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We all know that detecting and banning bots is relatively easy, but the real challenge lies in finding a way to permanently ban the individuals behind these activities. I recall playing on some Lineage 2 servers a long time ago, where they had a seamless method for banning bots, hackers, and real-money traders (RMTs). When you create an account, it is linked to your motherboard, similar to the activation process for Windows. Could this approach work for Ashes of Creation? Implementing a system where game accounts are tied to specific hardware components, such as a motherboard, is technically feasible, but it comes with both advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: Effective Anti-Bot Measures: Linking accounts to hardware can make it more challenging for users to create and manage multiple accounts on the same machine, reducing the prevalence of bots. Deterrent for Cheaters: The knowledge that their hardware is at risk of being permanently banned may discourage some players from engaging in cheating or exploiting the game. Stability: It can contribute to a more stable player environment by discouraging malicious activities. Disadvantages: If you change your motherboard Trying to login in other device
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
You can read their plans here. https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Security_systems
Nice assist! πŸ’ͺ