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Assuming the Intrepid hasn't already finished all the abilities for every class, what would you guys like to see? Maybe our ideas could be of use to them in some way. Il post a few of mine and if this gains traction, il go more in depth.

1. TANK: I would like something similar to what the dragonknight has in eso where the flap their wings to return incoming projectiles. Obviously it doesn't have to be wings; maybe a momentary projection of a shield or maybe they just have an aura around them briefly. I believe it would help to keep their dps up in pvp and incentives others to play the class maybe.
2. Rogue: it'd be nice if the have maybe a passive to do increased damage if the opponents back is facing them. (Pretty sure that's a common one. )
3. Assasin: something like khazix's 1st ability or passive from league of legends. Haven't played it since high school so don't know how accurate this is but he would essentially do more damage if an enemy was isolated, i.e moving alone. I believe this was only for the first attack or only on the 1st ability ofcourse.
4. Dreadnought: I like the idea of potentially swapping out your defensive stats for offensive power, i.e if you 1000 defense, it would be turned into 1000 offense for nothing over 10 seconds ideally. Sounds fitting the notion of a Dreadnought.
5. Ranger: a tracking arrow ability or consumable one use arrow potentially. Use nature energy or whatever to have a marker on the map for the target you hit with it. Keep the active time for it not too high to prevent any heavy griefing. Sounds nice and adds a layer to combat.
6. Summoner: this idea is from an anime called infinite dinjagram(pretty sure I spelled it wrong. ) as a Summoner, you could momentarily fuse with your summons to become a hybrid/Chimera humanoid. Sounds cool.
7. Cleric: sacrifice a huge portion of your life but make an ally invulnerable for a short period of time. High cooldown.

That's all that comes to mind immediately. Obviously these aren't the most thought out it terms of balance. They just sound interesting so try not to get too angry over it if your the type.

Share your ideas below! You never know, maybe this'll help the team out in some way. Il even throw in a cookie. πŸͺ πŸ˜‡
about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I love threads like these! This is a question we featured in a couple of our Office Hours sessions on Discord. Archetype and class fantasy is important and feeling attuned with the archetype/class you play is what makes playing it that much more special!