almost 4 years
ago -
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The game does try to draw wires that have been made completely transparent: if you want to prevent them from being rendered, you can enable the "hidden in-game" setting.
However, I'm afraid that probably won't help you solve your problem. None of the things mentioned here use much memory, and memory usage isn't really related to latency in multiplayer. The problem here is probably the framerate (= the game running slowly), not latency. The latter is not affected by rendering in any way, because the server doesn't render anything and the networking logic runs separately from the rendering logic. And in general, rendering is usually not the bottleneck, it's all the logic that's needed to update things such as the signal components and lights.
Here's a couple of suggestions on improving the performance of the sub:
- You can use the console command "showperf" to get a rough idea on what's causing the performance problems. If the "draw total" value is much larger than "update total", it means rendering is the problem, otherwise it's the update logic. You can also disable lighting with the command "lighting" to get an idea of how heavy the lighting in your sub is.
- Try to limit the number of items and structures in the sub (complex circuits in particular). If the number indicating the amount of items/structures/lights goes red in the top-left corner of the sub editor, you will probably start running into performance issues.
- Keep the number of shadow-casting lights low and the ranges of the lights as short as possible. Lights that cast shadows are much more performance-intensive than ones that don't, and the longer the range of the light, the heavier they are (because they need to take obstacles further out into account when calculating where the light can reach). So I recommend disabling the "cast shadows" setting on all lights where it doesn't make a noticeable difference, and reducing the ranges as well.
However, I'm afraid that probably won't help you solve your problem. None of the things mentioned here use much memory, and memory usage isn't really related to latency in multiplayer. The problem here is probably the framerate (= the game running slowly), not latency. The latter is not affected by rendering in any way, because the server doesn't render anything and the networking logic runs separately from the rendering logic. And in general, rendering is usually not the bottleneck, it's all the logic that's needed to update things such as the signal components and lights.
Here's a couple of suggestions on improving the performance of the sub:
- You can use the console command "showperf" to get a rough idea on what's causing the performance problems. If the "draw total" value is much larger than "update total", it means rendering is the problem, otherwise it's the update logic. You can also disable lighting with the command "lighting" to get an idea of how heavy the lighting in your sub is.
- Try to limit the number of items and structures in the sub (complex circuits in particular). If the number indicating the amount of items/structures/lights goes red in the top-left corner of the sub editor, you will probably start running into performance issues.
- Keep the number of shadow-casting lights low and the ranges of the lights as short as possible. Lights that cast shadows are much more performance-intensive than ones that don't, and the longer the range of the light, the heavier they are (because they need to take obstacles further out into account when calculating where the light can reach). So I recommend disabling the "cast shadows" setting on all lights where it doesn't make a noticeable difference, and reducing the ranges as well.