about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by SteampunkMrFoster

what happened to this one chief? It's gonna be added back only buyable with boins isnt it? not cc like you promised?

The Armory will be rotating more efficiently. As far as I am aware, if they weren’t Epic, they should still be purchasable with CC when they rotate back to the Armory.

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by SteampunkMrFoster

Interesting because this original post is talking about "the headgear with the bandaged eye" and that is now only BOINS. The question was will these be rotated back in for Company Coins again? And you said yes. But that's obviously not correct since it's now boins only. So I'm assuming the "Flim Flam" cosmetics when they get added back will be boins only, unlike what you stated?

So it’s an Epic item? You can also earn those through Chapter Progression, Weekly Storyline Progression, Max Class Rank Progression, or Max Weapon Rank Progression.

If I spoke incorrectly previously, my apologies as that was the information available to me at the time. (2+ months ago)

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by SteampunkMrFoster

Ah I gotcha, it's alright man. Thanks for the quick responses. By the way, I personally don't mind the current shop, and it's very good. 750 coins is a very fair price IMO for whole epic sets, especially since other games charge 18-20 $ for one skin.

Thanks for the excellent job you do on this subreddit, don't know how you don't lose your mind every day. Have a good one <3

Who says I haven't lost my mind already? :)

Thanks for understanding. I definitely appreciate the kind words and you checking back on this.

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by IFrike

During Overture some items were made available to purchase for CC. Retribitution, Flim Flam and others were available and ’Uncommon’. However, those that managed to snag those are reporting that they have since changed from ’Uncommon’ to ’Epic’.

So they were available for CC at the time when nobody could earn any but they were also removed without any notice. So if they ever return during a rotation they will most likely be locked behind Boins (because they are now ’Epic’) while they were originally not.

Well, if they are in the Armory and are Epic, yes, they would be required to use BFC. But as noted and confirmed by our Marketplace Dev, Epics will have a progression option through various means.

about 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by IFrike

Fair enough, it just seems unfair that some itens were available for CC when we couldn’t earn any due to bugs and without any notice they are removed. I am aware that they were most likely unintentionally released but it still leaves a sour taste when they return behind a paywall.

Thank you for the response nonetheless! :)

For sure! Hopefully when they come through progression means it won’t be too much of a pain. ;)