almost 3 years
ago -
Direct link

- George_Black
First poll?
- Azherae
Nothing boosts engagement like 'being able to see who disagrees with you at a glance', amirite?
I assume this comes with an option to change your vote then?
- horendis
Just when I was about to harvest the crops on my Freehold, the node triggered a Frost Dragon. Now it's snowing and icy. I fear for my plants and the Gibbering Maws have come out in full force. My npc's keep shooing them away and my Mule keeps slipping on the ice. Ugh... now I have to go help fight the beast and I'm still wearing my summer gardening clothes. Never a dull moment on our side of Verra!
- Noaani
So, I am somewhat curious as to why Roshen hasn't voted in the poll.