still got some UI
1072s work to do on the settings panel but you
1074s get to see it in all of its work in
1076s progress Glory
1078s so they did do a little bit of damage to
1080s you and talk to us a little bit about
1083s um
1086s oh wow those guys actually got a little
1088s bit beat up
1089s must be those uh Buffs on chains oh yeah
1093s I actually did I I didn't actually even
1094s get to cast chains
1098s yeah so they just didn't do too much
1099s yeah exactly so one thing we were trying
1102s to set up there that will of course get
1103s to see a little bit more showcased in
1106s some of these tougher mobs inevitably
1107s coming up here is uh some class
1110s synergies uh this particular one is
1113s where we demonstrate setting up a status
1115s Effect called stagger you'll see a
1117s floater text pop up here I'll show you
1119s don't kill them don't kill
1121s actually you won't see it on my screen
1123s yeah but basically it sets up
1125s satisfaction you can see a little bit of
1127s a VFX over his head and then
1130s um as you see there Steven followed up
1132s with James uh
1133s triggers a stun on any Target under that
1136s effect already
1138s now up here I believe is an observation
1140s area where where I am going to speed up
1143s time now we talked a little bit about
1146s um showcasing Kind of Night and Day and
1149s up here if we make a pass some of these
1151s this is just this is like a cemetery
1153s right
1155s looks to be that way
1159s oh yeah these dogs are these these poor
1162s dogs I feel terrible about them let me
1164s oh there's some zombies up here
1166s okay we got it coming oh they're they're
1170s starting
1171s you can kite these oh my God never mind
1173s what the heck was that so much for
1176s guiding
1183s all right get ready to drop a stun on
1186s them or is it on cooldown nope I got it
1189s all right oh no I accidentally canceled
1191s it oh God
1193s hold on group view there we go okay
1196s we're doing okay
1204s I got you I got you
1211s that some of them popped out of the
1212s ground
1219s oh I love the charge effect and it looks
1221s like they're oh my God a dog came
1223s I think we're hitting respawns we need
1225s to keep moving oh God I want to pull
1227s them up this way yep
1234s now you'll notice my main heel actually
1236s can act as a uh
1238s as a damage if the enemy Target is if
1242s the target is an enemy
1244s and actually that can generate as a
1247s mechanic for the cleric um some
1248s convictions tell me a little bit about
1250s convictions Trad yeah conviction is a
1254s class resource we came up with for the
1255s cleric specifically certain abilities
1258s will generate it based on certain
1260s criteria and as Steven was saying there
1263s you can either use it to heal an ally or
1266s you can use it to do damage to an enemy
1268s and generate conviction which will then
1270s help you in the future heal for more so
1272s kind of what Keenan was saying about
1274s predictive played being an element not
1276s just reactive that would be the one of
1278s the predictive aspects of the cleric
1280s just kind of setting yourself up so that
1281s when you know
1283s things start looking a little rough you
1286s know you've kind of prepared that in
1287s advance by not healing as much early on
1289s and paying off later now at this point
1294s I think players are for the first time
1295s seeing one of the moons of Vera
1298s and there are a few moons actually at
1300s Pera
1302s um but you guys are going to witness me
1304s speeding up time because
1307s day and night cycles in the ashes of
1310s creation are actually over the course of
1313s a few hours between those night cycles
1316s so I you're gonna see the trees move all
1320s real rapidly and you're going to see the
1321s Sun Drop rapidly and then you're gonna
1323s see the night sky begin to form
1325s and we're going to try to identify some
1329s constellations if we can because
1332s constellations and Ashes of creation
1334s actually have a very relevant purpose
1336s across a whole host of different game
1340s systems including on the narrative side
1343s on mechanics like acquiring certain
1345s types of relics for your node on
1348s empowering certain abilities and or
1351s items that you have access to and it is
1354s of course relevant that I am playing as
1357s a VEC vek as many of you may know uh do
1361s worship and obviously study the stars
1366s so let me see if I can go ahead and
1370s speed up that time
1372s standby
1375s there it goes
1376s the trees look I love it it's kind of
1378s like time machine a little bit oh
1383s and the moon changed positions it's now
1385s dead up and up and we see another one of
1388s the moons now of course as you guys may
1390s know this is of course a work in
1392s progress right we're working towards our
1394s Alpha two so some of the stuff will
1396s likely change especially on the art side
1399s but I love what the new Skybox is doing
1402s and and I mean it's just visually great
1406s Ambience of course changes now to
1409s include a different nighttime feel to it
1411s and the lighting actually in the night
1413s is not too bad I mean it gives you that
1415s kind of sense of of dark darkness but
1418s you know it's not inhibiting your
1420s ability to play the game
1422s um
1423s now we are trying to look we need each
1426s of us to kind of look in the sky in
1428s certain directions to identify
1430s um one of these constellations and I
1433s think what we are looking for
1435s um is what was once called a begormel
1438s but now is called a uh Dawn breaker I
1442s believe
1443s so try to look all around as you can in
1445s the night sky and identify the location
1449s of
1451s the dawn breaker where is the dawn
1454s breaker
1456s I am not yet seeing it are any of you
1460s seeing it
1464s I don't see
1468s can we not find the Dawnbreaker
1471s or maybe we'll find another one of them
1476s um
1478s where is it hold on they should have
1482s told me where it was oh there we go we
1485s found the Dawnbreaker
1487s do you guys oh it's right next to the
1490s destroyed Moon
1491s oh that'll help yeah there we go oh it
1495s looks so good I love it now this that's
1498s oh it went away sad sad
1502s um now there is supposedly another uh
1506s constellation that is deeper into the
1510s cemetery if we want to progress that way
1511s what do you guys think
1513s let's check it out yeah but wait before
1515s we go let me give us all just a group
1518s blessing the four of the three of us
1519s sorry I've got a buff beforehand let's
1522s do this
1524s I think that'll wear off long before we
1527s get to use it oh yeah gotta conserve
1529s your Mana I know oh I'm trying uh are we
1533s going to watch tank and healer going
1534s different ways uh-oh we gotta gotta
1537s avoid the polls yeah
1539s uh I think I might have pulled one
1542s there's one coming over this direction
1544s oh God they're here where where are you
1547s ready ah okay you you guys take care of
1550s it
1553s the zombies will never catch us
1558s nice we got that where's where are you
1561s at there we go
1563s yeah it looks like we agreed one here
1565s let's just get this guy real quick
1570s oh
1571s my God
1581s okay let's tread carefully around these
1584s parts apparently
1587s we're doing okay I think
1589s [Music]
1595s my stab out for this oh you know I
1597s haven't shown any active blocking yet
1599s that's another thing I wanted to show
1600s you guys is the active blocking
1603s are there creatures down here yeah there
1605s should be a pack down here I think all
1607s right let's take a look what is this
1610s it's the graveyard oh it's a respawn
1614s point
1615s a resurrection
1617s different kind of graveyard yeah
1621s I love this environment and the the fog
1624s on the ground is so whoa behind you is
1627s that oh my God here
1630s oh God I'll let you tank for a little
1632s bit all right
1634s I have my active blocks up oh boy
1637s there's a lot
1640s okay he doesn't seem to be doing much
1642s damage to me but of course it would
1643s normally consume
1646s stamina is that correct Trent
1649s uh that depends we're still kind of
1651s discussing our resource systems but you
1653s know that is one thing that we can
1655s potentially explore
1659s oh don't stand in that
1663s [Music]
1664s oh no what do those do though
1667s I know Doug and um
1669s Doug and Sean were working on these
1671s zombies yeah using some of our new AI
1675s systems right don't stand in the green
1677s fire don't stand in the vomit actually
1679s hurts a lot
1682s let me see if I can generate some
1684s convictions
1686s I have convictions
1692s oh and now you can see because I have
1694s convictions my cleansing wave actually
1697s bounced to an additional Target
1703s it's pretty awesome that time yeah
1706s that's nice that is very nice all right
1708s let's keep moving forward did I hit all
1710s three of you guys
1711s I have some I notice I have some
1713s conviction buff on my on my life bar
1716s right now
1717s yeah uh you hit one additional Target
1720s for each stack you have
1722s oh my God you guys are hearing
1725s um
1727s my steam I think
1731s apologies I'm sorry I'm recording from
1735s home
1738s all right here we go
1743s yeah
1745s let's see if I can generate some more
1747s conviction
1751s it worked
1758s these zombies aren't too bad
1764s so the more convictions that I generate
1766s the more Amplified the abilities become
1768s is that right that is correct
1773s and obviously as you know we we create
1776s more and more abilities there will be
1777s more interactions right now you know you
1779s only see four but you know the final two
1782s will have way more than that going on
1788s I'm gonna take my staff out
1791s [Applause]
1795s we must show these beings the way of the
1797s light
1799s talk to us a little bit about the way of
1801s the light actually how does radiant
1802s energy and energy subtypes work with
1804s regards to damage and creatures
1809s so the
1812s basically we're going to have different
1814s damage types and certain damage types
1817s will be strong or weak against certain
1819s enemy types so you'll have to be
1822s somewhat you know smart about who you're
1825s bringing where or you know what kind of
1827s abilities or specs
1829s um you know obviously you'll be able to
1833s do the content but you'll have an easier
1835s time with certain contents you know if
1837s you're using a certain spec over others
1839s so you know obviously we're going up
1841s against Undead and as is natural they're
1844s probably going to be a little weaker
1845s against your holy magic than uh Keenan's
1849s nature
1850s um element for example
1852s wow Kina you don't want to talk to you
1854s about your nature like that
1859s I do like I do like I do like when we go
1864s up against the air Elementals maybe
1865s Keenan's time will shine oh there you go
1868s I like the uh the actual uh
1872s different Synergy between
1874s um energy types and vulnerabilities of
1877s certain creatures there's actually a lot
1879s of mobs here
1881s um yeah we should be careful before
1882s going forward we got things behind oh
1885s okay let's grab some chickens behind
1886s whoa whoa did they actually
1890s that was crazy they kind of ran at me
1893s they might I think they were coming at
1895s me and you were just in their way
1898s very interesting
1906s all right let's get these guys up here
1911s I should use them to generate some
1914s convictions actually
1915s oh you got me a whole DPS it's not in my
1918s it's not in my not in your nature
1923s I've got my DPS hat on
1928s um talk to us talk to us a little bit oh
1930s wait are you gonna pull here so I think
1933s they're seeing us from over here trying
1935s to trick us and we're us into this oh
1937s yeah
1938s they found me somehow
1943s it's all right
1945s bigger Falls more XP
1952s all right I set them up for a stun
1955s perfect now talk to me a little bit
1958s about why that stun just happened
1960s I set it up with Whirlwind and it
1963s applies to these staggered effects and
1965s chains of restraint will stun any
1968s Targets under the stack of time so right
1970s now that's one particular Synergy but
1973s as the game continues to come together
1975s and you see more and more abilities
1978s um there will be all kinds of ways to
1980s set up that
1981s um that outcome
1984s foreign
1992s yeah a lot of a lot of essentially the
1996s different combat mechanics that work
1998s between the different archetypes and
2001s classes
2003s um
2004s rely on synergies in the progression of
2007s certain types of status effects right
2008s that's correct
2011s okay
2014s this of course emphasizes the need for
2017s certain party compositions to exist so
2019s that players can make sure they utilize
2021s the strengths of their different types
2024s of status conditions and the the example
2026s we're showing here obviously is the
2028s progression of whoops sorry is the
2032s progression of the staggered condition
2034s into the stun
2036s um we might need to find a place to rest
2038s here yeah I mean let's move forward
2041s up this way maybe right like up here
2044s let's just track of wolves
2048s we got one zombie coming in from behind
2050s that's all right let's take a bit no you
2051s want to grab these wolves
2056s and you'll see because they're stunned
2058s the chains actually go through the body
2061s that's kind of cool
2063s what about right here can we rest here
2065s let's um let's move up the stairs a
2068s little bit just so we don't catch a
2069s respawn on the Wolves too okay can we
2072s take a seat maybe up here right here
2074s yeah let's sit down hopefully the
2077s zombies don't follow us too far I'm
2079s gonna take a seat
2080s I think we have aggro still yeah they're
2083s coming for us are they oh no okay all
2086s right
2094s I know
2099s let's take a break after we get these
2101s guys down
2105s what's up
2108s there we go last wave I promise
2115s oh
2120s I can't use my abilities
2123s oh
2124s that was a bit higher level I could help
2126s you regenerate your Mana yeah one thing
2128s we should be doing is focus firing these
2130s guys
2130s um one aspect of the zombies as they
2132s have more Health Region than your
2135s standard mob and so Unleashed all right
2139s I want a new strategy against them is to
2140s burst them down let's rest right up
2149s it's gonna rest
2153s oh there we go this is a frightful
2155s Journey actually
2157s um yeah and so beautiful
2161s yeah you can see Keenan's Mana
2163s um was a little low there and so as you
2166s know a classic MMO thing to do is to sit
2169s and rest as you get your your resources
2171s back now what if you have certain types
2173s of items that you could use like a
2174s campfire or some type of you know
2178s bedding or something that'd be kind of
2180s cool that'd be pretty cool that would be
2183s cool
2184s I like the just the the subtle fog
2187s that's just flowing through
2190s it's the rain is nice too yeah the rain
2192s is nice I like the sound
2195s look at those old lamp posts I think
2196s that's been in the game since 2017.
2200s although it looks like the materials
2202s might have gotten updated
2205s all right I'm feeling refreshed should
2208s we
2210s all right so we've got a group right
2212s ahead of us here Leroy
2221s you are going to die there is nothing I
2224s can do for you
2226s oh my God uh Focus the scholars
2230s Scholars first
2232s why is there so many
2235s that's all right three down you can
2237s Walker
2242s I can't it's on cooldown okay here comes
2244s oh my God there's dogs
2247s ambush
2248s Houston working together
2254s oh I almost got stuck in between all of
2256s them too
2259s that was terrible
2261s oh
2263s hey we actually handled that not too bad
2264s we got it all right
2267s I think we want to go this way right
2268s yeah I'm super slow though they put some
2270s type of plague debuff on me last time we
2273s got lost in here it was it was a rough
2275s time now remember we're looking for a
2278s particular type of constellation
2281s I believe the ancient Scholars of the
2285s VEC refer to it as the Great sundal
2291s whoops I totally misfired that
2293s uh ribs nobody look nobody
2304s oh these zombies look great though
2308s [Music]
2313s Keenan I have to say you are doing a
2315s great job with the ranger hold on yes
2322s where are we headed
2325s I'm just I'm just running man this is
2328s like a giant
2330s complex of Undead speaking of Undead
2333s this is the first time I think we've
2335s ever shown Undead in ashes
2344s in fact these particular Undead are a
2348s result I believe for those of you who
2351s are watching the live stream
2353s of the wreckage of Carfin the event that
2356s occurred there just before the Exodus
2358s from from Vera all those years ago
2366s now where are we got another scene
2368s Locker
2377s this is an ominous passageway I don't
2380s trust it I like it I also love the light
2384s effect that it has on my what is the
2385s name of this set this is like the
2387s vindictus is it
2390s yes man oh that armor set yeah you know
2394s we probably have already shown it on the
2396s stream so all of you well we will show
2399s but I believe it's the imperious and
2402s vindictus or something along those lines
2403s that sounds right
2405s it's a very Latin sounding name whatever
2407s it is what a slat this is Vera
2414s oh my God Keenan I think you just
2417s summoned those with your sniper ability
2419s they help in nature
2422s all right
2424s generate some more convictions here
2452s I murdered it
2456s a little bit of help from me a little
2459s bit oh was that you doing that damage I
2461s thought that was on me
2462s definitely me
2467s gotta keep the Healer safe yes
2470s that is true that is the primary role
2472s and responsibility of your archetype
2475s keep me safe
2476s oh I like how they kind of pounce at you
2480s that's their opening attack
2483s yeah so
2486s you see now the effect has staggered
2489s applied instead of stun
2492s because I did not use it at the right
2494s time with my fighter
2501s all right we're coming up across a
2503s bridge it looks like
2504s should we rest yeah that's a good idea
2507s if we rest we should probably move off
2509s to the side over here where I want to
2511s take a seat by the little okay I'm gonna
2514s rest right in the middle of the road
2515s gotta get those tips sit by the river
2519s it's a nice little spot
2521s yeah it is a nice spot
2523s I don't trust the water
2526s why nothing like that happens in the
2528s water it's just the depths think of all
2531s the secrets that the depths contain
2533s perfectly safe Dark rivers and Fantasy
2536s games
2537s a zombie is totally not gonna jump out
2539s of there and eat me alive out of the
2541s water nah that would never happen now
2543s remember for those of you who are
2544s watching during the extra life uh event
2547s the Tower of Carfin actually rests upon
2550s a river and some of the energies that
2554s were created when
2555s um
2556s uh Lamont actually did oh God
2562s oh they're shooting like necrotic
2570s there's so many there's a lot I'm on the
2573s Lamppost
2574s all right make sure you stay over near
2576s me where who where are you dread
2579s I'm still down here on the beach
2587s we should probably get up onto this
2589s bridge yeah
2592s I'm just trying to finish off this
2594s zombie first
2596s I'm on the bridge
2597s all right he's down
2601s all right let's get these two guys
2610s but as I was saying the Tower of coffin
2612s event that actually trickled out through
2615s the riverlands because of the rivers and
2618s the undead began to form around these
2620s Rivers but you'll learn more about that
2621s during the story early
2627s that's a nice little uh it's done these
2630s Scholars real quick
2636s kicking them off
2638s Rangers doing work let's go off to the
2641s side pumping
2646s what is up there
2650s oh that looks like something different
2652s and some type of little Golem oh god oh
2655s no no no no no no
2657s no no no no no no
2662s oh this guy's not that bad
2664s [Applause]
2669s oh no what was this
2675s get out of here all right we got more
2677s company that guy was they're lagging
2679s behind a little bit
2681s cannot
2683s challenge me
2693s okay they're challenging me slightly
2698s foreign
2707s except for ranged
2715s oops trapped you there
2718s oh yeah
2719s um yeah you could active one one thing
2722s that we're kind of toying around with
2724s the idea of is giving everybody a
2726s universal active block mechanic
2729s um in which case you know the shield
2731s version would probably be better but
2732s you'd still be able to uh Parry or
2735s whatnot with a two-handed weapon or even
2738s maybe dual wield
2740s oh that's pretty cool we need to find
2743s this send all
2746s um
2747s it's supposed to be kind of up
2752s near
2755s wait maybe we need to go back a little
2757s bit I think we're gonna respawn no
2760s respawn
2761s hold on let's go over this way
2764s I remember
2766s I was told
2770s that it was before this bridge oh no
2773s okay let's just let's just run through
2776s if we can I want to try to find the
2777s sound off
2779s Keep On Moving
2782s oh don't die
2785s okay
2786s hold on
2790s we're good oh God are you still waving
2793s yeah I think so I mean we'll be fine
2796s except I set my speed a little bit
2799s higher
2801s cheater
2804s oh no okay what's happening it's it's
2807s definitely a cleric buff right yes
2809s exactly here actually this is provided
2811s by the range you see that
2813s and all right
2818s we can take these guys zombies are way
2820s behind all right I'm ready
2827s [Applause]
2831s um oh my God you're never ending keep
2834s running
2837s I think hold on we gotta go up here we
2839s gotta up here
2840s up these stairs yeah up these stairs
2845s okay up good we're up here
2851s hold on
2853s I might need some help up here though
2858s let me see if it's over sorry guys I
2860s just want to make sure we can find the
2863s sand
2868s maybe he meant before the bridge like
2870s before the bridge into the cemetery
2874s Maybe
2875s oh I made it on top of the uh the light
2878s post actually
2882s now this is tranquil
2885s like a true cleric
2887s don't die I'm not with you guys by the
2888s way wait nope I don't even know where
2892s you went and we lost our healer we're
2894s screwed no no we're good you guys just
2896s come out come out the front oh I see you
2898s down there I can't we can't end the
2900s stream unless I find the sandal chimp
2903s towns Keenan oh God he's getting swarmed
2906s yeah I'm definitely getting swarmed
2907s apologies
2909s I'll save you
2914s there it's at least I can do
2918s oh shoot
2921s and the zombies are coming oh no no keep
2923s going
2925s wait it was definitely at the entrance
2927s guys I'm so sorry for this I'm so sorry
2930s stream I'm so sorry
2933s I can't Nacho the sandal
2938s totally messed up words now you know we
2941s don't cut these or edit them they're
2943s just
2944s [Applause]
2947s this is such a typical MMO Adventure
2949s it's like getting lost in a dungeon area
2953s uh healer body pulls
2957s there we go we're good I think so okay
2960s we made it out here I can see the stars
2961s again so you actually you guys can see
2964s that there are certain environments that
2967s will just prevent you from being able
2969s to look up into the sky for some of
2972s these constellations all right now we're
2974s looking towards oh and we're supposed to
2977s look towards that Moon oh
2979s I found it we found this and doll
2984s there it is yes
2987s are you dying don't die
2990s then there is the sandal ladies and
2992s gentlemen well I hope that you all have
2995s enjoyed this sneak peek at one of the uh
2998s areas in the riverlands and also some of
3001s the updates to the clear yeah let's take
3003s a seat let's take a seat and also some
3006s of the updates to the uh cleric as well
3009s as you can see there's some UI here
3011s between the icons and the minimap as
3013s well as the targeting and and party uh
3016s UI that we'd love your guys's feedback
3018s on
3020s um you also got to hear a little bit
3021s about uh the night and day cycle see
3025s some of the updates to the Mason Shield
3026s as well as the staff and also learn a
3030s little bit more about Undead and the
3031s energy types that occur and synergies
3033s especially between certain types of
3035s status conditions and effects that might
3038s might exist in ashes of Creations
3041s um with all that being said I'd love to
3044s hear your guys's feedback on what you
3047s saw today make sure you guys go and
3048s visit the forums or Twitter or Reddit
3051s comment in the YouTube two videos give
3053s us what your thoughts are about what you
3055s saw today as always remember this is a
3058s work in progress we are working towards
3060s Alpha 2 but you get to see a little bit
3063s uh every step of the way each month so I
3066s hope you guys enjoyed Trad Keenan thank
3069s you for joining us that was super fun
3071s and I'm surprised we actually didn't die
3074s same it was fun we did thanks for having
3077s us yes we'll see you guys back on stream
3089s hopefully you all enjoyed that
3092s um
3094s doll who else was checking their their
3097s steam updates when they heard the
3098s notification honestly I remembered that
3101s that happened when we were recording it
3103s and then when it happened on the stream
3104s I looked on my computer and I was like I
3107s don't have steam installed on this
3108s computer and then I was like oh wait a
3111s minute
3112s but of course uh I did grab a bunch of
3115s questions and I believe Roshan added
3117s some extra ones in here as well from uh
3120s because they're they're doing a watch
3121s party as well and I always keep an eye
3123s on Discord I was keeping on Twitch so
3125s there's a mix of them in there
3126s um but first I wanted to address that
3128s obviously I think we preface to this and
3130s you know we said it multiple times and
3132s even Steven said it in in the video Even
3134s Steven
3136s um that this is a work in progress so
3138s things like the cape clipping running
3141s animations Bloom loot nameplates all
3144s those things are work in progress so
3145s just I want to reiterate that and your
3148s your concerns right off the bat in
3149s regards to that and also the camera
3151s angle Steven likes a really wide camera
3153s angle you can zoom in if that's the POV
3156s you prefer I saw a lot of people being
3158s like I don't like this POV and he wasn't
3160s even showing that I am a big fan of
3163s super zoomed out but um also another
3165s point is uh this is keeping in context
3168s uh this is level 14 level 15 uh gameplay
3173s um that's one thing and I did note a
3174s couple things and these are these are
3176s the reasons why of course we uh present
3179s you guys with these monthly updates is
3181s because we want your feedback on things
3182s like I saw a lot of commentary about the
3185s night time and how dark exactly night
3188s time should be now of course darkness
3190s when it comes to night day cycles and
3192s games accommodates different types of
3194s games different genres different
3195s mechanics in more survival oriented
3198s games you're expected to have really
3200s dark night times because you utilize
3203s instruments like torches and lights that
3207s can be uh present but when you think
3210s about an MMORPG and you think about the
3213s types of player numbers and player count
3216s you're expected to have in certain
3218s locations and dungeons right that needs
3222s to you need to be able to accommodate
3223s those types of visibility lines and and
3226s those mechanics around that large
3229s multiplayer environment so when you guys
3231s are giving feedback
3233s think about whether or not you want the
3236s outside night time to really be very
3239s dark or if you want that to be
3243s um reserved for specific locations in a
3246s game like certain Dungeons and Towers
3248s where we can utilize mechanics like
3251s different types of lighting mechanisms
3252s in order to facilitate that more dark
3256s feel another thing that I saw was
3259s questions regarding the sit emotion uh
3261s the sit emote
3262s um so this is something that you know
3264s design has gone back and forth on over
3266s the the course of the last year or so
3269s with regards to whether or not we should
3271s have a sit function that actually
3273s increases the Mana region or not now
3276s obviously that's a throwback to more
3278s classic days uh of MMORPG gameplay but
3282s leave your comments on on that thought
3285s um about that as well and then one thing
3286s I just want to note is I traditionally
3289s play or have played a tank not usually I
3293s mean I I also I played like a tank
3294s healer a lot of times
3296s um so that's why I saw that's why you
3298s saw me pulling a lot
3300s um and I apologize for that I noticed
3302s somebody said that I need to have a
3303s child safety leash on me as the Healer
3306s I was laughing so hard people were like
3309s Steven's that guy who is like body
3312s pulling as a Claire because they're like
3313s bored and then they pull all the mobs
3316s and you're and you're like I can't
3317s handle this and then we all die so it
3321s was so great that was great
3323s all right is it okay if I grab some
3325s extra options here and stuff yeah oh and
3327s one last thing is this will be up on
3329s YouTube right after the stream so you
3331s can go watch it and it's higher quality
3333s um uh setting on YouTube
3336s um obviously on stream you know we we
3338s there's a little bit of a quality
3340s difference there for the stream but yeah
3341s for sure it can only upload and or we
3344s can only have so high of bit right they
3346s like cap us so oh yeah um sorry about
3349s that
3350s um but of course the next one here that
3351s I wanted to talk about that was more of
3353s a general thing was uh from Kern SciFi
3355s one two three and they were asking will
3357s you be using 5.1
3359s Yes actually we are um we are moving
3363s over to 5.1 that should be complete in
3366s January
3367s and then moving on we're going to talk
3369s about a few cleric questions and you
3371s already answered one of them that was on
3373s this list
3374s um so first can you explain a little bit
3375s more about the Staggering and how status
3377s effects stagger and stun and that whole
3380s interaction Works
3382s um I can I need to plug my headset in
3385s because I apologies
3389s um yes so um staggering is excuse me
3393s staggering is a type of uh status
3396s condition that can be applied through
3397s certain skills and the the the type of
3401s synergy systems we're going for is that
3404s certain archetypes and class kits will
3406s have access to a number of what we call
3409s first-year status conditions those types
3412s of status conditions are General status
3414s conditions that can be applied across a
3416s host of skills and a number of different
3417s archetypes and class kits and they can
3420s progress when synergized with other
3423s types of status conditions or abilities
3425s to tier two level
3428s um status effects and so for example you
3431s saw that one of the abilities that the
3432s cleric has at level 15 is the chains of
3437s restraint and
3439s um when the chains of restraint lays
3441s down that AOE of course it ticks for
3443s damage over time but it also applies the
3446s Stagger condition however if the Target
3449s was already subject to the staggered
3452s condition then it gets promoted to a
3455s stunned condition now the difference
3457s between staggered and stun in a
3459s staggered State the creature may not use
3463s abilities they can do basic attack
3464s functions they could cast spells if they
3467s had spells access to spells but their
3469s physical abilities would be muted or
3471s would be essentially
3472s um uh
3474s inaccessible during the staggered effect
3477s now a stun condition obviously is a more
3479s Amplified status condition where you
3481s cannot take any actions and so the
3484s Fighter's ability Whirlwind had a
3487s staggered application available to it so
3489s when the cleric chooses to use its
3492s chains of restraintability if they use
3494s it after the fighter applies their
3497s staggered condition then the change will
3499s um will force a stun effect
3501s all right and then folks are wondering
3503s will those stuns work on all enemy types
3505s or will there be ones that will be
3506s specific to certain types of animal or
3509s creatures on my side animals
3512s um generally status conditions will
3513s apply to all creature and player types
3516s um there are of course uh some
3519s um creatures such as bosses
3522s um and or uh raid bosses
3525s um that aren't that have very high
3526s resistances or cannot be affected by
3528s certain status conditions
3530s um in that case obviously uh those
3532s status effects will not apply but the
3534s rest of the skills ability
3536s um uh will like the damage and a
3538s follow-up to that
3540s um will those things stack so if I'm you
3542s know a fighter and I put certain effect
3545s on something and someone else is also a
3547s fighter and puts that effect on do those
3548s things now stack it depends it there's
3551s unique rules uh with regards to stacking
3555s um based on the type of status condition
3558s um so uh in the event that the that the
3560s status condition may not stack
3563s um we have certain stacking rules that
3565s might increase the longevity of the
3567s status condition with the second
3569s application but it's important to note
3571s that we do have the concept of
3573s diminishing returns and that certain
3575s types of status conditions share certain
3578s diminishing return groupings So that
3581s obviously a character can't be like stun
3583s locked or silence locked or you know
3585s just a particular type of status
3587s condition lock all right and then Dale's
3589s flight would like to know can you cast
3591s in movement or do you have to stand
3593s still and I saw quite a few people
3594s mentioning this
3595s most abilities you'll find in ashes of
3598s creation are capable of being cast while
3600s moving some of those abilities might
3603s slow your movement during the cast but
3605s you can continue to move very rarely and
3608s depending on obviously the
3610s um uh uh the importance of the ability
3613s or the power level of that ability you
3616s might be rooted in place so for example
3618s the AOE ability has a lot going on it
3621s has damage ticking over time it is an
3623s area of effect it also has a status
3625s condition application and in those
3627s instances uh the player character gets
3630s rooted and I saw quite a few folks
3632s asking this but Falcon Swift blade asked
3635s um is Steven using Mouse overcasting can
3637s we hover over players also so what are
3639s the ways that I can interact UI wise in
3642s order to heal as a Healer absolutely so
3644s one of the the big goals of our UI team
3647s um is to and and our design team is to
3650s accommodate a whole host of different
3651s types of uh user options that they're
3654s capable of setting
3656s um you know because we all have
3658s different play Styles and in that regard
3660s those include things like uh hover
3662s overcasting double tap application of
3665s AOE effects on cursor location uh just a
3668s lot of different options because people
3670s like to play different ways yeah you can
3673s set those things up in your your key
3675s bindings and setups correct essentially
3679s um and then the other thing that people
3680s were asking is can you heal enemy mobs
3683s that was a frequent thing
3685s um yeah you cannot heal enemy mobs um
3689s there's just really not a a relevant use
3691s case for that when it comes to the
3694s design mechanics of of such a thing
3696s other than uh its primary use which
3699s would be to to grief other players
3702s um you know I have a funny story
3705s uh in Lineage 2 I used to play a zombie
3708s or use play zombie I used to play sort
3710s of a zombie I used to play a bishop
3713s um and the bishop had an ability called
3715s Restore Life and we had an enemy uh
3717s Alliance that we had fought for for many
3719s years was a very two-sided server and
3722s there was a particular uh raid boss
3724s called antheris uh that actually
3727s took hours sometimes to complete uh and
3731s I managed to to get into the area and um
3735s right when they have been fighting that
3738s boss for about four hours I made it
3741s close enough to cast Restore Life on the
3743s and therus boss and I put it back to 70
3745s percent of its health and they had
3748s to keep finding anything
3753s but you did it to us first but but
3754s regardless it's just that type of
3756s mechanic just doesn't really you know
3758s make sense
3759s um don't put your fork at us no I'm just
3761s kidding oh yeah I was playing with
3764s something
3765s um
3766s but yeah I think most there were there
3769s were definitely people who didn't like
3770s it and some people who did want it so I
3772s just wanted to clarify to folks and then
3774s the next thing is uh Tryndamere would
3777s like to know whether you'd be able to
3778s heal yourself as like other archetypes
3781s like a paladin or something of that sort
3783s or Class Type yeah I mean it it depends
3785s obviously on the secondary class
3786s election no one is going to fill the
3788s role of a primary healer other than the
3791s the Healer archetype
3793s um but there will be secondary class
3795s options that you can select which will
3798s provide you with some level of
3800s sustainability under restoration
3802s um most of that will be uh centralized
3804s to yourself
3806s um especially in the case of a paladin
3809s um and then of course bluewheel would
3811s like to know if we'll see more name
3813s plates and health bars uh in order like
3815s in the world in the three yeah I I I
3818s chose the option during this recording
3820s to remove player character nameplates
3822s um I find it you know for my personal
3825s preference that it's a bit more
3826s cinematic when it comes to immersion in
3827s the world
3828s um now obviously uh to that question yes
3831s there's going to be plenty of options
3833s when it comes to showcasing player
3835s nameplates you can resize all the UI
3837s elements that you see on screen here I
3839s forgot to kind of show that
3840s um that's my bad but you can also
3843s um uh select a party nameplate raid name
3847s plate specialization
3848s um showing uh the hit point bar under
3851s the name plate um there's going to be a
3853s whole host of options that players have
3854s access to from a UI perspective
3856s and then zozara would like to know if
3859s there will be special area aboves that
3860s you can use as a support for example in
3863s certain dungeons like you have to buff
3865s everybody up and it'll last for that
3866s dungeon things of that sort oh yeah um
3870s we haven't even shown the uh The Bard
3873s archetype yet
3875s um but uh you know it's it along with
3878s other classes will have certain types of
3880s self Buffs and party Buffs obviously a
3882s level 14 15 that's not going to be too
3884s much that's available there there will
3886s be a number of them but but not as much
3888s as obviously level 50 where you know our
3890s maximum buff bar allotment I think is
3892s somewhere around like 20 some odd Buffs
3894s that can be on a particular character at
3895s one time that includes things like songs
3898s stories and dances from The Bard
3901s um but yeah
3903s get ready for raid Buffs meet up for the
3905s raid Buffs at X time
3908s um of course uh plug would like to know
3911s uh is there a shield charge
3914s like a charge up for the shield
3917s um a shield charge yeah
3920s um you know oh you know thank you you
3922s actually reminded me of something else I
3923s noted down I saw a lot of commentary
3925s around stamina that is an active design
3927s discussion with how we're going to have
3928s certain Universal abilities such as
3931s Dodge and active blocking
3934s um utilize a separate energy mechanic if
3937s you guys have thoughts on stamina usage
3939s um
3940s it is something that we are going to be
3942s actively testing as part of alpha 2.
3944s make sure you guys leave commentary on
3946s on what you've liked about stamina in
3948s the past with other games and what
3949s you've disliked
3950s um about it
3951s and then ventali wants to know it seems
3954s like the enemy health and difficulty
3955s that was seen or that they've seen so
3957s far in all of our Dev updates it seems a
3959s little easy uh they were wondering if we
3962s are going to be kind of working out the
3963s balancing for these encounters oh yeah
3965s because they said as a trio they would
3967s expect it to be a little bit more
3968s dangerous yeah something to keep in mind
3971s is that Alpha 2 is not really intended
3973s to be a PR especially what you're seeing
3975s at this stage right now before Alpha 2
3977s is not meant to Showcase kind of
3979s balancing
3980s um from an engagement or encounter
3982s perspective obviously we do a finger in
3984s the wind kind of balance pass but a lot
3987s of that stuff from our encounters team
3988s uh doesn't get done until populations
3990s are kind of in place and those encounter
3993s designs get a little bit more time to
3995s bake
3996s um so so stand by on that for uh Alpha 2
4000s as we get a little bit deeper into the
4002s testing to get touched up but just to
4005s give you context the intent is that
4008s ashes of creation will be on the higher
4010s side of difficulty when it comes comes
4012s to engagements right and before I get
4015s into day night cycle questions this last
4017s one is from answer boy and they want to
4018s know are some abilities going to have
4021s voiceovers when casting like Grunts and
4023s things of that sort yeah like
4025s incantations and stuff um you know
4028s that's the desire uh Kat has done a
4030s phenomenal dot a job so far with um the
4033s sound design as I saw many commentary a
4036s lot of commentary about it during the um
4038s during the video in the previous videos
4040s some of the casting abilities will have
4044s um uh incantations that are done but we
4047s have not had the ability to implement
4048s that yet
4049s all right and then moving on to day
4052s night stuff uh we had rag uh radgol who
4055s wants to know is the day night cycle
4057s tied to server time
4060s um the day night cycle is tied to server
4064s time
4065s um yes so there is a number of hours
4068s that exist between each of the Cycles
4071s um that's something that will be
4072s fine-tuning of course during Alpha 2 as
4074s well uh but it is intended
4077s um for players to kind of uh interact
4080s with certain systems even based on
4081s in-game time as well
4083s so yeah
4085s and then uh
4087s gnome Berserker would like to know are
4090s there going to be different light levels
4091s tied to time of day slash environment or
4094s moons Etc so I guess like different
4097s um
4098s I'm not sure exactly what they mean by
4100s that but potentially different Sky
4102s levels maybe different areas
4105s um you know
4108s generally you can see here that the that
4112s the lighting levels
4114s um
4114s you know are pretty consistent uh that
4117s is from a game mechanic perspective of
4119s course the the visual setting changes
4122s the the type of lighting you're seeing
4123s here changes based on night and day
4126s um and that's I think related to the
4127s first thing I brought up which is what
4128s we want commentary back on is
4131s um you know what is the level of
4132s Luminosity that's desired
4135s um when it comes to MMORPG open World
4138s gameplay uh not talking about specific
4140s points of interest like Dungeons under
4142s Towers locations where we can restrict
4145s that level lighting to something a bit
4147s darker but the General open world
4149s outside experience that's something
4151s where it's possible for a lot of players
4154s to kind of converge in a particular
4156s location it would be really odd if the
4158s night cycle included
4160s um a significant uh decrease in
4163s visibility and you're running into those
4165s types of environments that's something a
4167s bit more reminiscent of um uh of
4170s survival styled uh games so leave your
4173s commentary on what you've enjoyed about
4174s out that what you've you know want to
4176s see in ashes of creation or see
4179s differently between those types of
4181s settings
4182s and then uh balenzon of fans would like
4185s to know do constellations rise and set
4188s and do those times rotate
4191s yes so constellations as you could see
4194s um with the sky some of those moons
4197s being in different positions
4199s um they do rotate and change uh
4202s throughout the night that is the intent
4203s for them and of course they have wide
4206s application across a number of systems
4208s that are relevant including story and
4210s narrative and the acquisition of certain
4212s types of things in the game
4214s and then Drew guy wants to know does
4217s nighttime boost power of Undead
4220s certain creatures will react differently
4223s certain spawns react differently during
4224s night times and different day night
4226s cycles
4227s um those might also influence things
4230s like abilities and or uh buff slash
4233s debuff vulnerabilities
4236s um you'll have to find out based on the
4237s type of creature you're experiencing all
4239s right and there's a lot of questions I
4241s know we could sit here and answer a
4243s million but um those are the ones that I
4244s saw most frequently and then we've
4247s gathered for this time frame we know
4249s that if you have follow-up questions you
4250s know you know where to find us but of
4252s course we do have two threads that are
4254s going up on our forums if you want to go
4255s check that out and uh one will be about
4258s the cleric and weapon updates and the
4260s and the other one will be the day and
4261s night cycles constellation so please
4263s send us your feedback over there there's
4265s little prompts but you don't have to
4267s necessarily follow those you can just
4268s give us all your thoughts on those we'll
4270s be consolidating feedback reports on
4272s those I think the due date on there is
4275s listed as well so please get your
4276s feedback in as quickly as possible
4278s that's super handy for us so that we can
4280s then relay that back to the developers
4282s and make sure that you know we're
4283s incorporating and thinking about those
4285s things as we move forward and usually we
4288s find that we're on the same page as
4289s y'all so that's reassuring by the way I
4293s just want to do a little call out
4296s Mike Vecchio oh yeah Mike feciusz
4299s awesome he made
4301s this really cool
4304s no it's a troll sitting on top of a
4306s particular type of skull in celebration
4309s of the cemetery and Undead uh uh video
4314s today and it has this little guy for
4317s Christmas and his cute little hat the
4320s joyous artillery sitting on a cyclops
4322s skull all he needs is a some fireworks
4327s this thing is so cool I love it that is
4330s sick
4331s I want one I know
4335s um but of course we have more there's
4337s more
4338s um so we're gonna go through uh the
4340s character stuff obviously you guys have
4342s seen this before there this is a little
4343s updated version of the two-handed staff
4347s and the one-handed shield and mace but
4350s we also have another version of this as
4353s you can kind of see you saw this also in
4355s the game with uh Steven's character he
4357s was holding on to these and utilizing
4359s them yeah and these obviously you can
4360s see by the quality of these types of
4362s weapons these are relatively lower level
4364s these are some of the earliest types of
4365s weapons and or gear that you can acquire
4367s within ashes of creation
4369s but they look oh so cool
4372s yeah and then we've got uh you know we
4375s showed you the Bandit slaver now we got
4377s a little Goblin slaver
4380s y so this is kind of the work in
4381s progress this is the model and then but
4384s yeah
4386s so let me tell you a little bit of uh
4389s history slash context for this
4392s particular Goblin slaver
4394s um one of the starting areas in ashes of
4397s creation is the old aylin
4399s capital city uh which I believe we
4403s started in in our campaign for extra
4405s life this last month but as players kind
4410s of return you have to be careful because
4412s certain types of in-world
4415s um uh uh um
4418s uh settings based on story progression
4421s of certain story arcs might result in
4424s some of these slavers coming in around
4425s that starting area and these slavers
4428s have a particular type of interaction
4431s mechanic uh where instead of killing the
4434s player they can subdue the player drag
4437s them to a cage and then there's a little
4440s mini game trying to get out of the cage
4441s or other players can try to get you out
4443s of their cage right because they're
4444s capturing you to try to take you up to
4446s be you know slaves
4448s um so what do you guys feel about those
4450s types of mechanics that are unique
4452s um where the uh where the monsters can
4455s take you and pull you into a cage but
4457s that's what these guys do they're set up
4459s to do in the in the starting area give
4461s us your feedback on that too
4463s yes yes
4465s um and we you saw them in game but the
4468s zombie shamblers and I think we've shown
4470s them off before too but a little judging
4473s little updates to them looking pretty
4475s pretty fab yeah you guys saw that in the
4479s in the video this is a zombie scholar
4483s um I believe was it ginsey that worked
4485s on this one I think just yes jensy
4486s worked on this yes scholar or not uh
4488s shambler sorry yes this one's The
4491s Scholar
4492s he throws little necrotic bolts at you
4494s from a ranged distance looks like he
4497s would shoot lasers at you like
4504s um and then and Chong and Doug set this
4506s up on the design and counter side
4508s um that you guys saw uh in the video
4512s the winterness which I think you know
4516s some of y'all this is OG so um if you're
4520s somebody who has access to this guy yes
4522s that was an old one when was that
4525s um I think it was it was a long time ago
4527s and then also uh Stephen I think there
4530s was one time we were like they used the
4532s winter and it's tears to do something I
4534s can't remember what it was that's how we
4537s create our
4539s um I thought it was we said that that
4540s was like the uh the the equivalent of
4543s gunpowder or for oh yeah that's what it
4545s was it was the tears of the of the nymph
4548s or the nymph nip I don't know how it's
4551s n-y-t-h- you guys made it
4554s before it was before my times
4557s um and then this one's super oh and just
4560s real quick what I would love for the nif
4562s to have if possible on the animation
4564s side okay animators goats yes animators
4567s the goats that when you scare them their
4569s legs lock up and they fall over if that
4571s was if that was just a just a little
4574s animation that this guy did that'd be
4576s great
4577s those ones are so funny
4580s um and then we also have this one it
4582s looks so cool
4584s the cultist
4586s do you want to give a little lore to the
4587s about the culture yeah
4591s absolutely so you'll notice that this
4594s guy has a particular type of tattoo on
4597s his back
4598s um you'll see uh that these are
4601s obviously some type of um
4603s some type of human now where did these
4607s cultists come from right because the
4609s Ancients have been on vera for a long
4610s time uh you know prior to your return
4615s excuse me
4616s um and it's important to note that uh
4619s players who are uh starting in the world
4621s of Vera they're coming in actually a few
4623s short months after the very first
4625s expeditionaries were sent through
4628s um the Divine gateways when they opened
4630s um from Sanctus and the early days on
4633s Vera with the return were not uh super
4638s um uh easy they were difficult there
4641s were struggles with the Food Supplies
4644s there were
4646s um a little bit of mutinies that
4648s occurred there were certain artifacts
4650s that were found by some of these NPCs
4653s that that that that were your
4655s predecessors in the return
4657s um and some of them decided that they
4658s would be better off on their own or that
4660s they had a more powerful thing
4663s or creature that they could follow and
4666s uh be rewarded uh from and um some of
4669s them turned into cultists and that's one
4670s of the cultists you see here there's
4671s going to be some story lines you're
4673s going to have to investigate on that
4674s front
4676s yeah they look pretty awesome and with
4679s that uh do we have time to do some q a
4682s from the forums Stephen but of course
4685s what time is it it is 12 20. I have a
4688s hard cut off at 12 30 if okay
4692s I'll try as many as we can rapid
4694s response I don't think you could do that
4696s I will try I did a bunch of I was kind
4699s of Rapid about the questions after the
4701s video yeah I'm just kidding okay we have
4704s tea
4706s Taran thoraxis over on the forums asked
4709s about Laura are there any details about
4711s the 2B varying Gods influence in our
4715s gameplay that you can share with or hint
4718s at
4719s you know I I really wouldn't want to do
4721s that because
4722s um the the stories that Scott and when
4725s and
4726s um Jeremy and Amy and and um you know
4729s everyone are and Tony are are putting
4731s together are pretty compelling
4734s um they're pretty cool uh and Rich and I
4736s wouldn't want to ruin that so
4739s I'll stay away from that but I will give
4741s you context the the gods are an active
4744s part of the story
4745s um and you know each of the cultures
4748s kind of have their own interpretation of
4751s the of the whims and desires and focuses
4754s of the Gods so
4756s awesome yeah we tried man we're trying
4758s to get more stuff out of him I know
4760s y'all want to know know more about the
4762s guys they don't they really don't want
4764s to I know they want to but they don't
4766s want me to tell them they want to play
4767s it so yeah yeah for sure he's like this
4770s isn't really what you want uh uh Nova
4773s novocrona wants to know about
4774s large-scale combat have you given any
4776s thought towards adding debuff protection
4779s such as having immunity to stuns for
4782s some seconds after having been stunned
4784s during a Siege battle and there was
4786s actually some questions regarding this
4787s Beyond just sieges so just to be clear
4790s what you're talking about is really
4791s called diminishing returns
4793s um and uh when it comes to status
4796s conditions the ability to apply certain
4800s um uh passive resistance to status
4804s conditions if you've suffered from a
4806s status condition of a particular type
4809s you get an increased resistance against
4812s those and that scales so if by chance
4815s you do get gets done maybe a couple of
4817s times
4819s excuse me it would be near near
4821s impossible to stun you for a third or
4823s fourth time right and then you get to
4826s save that higher resistance for some
4829s period of time
4831s um and and you know that just makes the
4833s gameplay more compelling we've played
4835s all played games where you can get stun
4837s locked and that is a really bad feeling
4839s and it's not even fun for the person
4841s who's doing the stun lock it might be
4844s um you know
4845s yeah it's just it's just not a good
4847s compelling type of gameplay so in order
4850s to kind of avoid that we and and and to
4853s accommodate a massively multiplayer
4854s setting you have to utilize things like
4856s diminishing returns um that can increase
4858s your resistances when you suffer those
4860s types of effects
4862s all right cool and then our next one is
4865s from drunk ninja asking about Naval
4867s content will there be a way to produce
4869s enough experience for a node for those
4871s who want to spend the majority of their
4873s time on the Open Seas
4875s I'm so sorry you have to repeat the
4876s first of that part of that because I was
4878s watching some of the trolls and chat
4879s saying it's an it's incredibly fun it's
4881s hilariously fun to stud lock an opponent
4883s yeah they like not don't lie we love it
4886s no it's fun to do it to somebody it's
4888s not fun to be the person who's like oh
4889s my gosh I can't do anything because I'm
4891s still online if you have fun stun
4894s locking another player and then watching
4895s them die and being able to do nothing in
4897s response you are not the right you are
4899s not the right type of player you want to
4901s have meaningful engagement and fun I
4904s think some people like it skill that's
4907s utilized to win an engagement not just
4909s lock down an enemy because of bad game
4910s design
4912s all right the question is uh to
4914s reiterate will there be a way to produce
4916s enough experience for a node for those
4919s who want to spend the majority of their
4920s time on the Open Seas so really the
4923s question here is like can I spend most
4924s of my time on the open STEEZ and still
4926s help my node out
4928s yeah absolutely yes you the the Open
4931s Seas have have a good amount of content
4935s um and that content when completed will
4938s give its uh contribution to a nearby
4941s note
4942s um and and that is something that uh
4944s people who live on the sea a desire to
4946s live on the sea will be able to
4949s um contribute in a way
4950s all right and dolian wants to note about
4953s taverns what benefits do players receive
4956s for taking on the role of a Tavern owner
4961s um well one you will get noticeability
4964s with regards to your Creations
4966s um because that will be displayed to the
4967s characters that consume those things but
4970s in addition you can get certain types of
4972s itemization rewards uh depending on the
4975s number of patrons that you serve you can
4978s also reap economic rewards such as gold
4982s from the uh the end that you are selling
4985s your Goods at
4987s um and then you can unlock access to
4989s certain types of recipes and or vendors
4992s based on the level of reputation you
4995s build up in that particular node people
4997s in chat are like clout free booze tips
5002s uh church plays wants to know about
5004s gameplay development which is an
5006s interesting one which game systems do
5008s you think present the biggest challenge
5010s to the Intrepid team in regards to
5012s construction testing implementation and
5015s balance
5017s I guess it depends on the type of
5019s challenge we're talking about from a
5021s feasibility standpoint I think one of
5025s the challenges that is always going to
5027s accompany any multiplayer game
5029s development is going to be
5032s optimization around Network layers and
5035s the ability to host a large number of
5038s concurrent multiplayers in a in a
5040s particular environment that's always
5042s going to be something that any Studio
5043s who's endeavoring to create a large
5045s multiplayer experience will need to
5048s focus on and it's a challenging one it
5049s is a it is a difficult thing to
5052s accommodate especially if you want a
5054s world where you're not doing instances
5056s right yeah especially in an open world
5058s right that is absolutely true thank you
5061s um and then obviously when you're
5062s talking about MMORPG development in
5065s order to create a compelling environment
5067s and create a compelling world you really
5069s have to have a lot of content and that
5072s comes in the form of our large class
5074s selection the ability creation pipeline
5077s all the creatures that need to be
5078s created the NPCs they all have abilities
5081s that need to be done and our pipelines
5083s you know there are different choke
5084s points that occur whether you're talking
5086s about a particular ability when it comes
5087s from the ideation phase into the gdd
5090s into the functional design paths to the
5093s animation and the iteration of the
5095s animations and then finally moves on VFX
5097s and sound design you know that there's a
5099s lot that gets that needs to be done from
5102s a Content generation perspective and I'm
5104s just not talking about like story lines
5106s and quests and narrative I'm talking
5107s about everything that you're seeing from
5109s the armor sets to the creatures to the
5111s abilities to the visual effects to the
5113s animations to to the world to the to the
5115s foliage you know there's a lot of stuff
5117s that has to get done to create a
5119s compelling and immersive environment in
5121s a game like ashes of creation
5123s um and especially in a way that we're
5124s doing it from a transparent development
5126s process where people get to see these
5128s things in their very work in progress
5130s States
5131s um so you know content creation is is
5133s always something that's going to be
5134s difficult when it comes to MMORPGs I
5136s would say those are probably the two
5138s biggest challenges that any development
5141s faces yeah
5143s it's very it's very interesting to be in
5145s in a development phase where you're
5147s you're still working on creating things
5149s and you're showcasing it at the same
5151s time right it's kind of fun I like it it
5155s has its good things and it's bad things
5157s in regards to that but um it is kind of
5159s cool to share that along with you guys
5161s and also get your feedback in the
5162s process our next question here is from
5164s Jalan and he wants to know about player
5166s death loot tables given that you dropped
5168s you drop processed Goods when you die
5170s and Alchemy and cooking are now process
5172s in the processing category does that
5174s mean when you die you drop food potions
5177s beverages Etc good question as a point
5180s of clarity no you don't come you do not
5182s drop those
5183s um so when the things that you drop are
5187s the things that are materials and
5188s gatherables that are used in the
5190s generation of something else because
5193s Alchemy because cooking has reached its
5196s final stage product that is an item
5198s that's protected within your inventory
5199s so food dishes and and those types of
5203s buff items the potions those Do not drop
5207s on death
5207s and for our final question and to wrap
5210s things up we have a question from kastai
5212s and they want to know about musical
5213s instruments bards will have the ability
5216s to play musical instruments but will
5218s they be able to be the only archetype
5220s with that ability or will anyone be able
5222s to use instruments for recreational and
5224s role-playing um
5227s that's a good question my desire is that
5230s we will have a
5232s a system of instrument usage that
5235s accompanies
5236s um
5238s uh uh a non-uh particular archetype
5242s requirement right so obviously bards
5244s have the ability to play certain uh
5247s dances and songs and those confer Buffs
5249s to their party members
5251s um but also there's a RP slash
5255s um uh I think cool skill opportunity
5258s when it comes to players making music
5259s and playing the music on certain
5261s instruments that they can acquire in the
5262s game
5263s um that's not something we've worked on
5264s yet but it is a desire of mine so we'll
5268s see how that goes awesome and with that
5271s we're gonna wrap up today's stream we
5274s had a lot of stuff for you we hope that
5276s you enjoyed it and that you have a lot
5279s to talk about in the month to come and
5281s of course we will be having a December
5283s update so we hope to see you all next
5284s month with some goodies from that please
5287s head on over to our forums if you
5289s haven't already
5291s forums.ashesofcreation.com we have two
5293s threads that are up already in regards
5295s to this uh because we wanted to have the
5297s cleric in the web stuff is one thread
5299s and the other one for the day night
5300s cycle and constellations so please give
5302s us your feedback I saw a lot of people
5304s having opinions so if you got opinions
5306s toss them over there because that is
5308s where we're going to be taking our our
5310s details for our reporting that is why we
5313s do these streams give us your opinion
5315s give us your thoughts give us your
5316s experiences make sure you engage on on
5318s the YouTube video that comes after this
5320s the twitters the uh Googles no I'm just
5323s gonna be our forums and our Reddit
5326s because it's very important and
5328s Community collects all that feedback and
5330s presents it's the development team
5331s they're amazing they've they go through
5334s every single comment that y'all put in
5336s there so respect to Roshan and evacnar
5340s for all the work they do on that front
5342s and of course Peter on the social media
5344s side kick in major butt so thank you to
5347s those guys and of course our uh wardens
5349s in the Wild cosmetics will be swapping
5351s over on December 14th at 11AM Pacific so
5353s if you're interested in those check them
5355s out over there reminder that those are
5357s all really cool creatures and things
5359s that you'll see in the world that's what
5361s they're for is for our development team
5363s to design and utilize them and of course
5364s thank you all for tuning in with us
5366s thank you Stephen for your time I know
5368s you have your back-to-back meetings we
5371s hope that you all stay safe and healthy
5373s the video for the um the little segment
5377s that we had will be up on YouTube today
5378s and our full development update will be
5380s up tomorrow so we hope that you'll check
5382s them out and of course if you check this
5384s out uh on on Saturday when it's uploaded
5387s and leave a comment and subscribe to us
5389s on YouTube you could be spotlighted your
5392s comment could be spotlighted in our next
5393s development update so be sure to follow
5396s us on all the places also for this will
5398s be available immediately as soon as we
5400s enter stream on Twitch so follow us on
5402s Twitch YouTube Twitter Facebook
5404s Instagram uh Snapchat whatever your
5407s favorite thing is you can find us at
5408s ashes of creation we're everywhere we
5410s are interacting with people in all the
5412s places we hope to see you and of course
5413s hang out with us over on Discord where
5415s we can kind of interact in a little bit
5417s more of a back back and forth basis and
5420s we'll see you all next month for a
5422s little wintry uh development update
5426s yay bye everyone have an awesome weekend
5429s [Music]
5453s foreign
5455s [Music]
over 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link


🧟‍♂️ In case you missed it, check out our November Development Update to catch up on the latest news! https://youtu.be/I_LhGxdKBNQ

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