over 1 year
ago -
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I unfortunately I can't think of any changes to the reactor/power logic in the recent updates that could've caused this. The only tangentially related change was making the reactor not automatically turn of automatic control when it's shut down (as a safeguard, otherwise it can be easy to forget to turn it back on if you toggle the reactor on and off), but I doubt that's related here.
I would maybe suggest trying to pinpoint the cause of the load on the status monitor. I also wonder if there could be something harmful on board the sub that's causing those load spikes - in a vanilla game it could be ballast flora (although you probably would've noticed that!), but if you're using mods it could be something else too. In any case, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you can figure out what's causing it! And if you can't, a bug report in our issue tracker[github.com] would be much appreciated!
I would maybe suggest trying to pinpoint the cause of the load on the status monitor. I also wonder if there could be something harmful on board the sub that's causing those load spikes - in a vanilla game it could be ballast flora (although you probably would've noticed that!), but if you're using mods it could be something else too. In any case, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you can figure out what's causing it! And if you can't, a bug report in our issue tracker[github.com] would be much appreciated!