almost 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Ranting posts are not allowed on /r/BattlefieldV. Community feedback has prompted us to make this rule official.

This DOES NOT mean you can't post negative opinions/issues, you've always been able to. It just means we want you to put some thought behind them. If you have concerns or something you don't like, issues or strong opinions, you are free to voice them here. That's never going to change.

However, we ask you to reduce cursing and to provide value and feedback regarding your concern. What changes would you like to see based on what you don't like? What valued feedback would you want to provide the devs? Has your issue or concern already been posted, if so do you need to make another post?

Posts that provide no value and are blatantly just posting to complain and rant will be removed.

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