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My biggest criticism is you have taken a game that I truly love, and you have made it poorer in so many aspects. This game is so potentially good it is infuriating that you will not get your sh*t together and put out a solid release. Many aspects of this game are so close to excellence, but are just out of reach enough to make your players wish for your doom.

- You have riddled maps with terrain for players to be stuck on (see Devastation as a prime example).

- You have a terrible issue with hopping over things—it is wholly inconsistent, and I have even broken a SCUF paddle from over use because of it (first time ever…)

- Too much cover is literally set to gun heights when crouching or standing. You often cannot use walls or other elements to shoot over because they are just a smidge too tall.

- You still have not solved the bipod issue. If a Support is down, then just make it bipod if you cannot solve the grounding problem.

- The “slither-body” where your own legs can impede sight and you also push away from cover.

- Missing character textures at range.

- No gold versions of all sights.

- The game is fumble-fingered and fumble-footed. The amount of times animation hinder gameplay is astonishing. Go to reload—be interrupted by an animation that adds no quality to the gameplay. Stand up—stagger around for a bit before you even out.

- Why is node selection on respawn sticky? I have often been sent to the wrong node because it hops back after selection. Why is this even a thing?

- The catchup mechanic is still a problem. Too many times have I been on a team that loses because of it after clearly leading the entire match. Never punish players for doing well—it makes competition pointless.

- Your challenges do not align with proper gameplay and encourage the worst type of gameplay.

- Your direct spawn view is pointless and will never be better than top-down map spawning.

- You cannot retrieve match stats reports consistently.

- You have a witheringly poor amount of content compared to BF1 by this time.

You have over engineered this game in so many ways: terrain that hinders gameplay, animations that interfere with gameplay, and forced gameplay—all with a healthy batch of new bugs for each update. Frankly, I am relieved that none of you works in life-safety or mission-critical development; your lack of quality assurance and test is terrifying (combined with a glacial patching cycle). Furthermore, your rewards for players that purchased deluxe are shameful.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/lytlb1t - Direct link

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I have some questions:

"hopping over things" - Can you tell me a bit more about this? Do you mean the vaulting mechanic or is it jumping over small obstacles like sandbags and barrels?

" bipod issue" - When a support is prone, the bipod will be auto deployed. Do you mean this not functioning properly when sliding around slowly?

"direct spawn view is pointless" - Can you explain why you think it is?

almost 5 years ago - /u/lytlb1t - Direct link

Originally posted by blackhat665

Yeah, my bad. They say there are no bad questions, but this guy just proved that so wrong.

This guy wants to improve the systems he is responsible for and asks for more information before diving into the code, is that really a bad thing?

almost 5 years ago - /u/lytlb1t - Direct link

Originally posted by Userresu68

For example, the barb wire fences on Twisted Steel. If I run up to them, I have to hit jump (vault) several times to get over it instead of once. Sometimes moving on rocks can interfere with forward movement and requires multiple button presses (like on Hamada). And Devastation is a big ol' mess just from the map's complexity.

Sometimes after dropping down and bipod deployment, I rotate and the bipod just drops and the gun floats (mostly a problem with MMGs). I believe this to be terrain related, but frankly I can't see the terrain at that moment, so I can't compensate for it.

I think that using the direct spawn view adds no value because of the field of view limitations. If I spawn on a friendly using that view, I often get shot in the back because they are getting flanked. It is much better to always zoom out and use the larger tactical information to judge where to spawn. Squaddies are often not the brightest people.

I see your points. We do have some improvements we want to do to ground detection in general, but it's a tricky subject to touch since introducing new issues on that topic would be very bad. The issue described in the first part does also cause the issue described in the second part, the way we detect the ground also sometimes causes slight movement when turning around your axis, which causes the bipod issues.

We talked about it internally before the vacation started, when the required people are back I'll try to push improvements on these topics, since I also find it very frustrating when input is canceled out for no apparent reason.

almost 5 years ago - /u/lytlb1t - Direct link

Originally posted by blackhat665

No, that wouldn't be, but that's not what this is. His questions betray a level of ignorance of the game and the issues players have been complaining about for almost a year now that I just can't wrap my head around, These are things he should have either known already if he's been with the team for a while, or should be hearing from a qa team. And I hope it also doesn't come as a surprise that the general impression among many players is that there is no qa, or rather that the player base is used for qa, which is only reinforced by this comment. And I don't want to be mean, or hurt people's feelings, and I get that it's not this guy's fault, or yours. Something at EA or DICE just went off the rails, even before BF1, and you all are stuck with whatever the situation is there, and end up having to release a game that's not finished, likely with deadlines that are impossible to meet, with your own ideas of what the game should look like sandwiched between pressure from frustrated players, and pressure from whatever business goals are driving development these days, and it sucks. But as a fan of BF since 1942, I'm just so disappointed and frustrated with this game, that has so much amazing potential, but is killing off the entire franchise with a thousand paper cuts. And then we get questions from an apparent bfv engineer that make it sound like he's not even aware of the state of the game..

I feel the frustration, besides being that bfv engineer I'm also a fan since bf1942 and still playing nearly every night.

It's a bit sad to hear that my questions betray a level of ignorance. All I'm doing is asking follow up questions to better pin point what he actually means. This doesn't mean that we aren't already aware of the issues, but with that info we can make a better description of the full scope of this particular issue and prioritize it accordingly.