

17 Nov


Originally posted by USC2001

Or maybe wittwicki literally wrote ***** *** into chat the second time to throw us off lol 😂

The Internet.


Our filters do not presently show filtering to those who are being filtered.

i.e. When you as a user input words which trigger the filter, you will see what you wrote. Other users will see these words as filtered.

Put more simply - our filtering does work, but we're happy to review the behaviour to see about making it clearer to the individual willingly choosing to break our rules that they're at fault.

Anyone using means to work around the filter will be actioned, and we're grateful to folks who take the time to send us reports.

Relative to these examples shared - I've passed them onto the team to investigate and action as needed.

11 Nov


Originally posted by angryoldgamer18

Yes, that’s exactly what I did, I entered the settings menu from the main menu (not during the tutorial). I also force closed and relaunched the game (twice), it’s still locked.

Thanks! I had a chat with one of the UX Engineers who volunteered that we had seperate Help text posted in the Xbox Menu (my original screenshot from PC).

The tooltip on Xbox instead advises you to change your Xbox Account settings -> IMAGE

Settings -> Account -> Privacy & Online Safety -> Xbox Privacy -> View Details & Customise -> Communication & Multiplayer


Originally posted by angryoldgamer18

Nope, had literally just turned on the game.

If it's your very first boot and this is appearing in the initial Accessibility setting, clear through the initial tutorial, return to the main menu, and let me know if the issue persists.


If you were in a party at the time, you can't change the setting. Leave your party, and you can change the setting.

edit: On PC - Here's

a helpful tooltip for you

edit2: The tooltip on Xbox advises you to change your Xbox Account settings -> IMAGE

Settings -> Account -> Privacy & Online Safety -> Xbox Privacy -> View Details & Customise -> Communication & Multiplayer

18 Jun


David Bowie was the best there ever was, and best that ever will be.

20 Jan


Servers are now back online - apologies that we needed to extend the maintenance beyond the planned window.

14 Jan


We've been tracking this since it was first brought to our attention late last night - not an intended change by any standard. The teams have been investigating all day and we're working to get it back online as soon as we can.

07 Dec


Originally posted by Tech-52

What did you see back then, blue or white/gold?

Originally, Black and Blue. Spent the whole day listening to people bang on about this White/Gold dress and had no idea what on earth they were talking about until someone showed me the same picture I saw that morning.

Couldn't and have never since ever seen that dress as anything other than White/Gold.


Originally posted by FirstRanger18

No he doesn’t! Have you looked at the original picture? Here it is To prove it.

This is the Blue/Gold Dress all over again isn't it?

17 Nov


Originally posted by stallme

At least we’re not alone. One of the few benefits of working nights is getting stuff when it first comes out, but still it’s bugged. Misery loves company.

Tracking this one. Was working this morning but has since stopped when we updated the Armory after maintenance was complete.

Expectation is that it will be fixed shortly.

Edit: Is now fixed! Content should be available for purchase via CC once more.


Originally posted by Tech-52

A "bug" -sincerley Braddock

Nah I can take the hit for Jeff here.

A "bug" - sincerely Freeman

This genuinely is an accidental release of unfinished content and is limited solely to the Practice Range. This weapon is not coming to the Multiplayer, and is not indicative of any future plans. We will likely remove this from the Practice Range in the Future.

Naturally I don't have much else I can add to that, but please tag me in the memes.


General Note for anyone checking the thread - if you unlocked Jonathan this morning, you didn't initially receive his Assignment (required for unlocking his Melee)

We have now fixed this, just fully restart the game and you'll see this has been correctly added to the Assignments menu.

16 Nov


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

Thank you for the answer.

What about the upper limit of Quickmatch options available at any given time, can you comment on that? I've dug up some old screenshots of the Advanced Search menu to double-check and they do in fact show official servers running 8 different playlists at the time.

I can't add any new information to it. I'll volunteer that it's evidently not a technical limitation. It's a conscious design choice on our part that we're confident is correct and proper for the game.


Originally posted by DJ_Rhoomba


I'm going to be unrelated here, and ask:

As a Star Trek fan, how do you like ST: Discovery, and is it worth getting a subscription service to watch it? I'm dying for some Sci-Fi this month.

Winner of Off Topic Question of the Week.

I adore Discovery. I've been a Trek fan my whole life and I recognise how much it's divided folks who have grown up with Trek but I love it.

I think it's Production Values are second to none in Sci-Fi TV (I rate it above Mando) and I've really enjoyed the cast and the stories that they've told so far.

I understand why some folks don't enjoy it. It's unashamedly a modern TV Series, with less Monster of the Week action, and more depth to characters (vs. past behaviours where the characters were used as devices to play out a parable). Many have said to me that they struggle to connect with the shows lead character - you're used to the lead being the Captain, and the authority, whereas Burnham isn't placed in that role, so your primary lens into the world is different.

In terms of is it worth it? That's always relative to you and your needs. I personally advocate for switching your Entertainment Subscriptions off...

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Originally posted by qlimaxmito

It wasn't being utilised.

Please quantify "being utilised", because on PC I'm seeing 200-300 concurrent players on that playlist at peak time, while—for example—Outpost only gets half as many players, yet it's staying.

to yield the space back to a Quickmatch option

Currently there are 7 playlists available in the game: Strategic Conquest, Tactical Conquest, Outpost, Breakthrough, "Rush, Frontlines & Domination", Team Deathmatch and Grand Operations.

"Rush, Frontlines & Domination" is being replaced by War in the Pacific, remove 1, add 1, that's still 7. One would think this means the limit is 7, yet last year there was a period where we had 8 concurrent playlists. For example in May 2019 we had Breakthrough, Conquest, Domination, Frontlines, Grand Operations, Squad Conquest, Tank Battles and Team Deathmatch running simultaneously, that's 8 in total.

Please help me understand because the ma...

Less people use that Quickmatch Option of Rush, Frontlines & Domination (or play on those servers via the Server Browser) than play Firestorm. This playlist was the absolute least utilised compared to any other Quickmatch option in the game, by a long shot.

I can't, and won't discuss player counts, or specific numbers - that's not my place. I will volunteer that your numbers don't align to ours.

I can say that I sat down with the teams when they were making the decision and reviewed it fully expecting that it going away would be a disappointment to someone, somewhere.

We conducted the fairest possible review we could and determined that the best thing to do for all players would be to change the offerings, and encourage folks to otherwise make use of Community Games to play the modes.

Each of the 3 modes sharing one single playlist created a common behaviour where servers were more likely to empty out as folks jumped out of the rotation as the play...

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Originally posted by AuroraSpectre

Hey, I'm just happy they managed to unf**k the draw distance on American planes. Now, at least, I'll have the chance to see that Night Fighter before being sent to kingdom come by an unending barrage of rockets. Thanks, /u/PartWelsh!

A frustrating issue that we're pleased to see resolved.


Originally posted by therealown

Will we be able to create community servers based on gamemodes like airborne and final stand? Thank you u/partwelsh

We haven't expanded the existing selection of Modes that you'll be able to choose from.


Originally posted by qlimaxmito


Fixed a bug where German tanks were not available during pre-round when playing Conquest on Provence.

Does this mean we'll finally be able to use vehicles in pre-round?

Changed the Quickplay options to restore ‘War in the Pacific’ back into the Matchmaking Pools. We have removed 'Rush, Frontlines, and Domination' from the Quickplay options.

Why remove the "Rush, Frontlines and Domination" playlist? I suspect to know the reason but I'd like an official comment on the matter.

It wasn't being utilised.

The expansion of Community Games allows for better discovery via Server Name and Descriptions and so it encouraged us to yield the space back to a Quickmatch option that we know would be used.