3 months
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We are actually working on an update focusing mainly on performance optimizations, here's a message I posted on a different thread about this topic:
So, TLDR: our next update will aim to address performance issues!
It would actually be very beneficial to know if your performance improves after the update and by how much. If you have the time, you could post some specifics in this thread when you feel like you have enough information. Also as a reminder, certain mods can have a major negative impact on performance. So if you are using any mods, it would help to list all of them.
We are actually working on an update focusing mainly on performance optimizations, here's a message I posted on a different thread about this topic:
Originally posted by Vihis: Hi!
We are continuously working on optimizing the game, and aim to include some of those fixes in each update we release, including the larger 'content updates'.
However, we do agree that Barotrauma's performance needs improving, which is why our next update will focus mainly on optimization and various bugfixes! Now, your mileage may vary and each setup will handle the game differently, but our internal testing has already shown notable gains in performance with the upcoming optimizations.
I can't give a specific release date for the update yet, as there is still much to test and improve, but you can expect it to arrive before the end of the year.
Smooth sailing! (hopefully even smoother after the update )
So, TLDR: our next update will aim to address performance issues!
It would actually be very beneficial to know if your performance improves after the update and by how much. If you have the time, you could post some specifics in this thread when you feel like you have enough information. Also as a reminder, certain mods can have a major negative impact on performance. So if you are using any mods, it would help to list all of them.