

22 Jan


Greetings everyone!

Our publisher Daedalic is currently having their publisher sale, with discounts of up to 90% on their whole catalogue. Barotrauma also has a sizeable discount of 50% off, so time to dive in!

The publisher sale is also the perfect time to find new games to try. Check out the newly released 4X strategy game YIELD! Fall of Rome, the cozy ... Read more

10 Dec

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, as already kindly pointed out by Evil Factory, we're remaking all the loading screens that previously used AI and expect to have AI-free loading screens live in the game next spring. (Unfortunately we were not able to finish them all in time for the Winter Update.)

I'd also like to reiterate that where we have used AI in the loading screens, it has either been painted over, as previously stated, or in other cases, AI has been applied over a hand-painted image e.g. to change the tone – in other words, AI-generated images are not used anywhere as-is, and soon, they will not be used in the game at all.

18 Oct


Hello everyone!

The Unto the Breach update is now almost here, so let’s take one last look at what’s coming.

PvP overhaul The PvP mode in Barotrauma has been given a complete overhaul:

  • Two new mission types: Outpost Deathmatch and King of the Hull.
  • Both teams can freely choose which sub they wish to do battle on.
  • Use the new Perk Points to pick submarine upgrades, better weaponry, talents or other benefits to help your crew in the fight. Perk Points are also available in Mission Mode.
  • New items to help you breach and board the enemy vessel: Harpoon ammunition for turrets, the Boarding Pod and the Timed Detonator.
  • Multiple options to customize the PvP gameplay to your liking, and various improvements throughout.
Alien ruin improvements
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04 Oct


Hello everyone!

It’s time to reveal the biggest change in the upcoming update: a complete overhaul of the PvP game mode. This game mode has not received any attention from us in a long time, so now we wanted to bring it up to par with the rest of the game.

Two new mission types The PvP overhaul introduces two brand new mission types: Outpost Deathmatch and King of the Hull.
  • In Outpost Deathmatch, two teams battle inside one of two purpose-built outposts. The first team to reach a set amount of kills gets the win.

  • In King of the Hull, the teams must race their subs to a beacon station, get inside, capture it and defend it from the enemy team to emerge victorious.
Improved Sub versus Sub gameplay Something we’ve seen players request many times is choosing different subs for different teams in ... Read more

16 Sep

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

We've just updated the important "readme" posts on these forums and would encourage everyone to take a look: General FAQ | ... Read more

28 Aug

Hello everyone, we've just released an extra hotfix to address two issues which have caused problems recently:


- Fixed an exploit that allowed clients to crash servers when hosting through SteamP2P.
- Fixed crashing when loading a save in which a character has a deconstruct order and an item marked for deconstruction is outside hulls.

23 Aug


Hello everyone!

We’ve been back at our desks for a few weeks now, and it’s time to turn our eyes towards the second major update of 2024.

This next update is going to be in the oven for a while longer, but remember that you can try out all the upcoming features and changes in the Unstable version as they roll out for playtesting throughout the next couple of months.

Coming in October
Just like last autumn with the Treacherous Tides update, we’ll again be overhauling and fleshing out a game mode which hasn’t received a lot of attention in recent years. Can you guess which one it will be this time?

In addition to this overhaul, you can look forward to improvements to alien ruins, new additions in the Velonaceps calyx depa... Read more

12 Jun

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, sorry to dampen the mood, but a space update is not planned and I don't believe we've made any statements about such. Over the years we have participated in various player discussions regarding Europa surface exploration or probably even spaceflight, but to do these meaningfully would essentially mean making a whole new game, so it's very unlikely we would add these in the game.

We do have other cool things still planned for Barotrauma, even substantial additions, and we hope you'll like those when the time comes!

27 May

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let's not call OP out, that's unnecessary. I know there are players here who dislike reporting on Github, and that's probably not going to change :) we do read the forums for bug reports too, but it's largely just me and our other community manager doing that, whereas Github is read by programmers directly.
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, if you haven't already, it would be great if you reported this in the GitHub discussions. I will also pass this along already, but bug reports are much easier for us to handle there, and other players can also upvote the issue to show that they have the same problem. Here's a link: https://github.com/FakeFishGames/Barotrauma/discussions/categories/bug-reports

02 May

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! This issue should now be fixed as of the hotfix we released a moment ago: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/602960/view/4191239030281207530
Hello everyone!

We've just released a second hotfix to address issues in the Blood in the Water update. Find the list of changes below, and be sure to update your game to the latest version.

Please note: We are aware of localization issues in certain talent descriptions, but unfortunately these could not be addressed in today's hotfix. We will release a third hotfix for the localization issues specifically a bit later, most likely next week.


- Fixed monsters sometimes spawning immediately after the round starts (Often happened between levels, when there was no outpost between them).
- The 'Art of Submarine Warfare' book granted by the 'War Stories' talent is now a separate item and the original book has been reverted to its original state.
- Fixed Thalamus' fleshgun ropes not being able to stick to a submarine anymore.
- Fixed Thalamus' flesh spike crashing the game in the multiplayer game mode.
- Added a scrollba... Read more

26 Apr

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Sorry for the trouble. We're aware of the issue, it was recently reported in our GitHub: https://github.com/FakeFishGames/Barotrauma/discussions/13847#top

If you have a GitHub account, please give the report an upvote. You can also keep tabs on the issue's progress there. We'll work to address the issue soon, but unfortunately I can't give a clear ETA on our next hotfix/patch yet.
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Update: the hotfix is now live, and your bots should respawn normally again following a restart. Find the list of changes here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/602960/view/4181105297285388664
Hello everyone!

We've just released a hotfix to address a few commonly occurring issues in this week's update.


- Fixed crew remaining dead, mission remaining completed/failed, etc when you return to the lobby an restart the round. The issue was that the server did not properly load the previous save when opting to continue the ongoing campaign.
- Added a button to the server lobby which opens the server description in a popup to make it easier for players to find. We are still thinking of the best way to handle the description/MOTD, this is more of a quick band-aid solution for the description being too easy to miss / difficult to find at the moment.
- Fixed descriptions being outdated on some of the modified XP talents. Currently only fixed in English, the descriptions in other languages are still outdated.
- Fixed "command not found" error when trying to use the new "converttowreck" console command.
- Fixed items in a co... Read more
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, we've a hotfix in the works to address this and a few other issues in the update. We'll hopefully release it soon, in the next couple of hours, or next week at latest!

24 Apr


Hello everyone!

The Blood in the Water update has just been released, with two new monsters, a medical system mini-overhaul, extra difficulty settings for campaign mode, and new wrecks and beacons for you to explore, to name only a few things.

Read more about the update in last week’s ... Read more

19 Apr


Hello everyone!

The Blood in the Water update is finally ready and coming next week. It introduces a lot of new dangers and customization options to offer suitable challenges for veteran submariners and new players alike. The update also adds new content, even a surprise monster some players may remember from early, pre-Steam builds of the game. Let’s take a final look at everything that’s coming next week!

Medicine and monsters
  • Medical system “mini-rework”. Rebalanced medical items, a couple of new afflictions, and new use cases for a few items.
  • Two new monsters. We’re adding two monsters that employ poisons in their attacks: the Viperling, a new Spineling variant… and the cave-dwelling Mantis, a monster that used to exist in early Barotrauma builds!
  • New attacks for Abyss monsters. The largest mon...
Read more

16 Apr

Hello everyone, we've just released a second hotfix to address the multiplayer server crashes ongoing since last week. We are very sorry for the trouble and will continue to monitor the situation, but we are hopeful this fix should complete our countermeasures against these exploits being used to crash servers.

Please make sure to update your game to the latest version – the fix may take some time to apply as both clients and servers need to restart and update, so if you are still experiencing the server issue immediately after the update, please restart Barotrauma and Steam, and request that the server host do the same.

Please note that some source code mods, for example the very popular Lua for Barotrauma mod, need to be updated following this update. Servers using these mods will have some additional delay in the fix taking effect.

We wish everyone smooth sailing and thank you for your patience!


- Fixed another exploi... Read more

12 Apr

Hello everyone, we've just released a single-change hotfix to address an exploit that was discovered recently:

- Fixed an exploit that allowed crashing servers by sending them specifically crafted malformed data.

We're sorry for the trouble this exploit has caused to some multiplayer servers in recent days. This fix should allow you to get back to playing normally!