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As I understand it, freeholds under a lost territory will be sort of a "free-for-all" for all players after the siege within a roughly 2 hour window.

A typical scenario in a healthy server:
So lets say I play a breeder (insert trade class) and build my base with my buddies. spend all weekend to set up everything. and then it gets burnt down by the following weekend. and then I somehow find another land deed in another territory that's not that ideal but whatever, its available (remember, 8k players=highly contested resources). So now, after a week of setting up everything, paying for logistics etc., two weeks or so later I get a war notice, war happens and then that node falls. Now me and my ten guild mates are defending against a 200 elite maxed-gear pvp-ers fresh out of battle, with an entire horde of vultures behind them, of which, we obviously 100% will fail to defend. so now we relocate again and rinse & repeat.

If you're a breeder, which falls under the gathering & refining category, your animals may be destroyed & looted too. (correct me if I'm wrong)

So what gameplay are we looking at?:
[*] Once relocated, I have to refurnish/redecorate everything.
[*] Possibly paying for logistics to relocate
[*] Possibly paying players to defend my land
[*] Maybe cant participate in war because I have to prepare for all these
[*] or better yet, prepare for war, join it, lose, run back home, and prepare for all these just the same.
Even if I get more proficient at managing my relocation, because after the third/fourth time, one should be considered a pro & a glutton for punishment at this point; this will still take a significant portion of game time from the other pve-pvp side of the game. not to mention the hassle and dread. Mr Steven said it himself, the genre has an ageing demographic. ageing = less time.

And yet I have to do this every three weeks or so, depending on the node tier CDs. In conclusion, In the event that my freehold gets destroyed every single time, will this be the gameplay that we will potentially experience?

Secondly, with the heavy cost-benefits, how much should I charge my potatoes for, >30g/pc?

Thirdly, will there be any sort of system to mitigate these losses? I mean, if city's fortifications cant withstand the attackers, what sort of fortifications/defense can a lowly farmer muster, (if any)?

Pros: Dormant freeholds can and will be raided and taken up by new owners, as it should!

Side note: Tavern owners are much more reliant on strategic locations within the trade route. is it worth it to build considering the cost-benefit of hassle & time (.. and gold)?

What are your thoughts, feel free to correct me where Im wrong, as I prefer to be wrong on every single one of this.
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I think @AidanKD did a good job of pointing out how Sieges won't happen as often as you may be concerned that they will. Siege scrolls won't be overly easy to come by, and sieges from the very beginning to finish won't happen overnight! That'll give you time to prepare for sieges so you're not blindsided.

When it comes to animal husbandry being an aspect of what is lootable from a freehold... We will have to stay tuned for more information! That might not be a bad question for our monthly Q&A which can be found here ;)