Original Post — Direct link
No one else is excited to have learned this from the reveal in the video? Haven't seen other posts about it. Was good to come to know - and a major lore reveal. While my feelings were mixed about Steven addressing my question about the gods, it was great to learn *why* we won't be hearing much more about the gods, before launch.

Having us be the "2nd Wave" of settlers to Verra from Sanctus adds another layer of complexity and back-story to build upon. Am eager to learn what they learned about Verra and the gods that turned them away from their ties/service to Sanctus, and the rest of our peoples-to-be.

about 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
LOVE me a good sprinkle of lore. Steven is definitely keeping his cards close to his chest on the livestreams in terms of lore. More often than not, lore questions don't get answered because he sincerely doesn't want to spoil any of the incredible work that our lore and narrative teams are doing.

I looooooove lore so I keep myself in the dark when it comes to much of the lore behind Ashes of Creation. With that said, I love that you're also excited to get more sprinkles of story when and where we can! <3