over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s yeah these spiders are gross Scott what
3s are what are some uh plans that you have
6s for uh different predicates for uh
9s instantiating some of these events yeah
11s so obviously we just got this kind of
13s generic sort of kill one here uh that we
17s can use for all sorts of different
18s things for tracking player activity
20s um no Big Bear time uh we also are
23s looking at the amount of resources that
24s players can Harvest as a predicate we
26s have
27s uh story arcs that are going on so
30s active stores could cause different
31s events to start yeah um trade Caravans
34s happening relationships between
35s different nodes and also just the state
38s of the nodes themselves I'll even let
41s him
42s beat me up here because it's kind of
43s cool he's charging you yeah
47s he will throw you around those Bears can
50s can really catch you off guard if you
52s let them
54s okay