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That's a real question !

Why are Bards never or very little represented in MMOs?

I would like to know if Ashes is going to do it, because that would be a really good idea.

And that would change us from the usual, shaman, druid, priest etc...

I remember playing a very long time ago, a "free" MMO.

There was the bard class in it.

And quite frankly, if the devs manage to do it, it would make a hell of a pub to the game.

In addition a support class is always good.

The bard was used in this MMO to literally "ignite" the scene (the enemies), give speed buffs with catchy music, healing with hymns and other, MC with captivating music and "silence" with the spell of cacophony.

It was super fun to play and it was fun to play.

And for houssing this free mmo game had one too.

we could organize "banquets", parties etc. and people came, discussed, sat on the furniture that I had to place myself.

And once the party was over everyone had a power and exp buff.

I'm not saying that this game was perfect because, if you used your bank card, you could be full of stuff and kill everyone very easily.

But there were good ideas.

That no large group like blizzard has ever taken into account.

Must say that their dev 'do not play their own game, how do you want to see the faults?

Finally here, I hope that the devs of Ashes will try to get out of the lot of MMOs dominated only by WoW which is getting worse from year to year because there is no innovation, since there is no competition .

Thank you for reading me and good luck to the devs of Ashes, I place a lot of hope in this game!

a french player
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Why are bards not in every MMO? I don't know.. However, I'm certainly happy they will be present in Ashes of Creation! I myself can't wait to play a Bladedancer :)