almost 5 years ago - Dynamoon - Direct link
Welcome to Europa.
Barotrauma is an open-development game. What this means is that our source code is public and earlier development versions have been playable for free to allow us to work closely with our community and to give modders as much freedom as we possibly can.

You can find Barotrauma's source code on our GitHub[]. If you tap into our code, first of all, please familiarise yourself with our end-user licence agreement[].

Barotrauma is not a free open-source game, and sharing standalone versions of the game is not allowed.

With these caveats, we hope to see you get creative, give us feedback and suggestions as we continue to develop the game during its Early Access period, and be sure to share your creations in the workshop! Barotrauma is best enjoyed in collaboration.

Community Guidelines
Our Steam forums are open for everyone to discuss and ask questions about Barotrauma, to talk about general topics, create and discuss guides, find crewmates and meet and greet each other.

We’re thankful to be able to use Steam as a platform. You should, too. Please take note of the Steam Discussions Rules/Guidelines, the Online Conduct and Subscriber Agreement.

Besides the general Steam guidelines and terms of service, please comply with our own community guidelines:

Please make sure whatever you say is true. Is the information you want to share correct? Is it well written, so that other players can understand what you mean? If you're expressing an opinion, please mark it as such. This rule should prevent confusion and misinterpretation.

Please be kind. Do not start a fight on purpose, and do not insult, discriminate or harass other forum users. Make sure your post is appropriate to be published for everyone to see. This rule should help to make everyone feel safe and respected in our community. No one should feel uncomfortable being here.

In keeping with this guideline, please do not use our forums to call out individuals by name or any other identifier, whatever the transgression you think they're guilty of. Feedback will be better received when sent directly to the person or people who should see it, and this also helps to protect us all from public arguments over what may be personal matters. Thank you!

Please use the relevant subforum, stay on topic and write with other players in mind. To make information as easy to find and keep track of as possible, please post it in the appropriate place. Take a look at the different subforums and choose the one that fits your topic best! When commenting on existing topics, avoid derailing them with off-topic posts.

For ease of reading, please title your posts informatively. It's also a good idea avoid unnecessary additions like "@Devs", many emojis or bad words that Steam will blot out – usually these will only make your title look cluttered and harder to read, not more appealing to click.