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I live in South Africa, I'm sure that the entire Southern Hemisphere of the planet Earth will agree with me here that we're sick and tired of your middle fingers being thrown at us with regards to firestorm. There are no servers for us. You don't give a sh*t. We know.


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about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Wurm_Pis

Well, I haven't seen u/partwelsh, u/Braddock512, or any other representative from Dice/EA even comment on any of the threads discussing the poor connection to Firestorm servers.

It's unplayable outside of North America and Europe from what I can gather, and according to my experience, with latency through the roof. I tried it a few times, but ended up only doing the challenges absolutely necessary to be able to at least progress.

This clearly shows their dedication towards their customers. They don't care if Firestorm is unplayable for half their player base, and they clearly have no plans to address this issue. Firestorm was only a way to bait new players into the trap.

I’m sorry if you haven’t seen the multitude of comments I’ve posted regarding connectivity issues in low-population regions with regards Firestorm, or the tweets I’ve sent out. TL;DR - the team is aware that some low-population regions are having issues connecting to in-region servers. This is due to not enough folks connecting to the same mode at the same time in Firestorm, resulting in one of two things: queuing then failing to matchmake or being routed to the nearest active datacenter. They are investigating solutions that can ease this situation, but at some point, it comes down to how many are connecting simultaneously in that region. As I get more updates from the team regarding the ongoing work, I’ll be sharing them.

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by _Tox-

I appreciate your feedback, I do follow your communications on the topic quite closely on most platforms, but how is this not just more of the usual "Soon™" monotony?

Why can you guys fix the "Der Sturm Tiger" fiasco near instantly but leave an entire half of the planet in a mess like this? Every time we open the game the game advertises and pushes Firestorm on us in every way imaginable and yet none of us are able to play it in any meaningful capacity.

The quick solution is simple: Disclose how many players it takes to get a Firestorm server to start. That way atleast we could organise ourselves in our local communities to get games to begin.
The proper solution is to allow us to create lobbies from the server browser and let us sit in an empty lobby for however long it takes for it to fill up, like we do for any other gamemode . I'm certain that all of us in lower pop areas will understand why games take forever to begin. There are many players and clans who would love to be able to organise a Firestorm Friday for example where we can generate community interest in playing Firestorm on Friday evenings.

The longer we go without a fix the less and less players will be willing to give the game another chance.

Edit: The truth of the matter is that very few players in small pop areas even use the matchmaking system, nearly everyone I've ever met or interacted with uses the server browser to join and find games.

I appreciate your feedback, I do follow your communications on the topic quite closely on most platforms, but how is this not just more of the usual "Soon™" monotony?

With respect, if I had information to share, I would. If I don't and don't post, I get blasted for not communicating. When I do reply, letting you know the current status as it is (sometimes it's still in the investigative process, looking for options and weighing the balance of doing A and how it will impact B), I still get blasted for not giving information - info that isn't locked yet. (And I don't use the word soon™ because it's a meme now. If I have info, I'm going to share it. If I don't, I'm going to tell you I don't and I'm going to work to get it.)

And updating the text line to correct something like an incorrect spelling isn't as significant on work load as adding an entire experience into the server browser, changing matchmaking rules to reduce potential for out-of-region matchmaking, etc. That's not to say the team isn't looking at multiple options. They are. And the moment I have ANYTHING to share, I'm not going to hide it - I want y'all to experience Firestorm as it's meant to be played. Maybe it means longer queuing times to connect in-region, maybe it's a server browser option, I don't know as I'm not a Dev, but I do promise you this - this situation is definitely one of the top most items I report on, discuss in meetings, talk about in our internal Slack rooms.

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Wurm_Pis

So, instead of starting your f**king comment with the same sarcastic f**king tune, you could have started it of with being civil in stead of pissing me off on a personal level first, but looks like this is the Dice/EA way of doing things.

The fact is, you guys don't address any of the threads, and if you did, it was more than 3 weeks ago.

I wasn’t being sarcastic. I genuinely am sorry if I’m not hitting every thread or if information that is out there isn’t getting to every person. And I’ve commented on multiple threads daily, over the past weeks. Have a great day.

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by _Tox-

I'm sorry the messenger has to get shot so often but I respect that there are people in the team that are willing to take the shots.I was super excited for Firestorm and I feel like I will forever be robbed of that enthusiasm again due to the way we're such an afterthought for the development process.

All my favourite Influencers are playing firestorm and watching them just rubs salt into the wounds. Every new piece of information update we get is about Firestorm, more salt in the wounds.

It sucks enough having been born in the wrong country where I constantly get reminded that I was an unlucky spermcell and that I will be treated as a lesser human being and have nice things lauded over my head that I'm not allowed to touch.. etc etc

Sorry I was getting overly dramatic there for comedic effect.

But the sentiment is how many of us feel.The amount of comments calling me an idiot for loving Battlefield but being born in the wrong hemisphere have really been eye opening with regards to how a substantial chunk of the First World views us down here.

And I totally feel that with you. It's not about "how the First World" views other regions or being "born in the wrong country".

It's literally about population in-game. I really want to stress that. If more folks were matchmaking for Firestorm in those regions simultaneously, the matchmaker wouldn't need to redirect to other datacenters.