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Is this a joke?

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10 months ago - /u/Regalis11 - Direct link

Originally posted by Dioxol_Nova

sadly this isn’t joke. Devs: ”we won’t add better storage system so we deleting containers”

We are actually doing various other changes to storage too to make it way easier to manage your supplies without having to use these kinds of "nested containers":

- Larger stacks of items and more slots in cabinets overall, so it's actually viable to store all your supplies in cabinets directly.

- Automatic sorting of cabinets.

- Handling dropped stacks as a single item, so you don't need to spam-click to pick up a stack (video link). Also better for performance when every single item on the floor isn't an individual physical object.

Also, as I mentioned in some of my comments in the Steam announcement, and as you can see in that video above, we are also considering just preventing the storage containers from being put in normal cabinet slots, but adding some special slots specifically for storage containers into all cabinets. I think that might work as a good middle-ground: you wouldn't be able to store as absurdly many as 2910 items per cabinet, but you'd still have more than enough room for a decent number of items + a handful of storage containers for e.g. individual non-stackable items, you personal belongings or the other uses one might have for a storage container.

10 months ago - /u/Regalis11 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hikash

Are we still going to suffer the 1200~ packet size issue in multiplayer? Cos that's why I use containers in the first place.

If you're referring to the "packet size exceeded" issue when using mods that significantly increase stack sizes and the sizes of cabinets, that has been fixed so we can support the larger stack sizes that are also going to part of the storage changes. :)

10 months ago - /u/Regalis11 - Direct link

Originally posted by WeLiveInASociety420s

I really don't think its that bad of a change. My main issue is the sub is still gonna accumulate a bunch of junk that needs put somewhere and while it was annoying to sort, the storage containers did give great storage density. But did this really require dev attention? Is such a minor thing and theres so much more that they could be doing

I think the storage containers themselves are a pretty minor thing, but in my opinion the inconvenience of storing large amounts of items is a clear problem: especially at the later stages of the campaign, managing storage takes a lot of tedious manual work.

We're doing various changes to storage to make it all work a little more smoothly, the possible removal of storage containers is just one part of it.

But regardless, this is only going to be a small part of the next update, the actual meat is going to be the reworked traitor mode.