over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Afternoon folks -

Super quick update on a backend change that we've made for Firestorm today. This is all on the server side so you won't need to grab a patch or anything to see the changes.

🔧 The pre-round timer now activates when 8 players are connected, and have loaded into the lobby. It begins at 300s and counts down silently until it hits 60s, at which point the clock appears.

🔧 The timer will now instantly skip to 10 seconds when 64 players have loaded in.

*Edit: We've made a few changes since we deployed the update, based in part on what we've seen and what you've came back and shared with us. The post has been edited and we've removed the original version for clairty.

If you see any funky behaviors with it, don't be shy to let us know below.


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over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by phunkysox

Please bring duos back asap. Its not fun playing 2 vs 4.... This ruined bfv for me and many others. Fix other issues dont punish players who dont have 3 friends to play with. Ive moved onto other games until return of duo. I really miss firestorm.... Please address asap! Stop being so silent so many people are voicing concern yet dice isnt listening to the community!

If we're ever in a position to return Duo to the mix, we will (same as with all the other time limited modes we've had like Grind and Rush). Similarly, we'll be here to tell you when that's going to happen and we'll be asking that question on your behalf every week. For now, it's gone.

It's a crappy update for you, I know. Neither me, Jeff or anyone on the team are insensitive to how popular the mode was with those who chose to play it.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

Awesome! I'll post to /r/firestorm we'll be happy! Does this mean we might end up loading into games with only 32 players though? This is what happened with Blackout on PC with 40-50 player games happening regularly but it actually made the game fairly boring because you could go 15 minutes without seeing another player.

We're looking into other things that would address that. Soon as we know if its absolutely possible and can prove it out, I'll come back and show you what that is.

I get it though. The games played best when the plane is full.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by 6StringAddict

I'm not gonna spew the same bullshit as other people already do, but I do wonder about one thing. If you guys have the data that shows duos clearly wasn't as popular as everyone here makes it, why don't you guys just show us the numbers?

It's something that isn't done across any EA title.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Pulseamm0

u/PartWelsh Does Dice have a plan to revitalise the firestorm community long term? There's a constant flood of requests for various things on the sub, but it seems to me that none of them matter - the live service model can't work if there aren't players playing the game to make all of these additions make sense financially (the game sure does have a heck of a lot of potential).

Firestorm map tweaks and gun rotations etc are nice, but they only matter for retaining playerbase, I don't think those features make enough noise on their own to get new blood into the mode.

Will we get some kind of announcement about how dice plan tackle the real issue which seems to me to be long term player count?

Yeah I can understand why you (and others) feel that way. Couple things that I can help to answer and clear up from what you’ve asked.

There’s a full development plan for Firestorm’s long term support - same as with all other aspects of BFV.

In terms of feedback - everything that we see posted across all platforms gets fed through to the gang responsible for all the changes and future for the mode, but as with all things, we like to show what we have, when we have it, rather than theorise alongside folks as this often leads to bad expectations being set.

The good news is that you’ll find at EA Play that you’re going to get a good look at the direction we are moving on with Firestorm.

To your final point, the present issue isn’t on player count, it’s just that transition from moving active development over from the team at Criterion who built the mode, to DICE who are taking it to where it goes next. It for sure must feel slow if you’re keen to see it go further, but there’s plenty coming and I’m looking forward to showing it next month.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

There are. Next patch is in testing and once we get a lock we will have notes to share. We don’t like talking about what’s fixed/not fixed until we’ve gone through that process as some folks end up with half the story and miss any updates we end up sharing.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by phunkysox

Im glad you have been reading all these comments and thats what you choose to reply to. Lets ignore the fact duo players dont want to play 2 vs 4. If the point is to populate sqauds its not working. Duo players are quitting the game!

"Its a crappy update for me" Yeah becuase dice took away the only way many people enjoyed playing. It lacks players we dont have 3 friends to play with!

We are expecting someone from dice to tell us they are going to fight for us to get duos back! Its not like rush or grind. Without duos people will leave to play other games! We want solutions today not down the road, we waited long enough. Not to sound rude to you personally but if i worked for dice id get off my ass and fight for the community. Stop reading post and do something. It pisses me off im planning on playing cod tonight! lol

Atleast with blackout i canshare that experience with a friend.

Not looking to ignore or cherry pick specific comments - just looking to comment where I can add something of substance to the conversation without repeating myself, or instead commenting on the same question with different responses, and just confusing matters.

I’m not ignorant of whats wanted from Duos fans, and how you (and others) feel about not having other suitable options with which you can play Firestorm and Battlefield.

Jeff and I are sharing the feedback, and we are informing the decision makers on the effects of their decisions.

My responsibility back to you is to keep you updated on what happens next, and when I have updates, I’ll post them broadly across the usual places. If there’s no updates though, there’s not going to be any value to me speaking up as it can set some false expectations.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by dmans218

I just tried to play a game of solos. The queue was down to 1:15. Which is good. I got into the hangar quick, but I sat there for 30 min. people are leaving before it hits 32 players. I left as well.

u/PartWelsh, I highly recommend you revert this change.

If we find that this is a behaviour that is true across everyone’s experience then it’s possibly something that we might do. The belief is that this will improve things, though it just might take a few more days to see fully kick in.

We are conscious that this is a new behaviour that folks will need to adapt too as this was a backend change that isn’t accompanied with any front end stuff that helps educate folks to sit tight and wait for the lobby to fill.

There’s a further backend change coming tomorrow that may also tweak this behaviour so let’s give this some time and see what happens.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Pulseamm0

I'll look forward to EA Play then, thanks for the in depth reply.

I really love the mode and play it daily, honestly I'm currently very happy with it content wise, particularly as it was something that came along side the main game, hopefully the plans announced at EA play will give it the exposure it deserves to make sure it's a healthy mode going forward.

Thanks again.

Anytime. I appreciate the initial tag!

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Spam_The_Chat

i think you commented this by mistake - its not replying to anyone

I hate Reddit iOS. If anyone has any reccomendations on a better reddit app I'll hear it! It's bananas that you can click into a message in the inbox, but if you type a reply at the bottom of the screen vs doing another tap through to the right screen, the comment just goes in as a Main Thread comment than a reply.

For context, it was in relation to someone asking about a weird bug they saw. Thanks for the poke on this /u/Spam_The_Chat

over 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Originally posted by PartWelsh

I hate Reddit iOS. If anyone has any reccomendations on a better reddit app I'll hear it! It's bananas that you can click into a message in the inbox, but if you type a reply at the bottom of the screen vs doing another tap through to the right screen, the comment just goes in as a Main Thread comment than a reply.

For context, it was in relation to someone asking about a weird bug they saw. Thanks for the poke on this /u/Spam_The_Chat

try this one: http://baconreader.com/

I use the Android version

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by 6StringAddict

Relay for reddit is my most used app ever. First one I payed for to get pro version even.

I use that a lot of my Pixel Tablet (much prefer Android tbh) - wasn't aware this was on iOS so will immediately buy that.