over 2 years
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
28s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
32s | live stream day with an awesome |
36s | Showcase of our basic ranged combat |
39s | revamp |
41s | um excited to be here again showing you |
44s | guys ashes of creation and its current |
46s | progress towards Alpha 2. I have joining |
50s | me today to Stellar senior designers on |
53s | our team |
54s | senior designer Trad and Jeremy how are |
57s | you guys doing |
59s | I'm doing well I'm just looking forward |
62s | to showing some of the stuff we've been |
63s | working on here oh I know it's always |
65s | exciting Jeremy how you doing buddy |
66s | doing really good really excited to be |
69s | here really excited to show the stuff |
71s | we've got this time yes and I my first |
75s | my first ah |
77s | is of course the world just the |
80s | unbelievably beautiful environments that |
84s | uh the environment team and the design |
86s | team have just come up with with these |
89s | ruins and this Forest I mean where where |
92s | are we at right now Jeremy |
93s | we are in the riverlands and which was |
97s | the former heart of the island Empire so |
100s | we're among their ruins from a long time |
104s | ago after the fall yeah people saw some |
106s | of these things |
107s | um in the weather and Seasons |
111s | um showcase uh so you guys might |
113s | recognize this stuff but the alien |
115s | Empire that was one of the largest if |
117s | not the largest Empire at the town at |
119s | the time of the Apocalypse right right |
121s | it was at the height of their golden age |
124s | when the uh |
125s | the fall happened so we are just |
128s | standing in their ruins now and it is it |
131s | is so cool I always love environments |
133s | where |
134s | you have |
135s | these ancient |
138s | almost artifacts and and just locations |
141s | that you get to explore |
144s | um |
145s | it's really compelling yeah is to to |
148s | make a living breathing world that's an |
150s | actual character of our game Vera should |
152s | very much feel like a character that has |
155s | so much history and story behind it uh |
158s | they're like great fantasy worlds of the |
160s | past and other franchises bearish should |
163s | very much feel like one of those that |
165s | just hearing the name invokes all kinds |
167s | of history and character and and living |
170s | breathing and and actually a world |
172s | that's been in trouble for a long time |
174s | now and the players are coming back to |
176s | help rescue and recover that I love it |
179s | and I also love the fact that Chris |
182s | Atkins threw in some slits for this |
185s | elf's ears to come through oh my gosh |
188s | it's so awesome I feel a lot comfortable |
193s | adorable they are adorable this is such |
197s | a great outfit |
198s | um I'm loving the cape cloth as well |
201s | that's very cool so you were mentioning |
203s | we are in an area yeah that is uh |
206s | relatively dangerous right this is um |
209s | these aren't Elite monsters right but |
211s | they are still deadly these are looks |
215s | like a Minotaur uh Hunting Party war |
217s | party that are investigating this area |
219s | for some reason it looks like some |
221s | Shaman have have come down to this |
224s | Riverland area |
226s | and they're checking things out and they |
228s | have some like guard dogs with them |
230s | they've got some drudgers with them |
233s | um kind of like reptilian dog kind of |
236s | things that are acting as Lookouts and |
239s | guards while they're looking around for |
241s | things oh no oh I'm walking oh God |
250s | hold on one second |
252s | Chad what should I do what should I what |
254s | what what items or abilities |
257s | uh spam two on one of them take that guy |
259s | down |
261s | all right that was a quick shot right |
262s | there |
264s | um so quick shot is an ability that has |
266s | three charges |
268s | um and each shot does more damage than |
270s | the last to the Target that you're |
272s | attacking you can kind of use it as an |
273s | opener Alpha strike kind of ability just |
277s | drop somebody it's gonna have that two |
279s | back again the quick shot |
280s | yep yeah we haven't done like full |
284s | cooldown pass on this or anything so you |
286s | could pretty much disband right now but |
288s | you've got that oh that guy oh God I |
290s | have 16 health no no no no |
294s | the shaman are not something to mess |
296s | with they're they've got that chart how |
297s | did we draw so how did I grab so many |
301s | they're paying attention okay hold on |
304s | yeah you have to be aware of your |
307s | surrounding I did not |
309s | I was not aware of my surroundings okay |
312s | you guys may notice |
313s | that I'm not dying right now and I would |
316s | just like to comment that the stream |
318s | would not be good if I died |
322s | trying to fight these things what am I |
323s | using here dread |
325s | uh that would be snipe |
327s | um so unlike quick shot that is an |
330s | ability that you can press and hold and |
332s | it kind of roots you in place so it's |
333s | you gotta you gotta like use that at the |
336s | right time but you gotta you do get a |
338s | lot of payoff if you can pull off the |
339s | whole thing |
341s | um so the longer that you charge it uh |
343s | the more damage it does I need to get my |
345s | some of my health back I I apologize |
347s | stream I let me just say that whenever |
350s | we do these recordings and I uh am |
354s | piloting right I have this very well |
357s | thought out outline and plan about how |
360s | things are gonna go and somehow |
364s | something happens and it just doesn't it |
367s | doesn't work I don't know why I think |
368s | when Mike Tyson says everyone has a plan |
370s | until they're punched in the face right |
371s | yeah every now no no plan survives |
374s | contact with the Enemy |
376s | um but uh so I I didn't I turned on this |
379s | cheat code which doesn't let me die if I |
381s | fall below one hit point so every time |
383s | you see me dropped one hit point know |
384s | that I would have normally just died |
385s | there and you guys can |
387s | um you know take a shot of water or |
389s | something |
391s | um point for the Minotaur yeah |
393s | okay so uh by the way you guys are |
397s | seeing where this is early morning here |
399s | on the the Varan riverlands |
402s | um and you'll see that there's a lot of |
404s | weather effects that are happening right |
406s | here there's some there's some pollen |
408s | because we're in the middle of spring |
410s | but it's also early morning so we have |
412s | this fog layer that's rolling through |
415s | um of course |
417s | the Aesthetics of Ashes of creation are |
419s | very important we've always said that |
420s | game systems makes games funds |
424s | um and uh the game environment and the |
426s | Aesthetics make it uh make it beautiful |
429s | and make it immersive so |
432s | um we double down on both of those but |
434s | Jeremy talk to me a little bit about |
436s | these minotaurs who are these minotaurs |
438s | why are they here so these Minotaur well |
441s | prior to the fall they were kind of uh |
443s | just a nomadic chaotic race they're a |
446s | race that really benefited when the the |
448s | player races left saying or left |
450s | percentage so they in the intervening |
454s | time they've gotten stronger they've |
456s | kind of found some techniques some help |
459s | in some ways from other entities that |
462s | aren't friendly so they've they've |
464s | really got organized got equipped and |
468s | they're kind of actually excited to see |
470s | the players come back because they want |
472s | some Revenge |
473s | so they are looking for ways to uh they |
477s | have oral histories and things that tell |
478s | of these people that um held them down |
481s | and and hunted them and they're uh |
484s | they're brutally wanting to exact that |
486s | Revenge can I um I'm gonna cheat here |
489s | again because I just want to get go up |
490s | to them and give people a look at what |
492s | these minotaurs look like in the game so |
496s | so the terrigora is one of those Clan |
499s | clans or tribes uh this one's the the |
503s | rain caller who uh has uh Essence that |
507s | kind of evokes water he has water |
510s | abilities throws water attacks and makes |
514s | Shields of of water bubbles around them |
517s | this guy is amazing I love the model |
521s | work you know Eli's done an amazing job |
525s | on these and these are just a shaman |
528s | these are kind of the ones that are |
531s | Divine and have a little bit of a |
535s | connection there there's much bigger |
537s | ones much more even scarier ones like |
539s | the Marauders and the Berserkers and |
541s | even the Khan |
543s | oh wow look at that I'm sorry I'm just |
546s | looking over in the distance and I see |
548s | this this giant like Tower structure |
551s | yeah that's the the Tower of Carfin |
554s | under a curse that is causing a lot of |
558s | problems for the area too oh you're |
560s | right actually I think if we approach up |
563s | here |
564s | we actually cross over into the boundary |
567s | of carfen the wreckage of Carfin right |
570s | it's like science |
571s | and Carfin was a one of the great cities |
574s | of the island Empire and it's now and |
576s | and |
577s | there we go yes |
580s | I see it |
582s | that my friends that you're seeing off |
585s | in the distance is gonna is in Alpha two |
587s | obviously |
589s | um and Jeremy tell us a little bit about |
591s | the tower and it's and what you know |
595s | just a little bit not nothing give away |
596s | too much but just a little bit about the |
598s | tower what is it what is the tower it |
601s | was a focus of the the Mages and study |
604s | of the alien Empire |
606s | Carfin was a city that that kind of had |
609s | a great Mage population so it had a |
611s | university there |
613s | um |
614s | and things went bad there during during |
617s | the last days of the of fall |
619s | um they made some desperate measures and |
621s | a really awesome |
623s | uh Quest series that um that Scott's |
626s | written up and and implementing things |
629s | awesome so it's it's going to be a |
631s | pretty fun tower that was intended for |
635s | many groups to exist within and fight |
638s | now track |
640s | question |
642s | what type of weapon am I guess thank you |
644s | what type of weapon am I using here |
647s | this would be the Longbow |
649s | um so you can kind of tell like when |
652s | you're when you're shooting your basic |
654s | attack that the shots are a little bit |
656s | slower but have more power behind them |
659s | um yeah I really like the model that |
660s | Atkins threw together for this oh that's |
662s | so good the snockets of an Imperium |
665s | design |
666s | bow makers of the past maybe someone's |
670s | remembered the techniques to make it it |
672s | looks so good |
676s | like go ahead and uh and hold the button |
679s | down one thing that we're playing around |
681s | with this that we haven't done with our |
683s | melee weapons is has a contextual |
686s | Behavior based on if you're tapping the |
689s | um just you know pressing the the button |
690s | versus holding it |
692s | um so it kind of like snipe you know you |
694s | can actually hold these attacks and |
696s | instead of doing just a rapid fire sorry |
698s | just Chad one second something happened |
701s | these like these little birds just |
703s | spawned right near me and they're like |
706s | eating on the ground if I move will they |
708s | move |
710s | I hope so |
713s | okay let's see let's find out |
716s | Birds |
718s | [Music] |
719s | how are you just gonna sit here |
721s | and let me run around you |
725s | what what are they doing they're just |
727s | kind of they're eating I guess oh no |
729s | okay wait what do you want me to do this |
731s | weapon |
733s | um hold your Q button and charge up an |
737s | attack uh Houston we might have a |
739s | problem all right ladies and gentlemen |
741s | get your shots of water ready |
743s | we may be uh been a little early I'm so |
746s | sorry let me see if I can don't worry |
748s | I've got it perfect all right sure I |
751s | just don't want to give the minute oh |
754s | yeah what was that did he charge me he |
758s | got him |
762s | let's hit me with those water bolts oh |
764s | that's kind of cool so I can jump while |
766s | shooting this |
772s | now just imagine that I have a lot more |
774s | Health nobody look at the house don't |
777s | look at my house |
778s | what are they shooting at Us Jeremy |
781s | uh those are from their their casting |
784s | this water bowl this really hardened |
786s | water that's just slamming into you for |
788s | Force damage that hits yeah |
792s | that's kind of cool all right Chad I |
795s | apologize I am now going to |
796s | appropriately engage from the correct |
800s | get the jump on them Physicians Okay so |
803s | something cool about the longbow oh now |
806s | they fly away look at that the birds are |
807s | flying |
809s | something cool about the Longbow is that |
811s | as opposed to the short bow you are able |
814s | to actually hold and charge each of the |
816s | basic attacks is that correct |
819s | yep and doing so what does that do for |
822s | the weapon user |
824s | uh currently it's just a damage increase |
826s | but you know some we can do all sorts of |
829s | things with this later like you know if |
831s | you're charging it up longer then you |
834s | can set up some kind of status effect |
836s | combo there's all kinds of things that |
838s | we can do with it but yeah right now |
840s | um it just increases the damage so for |
842s | example one thing you could do is you |
844s | could do two basic shots and then charge |
846s | the final shot and that will give you |
848s | like a big spike of damage there at the |
850s | end so oh that's cool be charged |
852s | individually wow that's pretty cool |
854s | and now we have some abilities that we |
857s | talked about these are from the ranger |
859s | archetype of course we're not going to |
861s | show everything that the ranger has but |
863s | we are going to give you guys some ideas |
864s | of the abilities in its kit |
868s | um what is this first ability called |
870s | This is snipe |
872s | yeah this is snipe um this is the one I |
875s | was talking about earlier where it's |
876s | kind of like the basic attack but a lot |
878s | more powerful you can hold this and when |
881s | you see that little flash there at the |
883s | end that indicates that it's fully |
885s | charged that's a strong ability |
887s | yeah you can keep holding it in case you |
889s | want to like you know wait for the |
891s | Target to get low before you you know |
893s | bring them down if they're getting |
893s | healed all kinds of things I can do but |
895s | after a certain point it stops um |
898s | getting charged |
900s | oh that's cool |
908s | now the what happens let's get into that |
911s | environment where I'm getting chased by |
913s | a few creatures |
916s | see if I can find a couple more because |
919s | I know there's another ability we have |
920s | called airstrike which is kind of cool |
925s | see really cool |
929s | so now let's say for example as the |
931s | ranger I have these creatures and this |
933s | melee guy is on me and I want to |
935s | reposition |
937s | tell me a little bit about what |
939s | airstrike does |
942s | airstrike does a lot of things |
945s | character and the direction that you're |
947s | facing |
948s | and it rains three projectiles down in |
951s | the path that you're going |
952s | and each of those projects does damage |
959s | foreign |
962s | but it's it's definitely up there |
966s | yeah that ability is so rad I love using |
972s | it |
973s | you can see it's generally nature |
975s | Essence to cause roots to come up and |
977s | bind to grab the Minotaur |
981s | and now this quick shot ability by the |
984s | way that |
986s | um I see it it has a debuff that looks |
988s | like the quick shot icon on the target |
991s | what's that doing |
994s | uh that so basically each shot of quick |
996s | shot will increase the damage of the |
998s | next application of that specific attack |
1001s | against the against the target so it |
1005s | kind of encourages to unload all three |
1007s | of your charges for a big spike of burst |
1009s | damage but that does come at the cost of |
1011s | each charge comes back individually so |
1013s | you either have to wait a longer period |
1014s | of time to get that burst or you can |
1017s | just kind of weave them in here and |
1019s | there if you want more readily available |
1020s | damage got it that's super cool so I |
1024s | have here |
1026s | now a reticle on my screen so we've |
1029s | switched from tab Target mode |
1031s | which is a point and click with the |
1034s | cursor or using tab to cycle targets |
1036s | based on proximity priority |
1038s | right and into this reticle-based mode |
1042s | which now you can see the targeting |
1045s | plate |
1046s | in the top is slightly grayed out |
1049s | and we do that to demonstrate that that |
1052s | is a soft lock Target versus a hard lock |
1055s | Target |
1056s | and what a soft flock Target is |
1058s | Chad you want to explain a little bit |
1059s | about that |
1061s | sure yeah so if you if you are in action |
1063s | mode and you don't have a Target |
1065s | actually selected like you would in a |
1067s | tad Target game |
1069s | um then it'll just smartly choose |
1071s | whatever Target it thinks is the most |
1074s | appropriate for where your camera is and |
1075s | attack that Target but if you were to |
1078s | actually select a Target I think is it |
1081s | right Mouse button in action mode right |
1083s | right now it's of course all this stuff |
1085s | is customizable by the user but if you |
1088s | press the the right Mouse button |
1091s | in action mode it will hard lock the |
1094s | target which means you can take your |
1095s | reticle off the Target and it won't |
1097s | change correct Chad |
1099s | right |
1100s | that's awesome |
1103s | now we have another type of ranged |
1105s | weapon |
1107s | show |
1109s | oh and I can still wow in action mode I |
1113s | can still tap to cycle Target as well |
1118s | yeah we really wanted to um case a more |
1122s | tab based combat here because we in the |
1125s | last live stream all of our melee |
1127s | attacks were there were more hitboxes |
1129s | right they didn't acquire a hard target |
1131s | and so we wanted to show a little bit |
1134s | more of that in this stream and so you |
1136s | know right right here for example Target |
1138s | you're not having any radicals or |
1141s | anything like that it's more what you um |
1146s | but at the same time we still have |
1148s | abilities like air strike and you know |
1151s | other things that were we haven't even |
1152s | shown yet that are going to be more |
1154s | action oriented so we can hopefully Hit |
1156s | The Sweet Spot of having a nice |
1158s | combination of all that and it's more |
1160s | fun I've played Rangers in EQ eq2 the |
1164s | great Archer types and Guild Wars and |
1166s | hunters and wow and what is this mode |
1169s | with the reticle and stuff it's just fun |
1170s | running around shooting these guys oh it |
1173s | is super fun and I've switched over to |
1174s | the short bow now so let me see if I can |
1176s | show off that short bow |
1179s | into a good light one second |
1184s | uh I'll exit this mode |
1188s | there we go so now I have a short bow |
1190s | equipped versus the |
1192s | excuse me versus the longbow |
1196s | and talk to me a little bit about the |
1197s | difference in the short bow tread |
1201s | sure yeah the direction that we went |
1203s | with the short bow was a lot more I |
1205s | almost want to say |
1207s | acrobatic like you can use this a lot |
1210s | more freely movement it doesn't slow you |
1213s | as much it's a higher rate of fire |
1215s | basically this is this is the more |
1218s | mobile feeling lightweight uh version of |
1221s | the Longbow |
1223s | um so it's not quite as powerful |
1225s | um because you are trade you're you're |
1227s | making some trade-offs here |
1229s | um with range and attack speed and I do |
1232s | think right now we're actually putting a |
1234s | higher current rate on this one so it's |
1236s | got the first potential but these are |
1238s | just the kinds of decisions |
1243s | who do I value |
1246s | I love the the movement of that yeah I |
1249s | think I mean it is a very different |
1250s | feeling right |
1252s | um one I'm much more mobile being able |
1255s | to shoot and not have to sacrifice a lot |
1257s | of my movement speed like I have to |
1261s | so just from that aspect alone it feels |
1264s | like a very different weapon I'm also |
1266s | not able to charge I'm just kind of I'm |
1267s | holding down the attack and it's just |
1270s | firing about you'll see that I can blind |
1271s | fire because I'm in action mode |
1274s | um |
1275s | that's why I've like fired an extra |
1276s | there but it is it feels very different |
1280s | um and of course it doesn't change the |
1281s | way you have access to your abilities |
1284s | your abilities are there regardless of |
1285s | the the type of range weapon necessarily |
1287s | you're using |
1289s | um |
1289s | short bow or longbow |
1292s | and then I don't have to have a hard |
1294s | target lock also now for the abilities |
1297s | either they tie off of the reticle |
1302s | and I know there's some feedback that we |
1304s | wanted to collect from players with |
1306s | regards to this demonstration you want |
1307s | to talk a little bit about that trend |
1310s | yeah |
1311s | um as always every time we make an |
1314s | ability we're pretty much always |
1316s | thinking about what is what is the right |
1318s | balance between |
1321s | restricting player movement for the sake |
1323s | of weight |
1325s | um you know getting getting the feeling |
1326s | of the weight in that |
1328s | being able to animate the full body all |
1331s | the good things that come along with you |
1333s | know |
1334s | restricting movement but at the same |
1336s | time we definitely don't want to be a |
1339s | game that makes it frustrating to you |
1342s | know attack and move at the same time |
1344s | and a lot of people you know what I |
1347s | think a lot a lot of people love them |
1351s | free to combat and we want to retain |
1353s | that so uh just as you see these |
1357s | abilities go off and |
1359s | get used in this environment like |
1362s | I guess we appreciate any feedback on |
1365s | how that direction is going absolutely |
1370s | also from the enemy side yes and asking |
1373s | on behalf of like Doug's encounter group |
1375s | it's |
1376s | how fast is the combat playing |
1380s | um is it too slow is it too fast does it |
1383s | feel good |
1384s | um the time to kill or |
1386s | what you're seeing right now are is it |
1389s | uh |
1390s | what what players are liking do people |
1392s | lights and and keep in mind these are |
1395s | our solo ones right now these are uh |
1398s | tuned more for solo fighting |
1400s | um these aren't Elite group mobs but |
1403s | one-on-one type of fights |
1405s | yeah I like um in the solo areas you |
1410s | know this for me this speed feels pretty |
1412s | good uh given that I'm a you know GPS |
1415s | class and these guys are particularly |
1418s | susceptible to Rangers because they are |
1422s | um they are uh Mage class NPCs but you |
1427s | know getting your guys's opinion on |
1429s | those things also the differences |
1430s | between the weapon types right we talked |
1432s | a little bit about the Longbow we talked |
1433s | a little bit about the short bow |
1435s | um you know being able to kind of uh |
1437s | give us feedback on how you feel the |
1439s | direction uh has gone now uh is this the |
1442s | type of range combat if you're looking |
1444s | for those of you out there especially |
1445s | who are bow users and enjoy these |
1448s | classes you know what is it about the |
1451s | games that you have played that you felt |
1453s | had good uh range combat uh in it and |
1456s | are you seeing elements of that |
1458s | demonstrated in this type of combat as |
1460s | well I can tell you that obviously |
1463s | seeing is one thing in Alpha 2 those of |
1466s | you who have access will be able to give |
1468s | us kind of your feel feedback and you |
1471s | know of course that's not under NDA so |
1473s | all of us get to watch and participate |
1475s | in Alpha 2 |
1476s | um through through watching others play |
1479s | it and and getting their feedback and |
1481s | experiences as well |
1483s | um another thing that I think is is |
1486s | pretty cool that I wanted to talk about |
1488s | actually |
1489s | was these uh weapons and the types of |
1494s | skill trees that they have associated |
1496s | with them Trey do you want to talk to us |
1498s | a little bit about you know how these |
1500s | skill trees interact with the weapon |
1503s | for sure yeah |
1505s | um part of the plan with each of these |
1507s | weapons is they'll each have a unique |
1509s | skill tree associated with them to |
1511s | differentiate them not only in terms of |
1514s | feel but also in terms of mechanics and |
1518s | an important thing that we really want |
1521s | to capture in ashes is is the important |
1523s | ability |
1524s | basically consider the player can build |
1526s | their character you know how they want |
1528s | and that's been beyond just their |
1530s | classrooms right |
1532s | um so for example if I'm the ranger I |
1535s | can spec into my short bow or I can |
1537s | inspect into my Longbow and those will |
1538s | be two different very different builds |
1540s | for example |
1542s | made Specialized or have have a part of |
1546s | its stream that specializes and leads |
1548s | might synergize with specific Ranger |
1551s | abilities that you know the Longbow |
1554s | um might not necessarily synthetize with |
1556s | their weapon choice will play into like |
1558s | what abilities |
1565s | we're just starting to scratch the |
1567s | surfaces up and you would also want to |
1569s | take into account the enemies you're |
1571s | going up against what areas you're going |
1573s | into what enemies you're hunting and is |
1575s | it a player versus uh a monster players |
1579s | very differently and it's a longbow |
1582s | getting the drop bottom important are |
1585s | you respect for short bow for being |
1588s | dodgy and moving around them you got all |
1591s | those things to keep in mind |
1592s | absolutely |
1594s | well guys appreciate you joining us |
1596s | today to talk about this stuff it is |
1598s | amazing that the the world you guys are |
1600s | building the the mechanics here I hope |
1603s | everyone in the audience has enjoyed the |
1605s | demonstration to talk to us give us your |
1607s | feedback tell us what you liked about it |
1609s | uh what you would like to see changed uh |
1611s | make sure you do so on the YouTube video |
1613s | and twitch on Reddit on our forums |
1615s | everywhere you possibly can it means so |
1617s | much to us to be able to kind of reflect |
1619s | on what the community has to say about |
1621s | the works in progress we're showing you |
1623s | towards Alpha 2. |
1624s | um Jeremy Trad thank you very much for |
1627s | joining it is always appreciated hearts |
1629s | in chat these guys are awesome yes you |
1634s | guys are doing awesome uh awesome work |
1636s | and I'm loving the progress and I'm |
1638s | loving sharing with videos I know you |
1640s | and everyone else on the team who make |
1641s | these streams possible enjoys it |
1645s | and with that said everyone we will see |
1648s | you back on stream |
1652s | thanks everyone |
1653s | a good one |
1656s | [Music] |