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Nineteen thousand five hundred and seventy six people believed enough in this project to meet every stretch goal Intrepid Studio set. Looking back at the videos from that day you can see how raw they were. Just a bunch of gamers building something fun. Now they have a huge team, Alpha, new studio, quality videos, but they are still a bunch of gamers building something new.

I was backer 14409 and it's been a heluva ride to say the least. In that first year most everyone was on the forums waaaay to much. We didn't make demands of IS but simply hung out. We made jokes that we were a support group for all the disappointing games we've played lately. Now there a bunch of communities to talk and hang out in.

The MMO genre and it's communities get the short end of the gaming stick but damnit if we aren't the closest bunch of little nerds in the gaming sphere. Thanks IS and thanks /r/AshesofCreation .

(KS video for nostalgia reasons)


External link β†’
almost 4 years ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Crazy.... Nodes 3 when?