almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Ello folks -

Not wanting to sound too ridiculous on this one, but I wanted to hop in on the back of yesterdays post with an update on the 4.2 Update.

It will release this Thursday.

The update will require both Client and Server Updates, meaning that we're expecting some downtime during our usual update window. This is all slightly later that we intended, sorry for the delay on this.

We'll then be back with a second, and much smaller, update next week that has the sole purpose of enabling Marita. As soon as this second update has gone live, we'll put live a Marita focused playlist that rotates between Conquest, and Breakthrough (two rounds, one as Attacker, and one as Defender).

Tomorrow I'll be back with the full Update Notes for 4.2 and talk with you some more about what's new, changed, and coming for our 4.4 Update. On Monday next week, I'll then have an update that will confirm when to expect this second, much smaller, update, as well as confirmation on the release of the two New Elites.

In unrelated news, we'll also be extending Rush through to the start of the Marita playlist. As soon as /u/kenturrac is back off his Holidays I'll set up a dedicated thread for feedback on this. With the exception of oustanding issues (like spawning inside the 'MCOM'), the consensus is very much we've moved in the right direction with the recent changes to Rush. This is encouraging for us all, and will help us to better focus what's next for the mode.

Cheers - Freeman // PartWelsh

P.S. It's ridiculously hot this week. Please stay hydrated!

P.P.S. I've used the word 'Update' 14 times in this post. I hope never to beat this record.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Mecha-Hermes

Important question - will this update fix the 1-3 second stuttering we’ve been experiencing on PC?

There are some fixes for Stuttering in this Update. Will have the full list of fixes tomorrow. I'm told not to expect a total resolution of the problem, however we are starting to make encouraging steps forward.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Beta1548

Oof, still no Marita and no word anywhere on Al-Sundan

All I can say today is that we won't see it introduced as a part of 4.2.

The instant that we have new news around when to expect it, I'll share here and broadly across all our usual channels.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by AshySamurai

Next Thursday is actually 1 of August. I already see how people will bitch about Marita aren't in July dice lied the world is going to an end.

Our intent is 100% to release in July. I can't get more specific than that until I get confirmation from the teams on Monday though.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by junkerz88

u/braddock512 u/PartWelsh

I know this has been asked prior, but I feel that it’s important and want to bring it up again.

I want to ask if there’s any strive to make anti-cheat on PC stronger than what we currently have. Months ago, DICE/EA released a small article on anti-cheat (very vaguely) saying they took cheating seriously and had methods to weed the cheaters out. Could we maybe get an updated article that’s WAY more specific on what’s being done?

I’ve played BF exclusively on PC for years, and this is this most cheater-ridden BF title in recent memory, BF1 was nowhere near this bad... I encounter BLATANT cheaters in BFV weekly. Who knows how many are just stealth cheating and hard to tell.

Even popular streamers are having trouble streaming the game because of stream-sniping cheaters.

We know that anti-cheat DOES exist in the game, people have been banned for sure. But we need to know from your end how it will be improving going forwards, it’s hurting the longevity of this game.

I know it's a crappy answer but we simply do not talk about Anti-Cheat beyond to point folks at the following article:

Improvements are always targeted across all aspects of the game. Anti-Cheat is included as part of that.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by madmav

4.2 is this weeks update, and 4.4 is the next big update after and the one next week for Marita would be something like 4.2.1?

Then what's 4.3.. Trying to figure out the naming convention!

Of course none of this matters, it's just good to know the patch is coming!

Even numbered updates are typically labelled as such for the purpose of delivering new content and balance changes. Odd numbered updates are typically reserved for the deployment of bug fixes.

There are instances where we sometimes roll the fixes made in the odd numbered updates into the even numbered updates.

Hotfixes usually carry the extra .x if we need to use them.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by des0xyn

Pretty sure 4.4 is just a typo. They don't-can't-won't give any info about updates until previous day of release dates.

Not a typo. 4.3 is invisible.


almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by colers100


and coming for our 4.4 Update.

Looks like a typo? Or do you actually mean that the next week patch is 4.3 and what you are referencing here is the August Patch?

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by AshySamurai

/u/PartWelsh unrelated question. Can we expect some sort of Dev Talks with different devs doing QnA and just talking about some aspects of their job, why they went with that solution or how this is just a workaround.

I'm just thinking if players will have a better understanding of how the game works maybe there will be less unrealistic feedback and demands and more focused on things which actually could change?

We'd like to explore that yes - the challenge is often just helping to set fair expectation that x person is well able to talk about y thing, but unlikely to be in a position to discuss issues that they themselves don't work with.

We'd need to get into a better place with everyone first before we could consider doing this. I think it's fair to say that there are bigger questions the community would like to see answered before we put someone more specialised out in front.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by AshySamurai

Understandable. Thanks for the reply. Maybe at some point in the future then ;)

No worries. We're keen to do more of the Focused Feedback stuff, and more posts like we had with Rush changes the other week in the mean time.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by joduddies

I apologize if this is redundant but is the delay to ADS after healing/using gadget bug on the radar for the next update u/partwelsh. I’m surprised I haven’t seen any posts about this. It happens every time. Causes you to die a lot when you normally would t.

We've seen it and collected enough examples to Reproduce the issue. We just need to get a fix in place. I'm led to believe it's not too complicated, but not expected as a fix for 4.2.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by kidmenot

I understand where you're coming from (it would be an exceptionally bad idea to be specific about what you're doing to counter cheats, that much is obvious), but I think a lot of people are frustrated because they see the same cheaters stay around for a long time, and hence feel like their reports are not being taken seriously - at least this is what I can glean.

Just asking: do you think there's some middle ground to improve communication and transparency between DICE and the player base on this topic, where you are somehow not specific about the Anti-Cheat underpinnings but still show people that concrete steps are being taken?

I see how that might be difficult, just sharing my thoughts and wishes. I know you guys get a lot of flak no matter what you say on here (the old damned if you do, damned if you don't) and so are probably discouraged from writing more than is necessary. On the other hand, if I'm reading this community correctly, people that have always loved this franchise and logged many thousands of hours playing the various iterations have been feeling betrayed from they way things have been handled (not singling out you and /u/braddock512 here) and probably feel like there has been too little transparency. I also seem to sense a little appreciation for the fact that, as of late, you and braddock have been openly acknowledging that the game is currently in a bad spot.

I don't know, does any of what I wrote make any sense?

EDIT: a few fixes, a few more words.

I'm sure that there could be. I recognise that when we look at what other games do around Anti-Cheat, and even what we've done in the past, we're not doing as much on the communication that provides enough assurances that there's indeed plenty of actions taking place on a regular basis.

It's always a super tricky topic though, especially when often times the type of information people are looking for is specific to an individual. Our rules will never change in a way that allows us to discuss the individual circumstances relating to an individuals account. On this topic all we can say is that folks who break the Terms of Service will be actioned and we appreciate all the support people give us by helping to report them.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Navy_Husky

That was my question aswell! u/braddock512 any news? Or do we have to wait for tomorrow?

Not in these next two updates. (4.2 or 4.2.1).

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

Can you at least respond on whether our reports are doing anything? There is a whole host of known cheaters ruining the Firestorm playlists on a daily basis. Over in /r/firestorm this user has compiled a list of known hackers that are still active. I've reported at least 10 of them personally and it's starting to feel like a waste of my time. Some of these users have over 50+ solo/squad wins in Firestorm, which is an absurd amount of playtime for a cheater to get away with.

Provided that you're submitting them using all the correct methods - Yes, they're 100% being investigated.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by junkerz88

Well, at least you told me it was a crappy answer beforehand. (Totally sympathize with you btw, I know you probably want to give us a better answer but you can’t because corporate or something)

There's no element of 'because corporate' - this is simply how that team wish to operate. As it says in the article:

We are intentionally leaving out some of the key details of our anti-cheat efforts to avoid revealing anything which cheaters and cheat program developers may take advantage of.

The more we open up the conversation, the harder we make their job. It's easy for me to label that as a 'crappy' approach (when viewed from the perspective of someone who loves, and plays Battlefield) because I recognise that if you can't see something happening, you have no reason to believe that it is.

Giving assurances will feel empty and the best action that can be taken is to ensure that the game simply isn't exposed to this behaviour from players.

almost 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by mrbig974

Thanks for the update.

About the playlist of Marita with Conquest + Breakthrough, will we also have a Breakthrough playlist that include all the maps (Marita + mercury etc...) ?

Otherwise people who don't like conquest will play the Breakthrough match and just leave the server when it's starting the conquest match. It's not cool for the matchmaking and overall experience.

On a side note, Rush and/or Breakthrough should be available on all the maps.

Have a good day.

Yeah the existing BT playlist will remain live as normal (all maps) and we'll see if we can do an early insert of Marita onto that playlist at the same time when the second update deploys.

almost 5 years ago - /u/DRUNKKZ3 - Direct link

Originally posted by joduddies

I apologize if this is redundant but is the delay to ADS after healing/using gadget bug on the radar for the next update u/partwelsh. I’m surprised I haven’t seen any posts about this. It happens every time. Causes you to die a lot when you normally would t.

I have fixed it not so long ago so it's a matter of time now before it makes it into a patch. Sadly not for 4.2 as /u/PartWelsh pointed out :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/DRUNKKZ3 - Direct link

Originally posted by powidltascherl

does the 4.2 update adress the inconsistent damage of the AT (anti tank) mines?

Fixing this required some major changes of some gameplay systems so we decided to give the fix more time to be tested to ensure that we are not introducing new issues by fixing it. As a result, it will not be part of the 4.2 update but will very likely be part of the next major patch (4.4).