over 3 years ago - Dynamoon - Direct link
Hello! It is quite unlikely that we would simply incorporate ITA, because it changes so many things, and our own campaign development is not yet finished as the game remains in early access. Rather, we are happy to observe what popular mods appear to do well and learn from that! Having many different mods around also makes for more varied possible experiences for players, so we are very happy to have a lively modder community.

As for whether we cooperate with the maker of ITA, or with our modders in general, you will be able to find both us and ITA's developers in our official Discord[discord.gg], and we are well enough known to each other. The same can be said for the maker of Thalassophobia, which I recommend you take a look at if ambitious mods that add a lot of content to the game are your cup of tea. (Sorry if I neglected to mention other mods of a similar scale!)

Lastly, our roadmap can be found here: https://trello.com/b/hBXI8ltN/barotrauma-roadmap-known-issues . It is a little bare right now with regard to upcoming additions as we have been holidaying and not everyone is back at their desks yet. The next update will be a bugfix patch, hopefully released later this month. After that, we turn our eye to the next major update. Hope you will like it when it releases!