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Thanks, r/BattlefieldV.

I really appreciate the humor that you all have put out. The memes and the jokes related to almost every patch that is implemented in the game because someone messed up a line of code (or several). It's always nice to get on my phone at work during free time and view the latest meme. I've had many laughs over the past few months.

To be truthful, I thought that the pre-launch fiasco would be the extent of the golden age of sh*tposting related to BFV. And that after the game launch, it would die down and the memes would be more related to something quirky that is in this installment.

Boy, was I wrong.

I do sincerely hope that one day that DICE does get the game is an acceptable state, where the bugs are minor and the content is prevalent. We can all look back at this time period and say, "remember when DICE f*cked x?"

("X" being everything and anything.)

But who knows when that will be!

Happy sh*tposting, guys!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Glad you're entertained then.

almost 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Originally posted by Al_Sunday


And thank you for keeping the environment alive. All you mods.

Really appreciate it.
