Original Post — Direct link

I've written and deleted this post a few times. I've debated and braced myself for what I fear will be the reception but hopeful maybe if something is said, things could change.

I don't know if it's the times we live in or a reflection of the community as a whole but the way I've been treated since A2 start has been really bad second only to the FPS I play.

I've been told I should be making everyone sandwiches.
Asked if I'm a 'healsloot'
Lost count of the number of jokes made about me accusing me of having an OnlyFans, being an e-girl, etc.
I was in a guild that told me it was my job to Mommy everyone.
The list goes on...

I've been a woman in a competitive gaming space long enough to know that there's no cleaning everyone's act but the game desperately needs ways to combat the worst offenders.

There absolutely must be a high priority given to the basic tools I can use to protect myself.

  1. Ignore/Block list from chats and whispers. Let me see the 90% of gen chat that's fine and not read the 10% that's being gross
  2. Improved censorship words and preventing certain names
  3. Boundaries between griefing vs gameplay. Such as diminished returns on multiple deaths by player, increased penalties for killing he same person.
  4. By launch, a process for reporting bad actors who use hate speech or sexually harass
External link β†’
4 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Sorry to hear that this has been your experience. Unfortunately the internet is a reflection/mirror to parts of society that are better left in dark places. Many of the tools you’ve mentioned are planned and some are in rapid development to implement such as /ignore. In the meantime, feel free to document with screenshots character names that you feel are violating our ToS regarding harassment and hate speech and we will inspect the logs and action those accounts. Online gaming should not be synonymous with griefing and harassment. We can be better.