about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Morning folks,

Today we’re introducing Duo to Firestorm. It’s available in game for you to play right now.

It’s our first time putting Duo out into the wild having started work on the mode much later in Firestorms development. We love it, and we think it’s a great addition to the game, but we recognize best that we’re better hearing that from you, and we’d appreciate your support in helping to make it a strong addition to Firestorm, and Battlefield V.

We’re making it available until 10am UTC on Monday 15th April, at which point we’ll come back to you all to ask how you found the experience. Did it change the pacing of the games for you? Did it cause for hotter drops? Were you enjoying it as much as Solos and Squads? Were you primarily playing with Randoms, or Squadding with a friend, and how did each of those two matchmaking types change things for you with the experience?

You can add your feedback here on the thread, so don’t be shy to share your thoughts as you go. Next week, we’ll look at the hard data that we get from our various teams, as well as the feedback that you share with us here. We’ll then come back and share our learnings next week.

Enjoy Duo!


External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by cylau97

Any chance to be a permanent mode? u/partwelsh

Always. And we're genuine when we say that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Cristian_9

For 4 days, ok, makes sense. But if we are happy with how duos work, please make it permanent! And fast, don’t wait like another month . 🤞

In the very least, expect much faster communication from us on these types of things going forward. If the collective playerbase is happy with how Duos is balanced and we're seeing the same thing on our end in the data, we will make sure that this is heard, and we will come back to talk to you all more about it.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Another_Farming_Dud

Let me guess, that will also be 50% of the Tides of War as well?

Nothings Duo specific for Tides of War this week.

New challenges go live in 20 minutes or so. There's a lot of Firestorm in there this week, but we've still maintained a path after the first Node where folks who'd rather play straight up BFV can clean through it fairly easy for the Fire Axe.

Node 1 requires placing in the last 32 of a Firestorm game otherwise.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Liquidoodle

Yay! Excited for this as I am finding it rare to be on Firestorm with more than just the one friend and matchmaking two people in squads takes so long we just go in as the two of us. Hoping it is a permanent addition as I am sure it'll be just as much fun as the other two modes. Now I just need you to fix the vehicle controls ignoring my settings :( the rubbish normal controls keep getting me blown up!

Talk to me about the Vehicle Controls stuff. Which platform you on, what you experiencing?

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by AshySamurai

May we have more options to level up in ToW outside of FS, please?

There's new core game modes and the new map still to come this Chapter. Expect the FS challenges to lessen as we go on.

Next week there's 0 FS specific challenges (some Grind Specific challenges, but pretty open about what modes you go), and then only 1 FS challenge (optional node) the week after.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Liquidoodle

I'm on PS4, I have all my vehicle controls set to custom rather than standard/veteran etc. which by the way is a brilliant feature, big thanks to the team for adding a custom mapping option, it's wonderful! Unfortunately in Firestorm whenever I jump into a tank it doesn't use those controls. I noticed it first jumping into a Sturmtiger, I pulled the right trigger to start accelerating and shot the big gun, got very confused thinking I wasn't driving then pushed forwards on the stick for it to lurch forwards so it seems like it is using the default control scheme for some reason. Thanks for replying :) loving the game btw!

Cheers for taking the time to share. I've pushed this through to the folks at studio to look at that.

That's not an intended behavior. Really appreciate the feedback!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by G3neral_Tso

The reason it’s a limited time only mode is to make sure a large enough number of players try the mode so the devs can capture enough telemetry data (player attrition, loot availability, etc.) to make sure the game is balanced and working as intended. Leaving it open ended, like the other modes, they won’t capture enough data over that longer period of time.

Also, dividing the shrinking player base over another mode is suboptimal.

If you like it, say so in a constructive manner in the appropriate forums. No reason why Duos can’t be a full time mode, if it’s working well and community likes it.

Well reasoned. Saving as a great example of a comment worthy of the upvote.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Telloth

Glad to hear this is being added! I think duos is quite important to have as a permanent game mode for this reason - as a premade squad of two people it takes significantly longer to get into a game of Firestorm squads. Waiting isn't an issue as a solo, a squad of 3, or a squad of 4 (obviously). But as a squad of 2 I would say I'm waiting at least three times as long and on occasion I've just been put into the game as 2 without anyone else joining. I think this could be partly turning people off Firestorm, and the inclusion of duos would fix that.

Interested to see how this mode changes the play and 'meta' of Firestorm!

Us too, and it will be interesting to see which folks jump in to play more of this weekend.

My go to is Duos in most BRs. I'm a loot goblin/Bilbos going on an adventure style of player so the less folks dependant on me for the win, the better!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by MetroAtlantaRealtor

Lol why yall wasting so much time on "limited" features?

It's not limited in the same way that Squad Conquest and Rush has been previously, it's just something that we want more data on before making the next decision.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by swanklax

There was a ton of positive feedback about Squad Conquest. It went away and will not reappear until many months after. Do you sincerely think you’ve earned the trust of the community on things of this nature?

Nope. Not in the slightest. You’re right to point the finger, and demand to see better from us on the communication front.

Knowing that the Mode will be switched off on Monday left us with the choice of communicating honestly with you today about what’s happening, or turning up on Monday when you’re wondering why Duo isn’t available anymore (and why the team are working it this way).

We recognise neither offers up a desired path, and as you’ve fairly pointed out, you’ve heard some of this before.

Responsibility falls on myself, Jeff and Ben to come back to you next week and keep the conversation going on Duo Mode. We need to reset the standard going forward and we will do so acknowledging that we don’t necessarily have your trust on this. Let’s change that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by loveandmonsters

Squads is frustrating because the three randoms tend to drop where they want to go despite my always quickly pinging a decent spot, then all dying in the first minute, so by the time the first circle is announced I'm 1v4ing the rest of the round. If by miracle we all survive and meet up (or even drop to the same location!) we get stomped by the first premade squad we come across. It was a problem in Apex as well, as premade squads communicating are playing an entirely different game than just 4 randoms who only have a ping-location to work with, yet for some reason we're playing on the same servers.

Solos I've had better luck with (7 wins) but tend to end up in spots 2-12 almost always, my death coming to someone just prone in foliage / crouching in a bush. There's nothing you can do to invisible players, so that's super frustrating when I've got 5+ kills nearing the end and then a bush with a gun and all level 1 weapons/armor shoots me dead.

I don't know if duos will be any different. I imagine it'll be a mix of getting stomped by people working together, and getting surprise-killed by double bushes with guns. At least now I can drop down wherever the random wants to go, try to work together ... can't wait for the first drop and them hoarding all the loot while we're being rushed with shotguns, then they die because I have to back off because I've got nothing, they quit instantly, then I get a lovely message saying f**k you for running away, lousy squadmate ... I can see it all now!

Love Firestorm, hate the players :)

It shouldn’t make me laugh because I get completely what you’re getting at in relation to campers (the idea of a double bush wielding guns) but it does make me chuckle thinking about that as a cartoon. There’s upvotes to be made with that as a webcomic.

You sharing that expectation of the experience is indicative of why the team want to focus the testing through this weekend. If that proves true and folks universally don’t enjoy the experience then we need to see what we change and how we rebalance this stuff.

Do /u/ tag me on a thread this weekend/next week with what your actual experience was like. I’d appreciate that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by 3ebfan

What data are you looking for on your end?

Everything. Did it change the drop behaviour of folks, were more people dropping together (and was this causing more firefights early on) - did this change the pace of the mid game? Did random matchmaked folks work together more than in Squads? Did we see more premade teams entering match making and how much did this have an effect on folks who didn’t?

There’s a lot we can stab pretty educated guesses at based on internal playtests, and assumptions that we can form from Solo and Squads behaviour, but we’d rather be accurate about the changes we want to make and make them for the right reasons.

Me, Ben, and Jeff will track your most immediate feedback on your experience with the Mode and use that to help the teams ask questions outside of what they are already looking to validate and test, and no doubt they’ll have questions based on data that they see which we can come to you all with and see about understanding better.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Telloth

I imagine you'll see most of the people playing duos coming from squads and standard multiplayer (where you might have people who just play BF5 with one other friend and don't fancy Firestorm with two random people). But that's a guess.

Personally I'll be trying duos out for sure, but I play with two other people usually and we're loving the tactical element of the squads mode. When there are just two of us though, duos will be the go to!

Yeah and we’ve all made similar ‘guesses’ too. We’d naturally want for some of the responses to come up positive and if they don’t, we absolutely want to figure out why they’ve gone against expectations.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Livemas1996

Could you throw us a bone on when Squad Conquest is coming back? It’s a beloved game mode.

Honest to Lars, I nearly had a full answer on that this morning. The person I needed to speak to is out for the rest of the weekend so I’m waiting to hear back from someone else on that team.

The second we have news, me or Jeff will share.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by WobblyMarmot

Why just a weekend if you don't mind me asking? Even Rush (which should have also been a mainstay in my opinion) was a few weeks if I remember correctly. Thanks for all you guys do

So with Rush, and Squad Conquest - we developed them with the intent of making them experiences that could support the Tides of War chapter content where they featured.

We built challenges and rewards around them, and were upfront that we planned for them to only feature during those chapters. There’s appetite from us, and the community to have them return to BFV, but only if we can do so in a way that ensures you’ll want to keep playing them rather than just playing the same stuff that you went in hard for last time around. We recognise that can be tiring.

For Duo Mode - a weekend should give us a good burst of of attention that will let us get what we need to make the next decision.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Billxgates

I would be genuinely shocked to see Ben communicating here. I don’t mean that to be a dick either. It just doesn’t seem like he has any of the same interest or passion in being involved with this community like he does with us on the Star Wars side.

Dudes busy, especially with Jedi Fallen Order this weekend. He’s absolutely involved across all that we do on Battlefield, to the point where he was concerned that with him and Jeff both being on American time this week, he asked me to step up and help be here to chat with you all outside of his hours.

I’m sure that we will see him more active when he’s back at DICE next week. Just know that in the background, the three of us are constantly talking to one another and sharing what we see and hear.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Chief81

Came here to read some feedback about Duos (while at work) and found not one single feedback, only complaints that it is online until monday🙈.

Guys I think we get it...we all want this mode to stay forever. Can we just test it know and give feedback. Should be much more constructive and will bring us the permanent Duo mode much sooner.

Just a thought...

It’s fair of folks to voice their frustrations though. Yes we want the actual gameplay and experience feedback and I recognise completely that this is going to get buried under that mountain.

I’ll talk with Jeff and the Reddit mods here a little later on and see if we would benefit from unpinning this after folks have had chance to digest the info today, and post a separate thread tomorrow for collating the feedback directly.

In the mean time - we are still going to be looking at new replies on this thread and sourcing what we see into our internal documentation.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by PessimisticKarma

Any NEW information regarding the loot and inventory system? It is quite the deal breaker when you have played Apex. On PS4

Not today, no. For now it’s that at all too familiar vague answer of ‘we are looking at it, and we are actively working on it’.

We know that it’s not specific enough to warrant us being able to reply to the question with any real energy and have you feel satisfied with a reply, but we genuinely are looking at it.

The team have prototypes for different systems and they’ll iterate on those to figure out what’s actually going to work best for Firestorm. As they work through their process they’ll start to share that with us for showing to you :)

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Billxgates

That’s totally fair and I appreciate you setting me straight on it. I’m only commenting on the activity/involvement i’ve personally seen over the past few months as someone that’s a fan of both franchises and notices his presence in both spaces.

He had the Herculean task of recovering that community after the launch of SWBF2 that I think he absolutely nailed so it’ll be nice to see him more active here as well.

He and all of the team deserve a lot of credit for that. He’s got the foundations laid here to do the same standard of heroics. I’ll share your comments with him later today :)

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by weipeD

I played 4 rounds so far and had more fun than all my other rounds combined, be it solo or squad.


Glad to hear it - keep it coming!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by altforinfo

weekend...that's way too long!


about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by INGWR

expect much faster communication

That’s not going to happen. That is objectively, definitively, not going to happen. We saw how much of a buzzword sham Operation Sunrise turned out to be. You literally can’t even say that anything changed as a result of patting yourselves on the back for coming up with the Sunrise name and then not following through.

Look, don’t get people’s hopes up with false promises and then next month, they’re still asking why simple QoL have gone unaddressed since the launch of the game while you and /u/Braddock512 and /u/F8RGE respond “oh yeah we’re gonna circle back with the team on that one!” to the softball AMA questions. You’re intentionally misleading people as it’s been for the past five months.

Stop. You’re doing a poor job of things. Take the hint that Dan Mitre did: stop.

EDIT: In true fashion, /u/PartWelsh ignores the hard-hitters in favor of pretending that all is well and good. It must be hard to support DICE when you don’t have a spine.

Replying to you after you added your edit - I absolutely am guilty of dodging your comment today. When I originally read it, shortly after you posted it, I said to myself: here’s someone that’s lost total faith in us and there isn’t a conversation I can expect to have with them where there’s any other outcome other than continued disappointment. I’m not going to win this person around with words but by ensuring that we back up what we say. That’s only going to come with action. Happy to keep chatting with you here if you want to pick me up on something specific.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by TheJackFroster

I love it.

Duo's works so much better than Squads. Vehicles don't feel like deathtraps since 4 players with Panzerfausts can't murder you in a second. I was playing with a friend and we both agreed that it was a huge improvement over playing with 2 randoms in Squads (or just with ourselves in a Squad game since the game loves to just skip searching for players on PS4).

My only complaint with the mode is that it's limited time. I understand the idea behind making it limited time, it's to encourage those who might be on the edge about trying it to give it a go to get more data. I understand. I just hope that DICE understands how it looks and feels to a lot of (vocal) players who feel like making modes that they enjoy (rush, squad conquest) limited time only seems like DICE is playing with them and taking away aspects of the game that they enjoy for no other reason that to keep general player numbers high.

I loved Rush when it was out, it was literally the only mode I played when it was out despite it's flaws in the limited number of maps and questionable m-com placements on some of the maps. When it was removed I didn't start playing other modes to replace my time, I just didn't play BFV for a while. It left a sour taste in my mouth and I fail to see why it wasn't just left in the game whilst other maps for the mode and changes to the existing ones were made.

u/PartWelsh hope this is the kind of feedback you're looking for, thanks for being engaged on this subreddit :)

This really is. Thank you for taking the time to come back to us after playing and type it out. Appreciate the comments on Rush too, I'll ensure they're seen.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by SKGoon

I believe you will hear this extensively but duos should be a permanent mode. It's safe to say the vast majority of ppl have an easier time getting 1 buddy to play with rather than 3. In today's gaming market, the players want options and this one is a standard in BRs. *Apex is the exception on this as everyone already knows (which is a common request to change in their community) cheers.

That a tonne of other people have sent the feedback shouldn't stop you from adding your voice to the pile. It helps to get as true representation as possible of where people stand on the topic, and so even though your comments may duplicate what others have already said, you saying them as an individual is still very valuable to us. Thank you.