No one else is excited to have learned this from the reveal in the video? Haven't seen other posts about it. Was good to come to know - and a major lore reveal. While my feelings were mixed about Steven addressing my question about the gods, it was great to learn *why* we won't be hearing much more about the gods, before launch.
Having us be the "2nd Wave" of settlers to Verra from Sanctus adds another layer of complexity and back-story to build upon. Am eager to learn what they learned about Verra and the gods that turned them away from their ties/service to Sanctus, and the rest of our peoples-to-be.
Having us be the "2nd Wave" of settlers to Verra from Sanctus adds another layer of complexity and back-story to build upon. Am eager to learn what they learned about Verra and the gods that turned them away from their ties/service to Sanctus, and the rest of our peoples-to-be.