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I know It's early for Intrepid to be talking about this since regional servers with harmonized prices are still under consideration, but I'd like to leave my suggestions for publishing AoC in South America.

First, if Intrepid does decide to publish in SA, I hope they only open 1 server for all SA, even tho I would love to get a separate Brazil server I do think it's better to deal with a little queue time on launch, and maybe end up having queues for weekend prime-times rather than having 2 or more servers that after a few months can't get to the 10k peak, plus, the language barrier isn't that big of an issue between Portuguese and Spanish speakers.

Second, I remember Steven saying they would probably use publishers for regional servers. For SA specifically, there aren't many good options, the only 2 decent publishers I can suggest from recent times are Level Up Games and Amazon Games.

Level Up has done a decent job with Guild Wars 2 however they have a terrible reputation since most of their games are P2W, even tho I understand that's not entirely their fault since the developer hands over too much control of their games, that would still be a reason for concern for many Brazilian players and might put some players off.

Amazon has been doing a decent job as well with Lost Ark and New World, the servers and support are good, the Portuguese translation and voice acting for NW are amazing. They still haven't translated lost ark to Portuguese, but they said they will do so in the near future. They do have Portuguese support with live chat for both games, and it's very good.

The only issue I heard about Amazon handling Lost Ark in SA is with regard to the control they have over the content and cosmetic releases. I believe this wouldn't be an issue with Intrepid if they ever were to have a partnership with AGS, as I hope Intrepid would not hand over any control of the game to a publisher and keep AoC at the same standards as NA/EU.

Finally, there are a few publishers that Intrepid should definitely stay away from, such as RedFox Games the publisher for Black Desert Online in SA, as they are notorious for the lack of support and are involved in fishy activities in regards to allowing and even promoting gold-selling: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/mna71g/redfox_corruption_report/

This was never addressed by the company, they just ignored the playerbase and moved on, the staff is still working there and nothing was ever done about it.

With that said, I hope when (and if) the time comes, where Intrepid announces a SA regional server; they ask, and take our feedback into consideration before making the final decisions, as they have been doing with the game development :)
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
We would love to see South American servers as well as Brazillian Portuguese localization for Ashes of Creation. We hope to make it a possibility!

We will have more information as we progress further in development on whether this will be possible for us or not! We appreciate the passion shared in this post ^_^