about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Big thanks to everyone who completed March’s Survey. These will continue to be posted monthly to help us gauge the directions we’re moving in and help us chart better courses.


about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by LutzEgner

Did my part again, as I did last month. I am really not sure how to fairly rate the grand operation questions as I dont like that gamemode at all

All/any questions can be skipped - we potentially missed a N/A option for that page that we can ensure is available next time (which can't be added now it's live).

In the short term I've added some text to say that fields can be left blank.

Ultimately I really appreciate you taking the time to fill it in.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by BFRecruit2020

Something was wrong , I could not give narvik and aerodrome a 0 or negative . 1 is way to high

1 Speaks volumes about how you feel about it as it is!

Just for my own curiosity, how did you enjoy the Grind variant of Narvik?

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Sort_of_Irish

There wasn’t a text box to explain why I rated the Grand Ops so low, I’ll throw it in here: the story telling isn’t very good. BF1 made me feel like I was grinding out a multi-day campaign and that is missing from BFV. Some of that feeling has been captured in the Panzerstorm Op but it’s missing from the rest. I also don’t think CQ belongs in Grand Operations, it just doesn’t suit the attacking or defending nature of the mode.

It's good of you to come back to the comments here and share that. Thank you.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by tonny3629

I think it would’ve been nice if you guys added questions asking what the player like or dislike about the maps/map design.

For example I hate maps where vehicles get an easy access to the high ground. Aerodrome is a prime example of this. The hills of Aerodrome don’t have any cover for infantry to move through. Therefore if a tank can get up there, the driver can easily take out incoming infantry while raining down fire on the players below the hills. Narvik to some extent is the same. Only map where verticality works well is Rotterdam in my opinion.

We could, but from what we do with other games we find that it significantly reduces the amount of people that see it through.

Best practice for us is to put it out there in this format, and then see how the data trends vs. our expectation. If we're seeing feedback that suggests things outside the expectation then it gives us the opportunity to either use platforms like this, twitter, or more surveys to understand why.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by UniQue1992

I know this is said before, but I also wanted to share why I don't like Grand Ops. I really thinkt he mode can be so much better. I'll write down what's on my heart about this mode.

It's because the game mode feels like it has no soul or heart. It misses that epic grand feeling. Where is the big intro that is supposed to come with this mode, when I heard about this mode me and my friends started speculating how much better it would be than BF1's already cool Operations mode? It should have an epic intro, you could even mix real footage and combine it with gameplay. Something CoD:WaW, for example, did with their intros of their single player. It doesn't need to be brutal footage, just show some real soldiers walking, talking, firing at something. You don't have to show bodies or people getting killed. This would help build that true feeling. Also, I think the mode should feel more like a real battle that took place, like a story and less of a powerpoint presentation that does nothing with my feelings I want to be engaged. Winning or losing a day should have way more impact on the next day. Right now it feels like it has no impact. And to be honest, I read on here that it somehow does have an impact but you don't feel it when you play the game. You don't notice you lost or won the previous day. Again this could also be done with a more serious taken approach to the next day.

Thanks for taking the time to read my comment.

That somethings already been said shouldn't stop you from volunteering your perspective on top of that. It always helps to see the same thing, but presented from a different perspective and it can be helpful in encouraging others to do the same as well

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by OhMyGd05

Really nice survey.

However this survey should follow anthem community survey questions. It should have more pertinent questions like the durability of bfv, etc...

I'll sit down with AJ and Jesse in the next few weeks and compare. Thanks for the nod!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretPandaWhispers

Do we get to see the results from March?

I want to work with the team to at least come back to you with 'What you told us' and possibly even 'What we're doing' - gets a bit tricky when we steer into that territory but for sure we want to be as open as we can responsibly be,

It's a public holiday in Sweden today so mostly I'm just finishing up my Tides of War stuff today!

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by BollREEE

an actual official statement would be nice.

We have posted about it here on Reddit. Is there something in particular you need us to clarify?

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by joebonekenobi

Another part time CM that is a BOT replying only to posts that make him look good.

Where the last survey discussion notes and results?

Also once again.

Also update on the deluxe edition buyers getting more bang for they buck still being talked about? I feel like DICE just trying to dodge this is being very dishonest to the player base which brought in this version of the game.

I have a general rule in life that encourages me to avoid having conversations with folks who aren't interested in having conversations, but instead arguments.

If you're looking for a response out of me specifically, all you need to do is direct a question at me in a civil manner and I'll do what I can to volunteer what information I have. I'm not ignorant of the frustration that fuels your tone, and it doesn't offend me directly, but there's little to no use me encouraging folks to attract my attention by behaving rudely.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by diagoro1

You could have link to the post, just to clarify the official word.

Sure thing! Out and about at the moment but to summarize - the data centers were consolidated in Frankfurt to improve matchmaking. It offers a much more central location for all of EU, and generally didn't threaten to impact the experience to much for folks in the UK.

It's not a final decision on the matter, it's just the path we're following for now whilst we figure out what's best for everyone. They could well return in the future and me and /u/Braddock512 will chip back in with updates when we have them.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Jetpackgrayson

I would love to see airborne have its own playlist. Its by far my favorite mode and it really nails the fluidity of how a battle plays out.

Interesting! Don't think I've heard that suggestion before so delighted to read that :)

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Leather_Boots

It would be nice if the community team developed a map with the community (and some dev's obviously) and no, not some rehash of a BF1942 map.

It really doesn't matter too much on what theatre, as by the time it is out, then the Pacific and later Russians will likely be in the game. Or a theatre could be given.

We've done it in the past with BF4. Was a great experience for all of us. Maybe it's something we'd revisit in the future :)

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by itsthechizyeah

You guys mentioned with the operation sunrise thing that there will be dev talks, what's going on with that. Is it happening or no.

The division 2 does a state of the game every week with devs. And when they make changes and introduce new things, they explain the thinking behind it and it has been very well received by that community. What do you think?

It's happening. We've been redesigning them somewhat and you're going to hopefully learn more about that starting next week. But they are coming back.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by A_Nice_Meat_Sauce

/u/PartWelsh - I didn't see a text box asking what you were doing well. I'd like to throw out there that I'm enjoying the weekly game mode rotations. I don't necessarily enjoy that I'm sometimes required to play them for ToW, but it keeps things a little more fresh without spreading the player base out across a dozen different modes.

One other thing along those same lines, would be nice if when a game mode came back it had a new map. Shouldn't be super hard to do since many of them are smallish modes and use subsections of existing maps.


Kind of you to come back and say so. For the most part, we can see the things that we are doing well in the data and we play the game a lot ourselves so it's nice that we get a lot of that direct feedback in the game when we're online. Thank you all the same for the suggestion, we'll consider it for the future, but for now we know our focus needs to be on improving what people don't like rather than enhancing the great things people do. Soon as we've balanced this scale out, and we're committed to getting there, we will likely make this change.

Regarding returning modes - I do agree with you and we have this coming up for Squad Conquest.

Originally we were going to wait until those reconfigured maps were ready to go before bringing Squad Conquest back in it's present and previous form, but we recognized that some folks would just prefer to jump right back into it so expect us to follow up on that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by InnocentToaster

I bought the game about 3 months ago and i like it a lot. But recently i cant unlock any guns anymore. For example I am assault rank 15 but dont get the stg rifle. the class progression screen is stuck at lvl 12.. I really want to unlock everything but nothing worked so far. need help.

Please get in touch with the folks at https://help.ea.com/ as soon as possible.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by DinoKebab

May want to find out why EA support are still telling UK players they are still able to play on UK servers then and that it's our PCs that are the problem...

Will do, thank you for flagging.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Shaoltang

Could we get a monthly recap of the statistics plus a comparison to last month or at least highlight the shifts in general?

There's certainly some aspects of the data that I'd like to review and come back to you with, but to set a fair expectation, the vast majority of this will be utilized internally to help inform and reinforce the things we're doing.

Let me work on this with F8RGE next week and see what we can do.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Phroggo

I'm sorry, I know this isn't the fault of any community manager, but to me, it really feels like there's a disconnect between what the community is asking for and what actually happens. I mean things like uniforms, for example, among other things. This subreddit is chock full of everything everyone has asked for, and yet even the most popular opinions seem to get ignored.

I know there's an ungodly amount of work being done behind the scenes, as is typical with videogames, but there's some things like cosmetics where there is a very distinct choice being made with the designs that goes against what everyone very clearly wants.

This, along with things like pilot headgear models existing since the Alpha yet not being worn by pilots makes me feel like our voices really are just being ignored.

I love all the posts the community managers make, and I love how they respond often, but it really just feels like nothing ever comes of this communication.

I can appreciate why it is you would feel that way, and it's unfair for you to be left feeling unheard. One of the challenges of all creative processes is that often we can recognize the feedback and desire to see something specific added/changed, we'll dedicate time to doing a full evaluation of whether or not we see benefit or value to add it in and then it either dies on the fire, or goes into an understandably lengthy development process to see it implemented. A lot of that often happens on the other side of the tall wall.

To the specifics you've asked today, I don't have direct and clear answers to you. I will look into it, and regardless will do what I can to follow back up if I can.

Most importantly it's evident that we all would benefit from you guys just getting a better read on our design directions and so in the very least if I'll see if I can get that from the gang, and then I'll see what we can do to talk more about it.

Really appreciate the way you approached this with me, thanks for that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by Daphnir

Can we have more informations about all the weapons that have been datamined like sterling, Mle 1903 Carbine ,.... Why are you waiting so much to give us that weapons? It will be great to have them as a gift (not in TOW because we have to wait too long before having a chance to have the weapon that we like...) like Ribeyrolles 1918 and m1897. Thanks.

The honest answer here is that some of the content that gets discovered in those files are often just relics of abandoned creative processes.

Until we have confidence that they're actually considered finished and being added to the game, we tend not to acknowledge or discuss them.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by boostedb1mmer

Will we ever hear back about all of the surveys we keep taking? You guys keep asking for more and more feedback and the community gives it and... nothing. It's like we're shouting into a void here because we never have anyone breakdown the responses you guys actually see.

That's a fair response, and I've spoke a little about it elsewhere on the thread but we know that the reality of showing that we've listened to the feedback, is to show you things that we've made and done as a result of the feedback. Where possible, we try avoid setting any potentially false expectations by making immediate reactions and responses.

That said, we can at least look to find a way of talking about what you've told us, but know that this would likely be separate to the second part of that conversation relating to what that turns into.

It is something I'm looking into. Thanks for putting voice to that.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by bumpakay

I honestly think the community team is fantastic for this game. Still can’t believe you take the time to reply to comments and posts. Although I wish there were more questions about the overall balance of the game. But keep up the great work!

Maps dominate the conversation lately and naturally require the most attention. It's not to say that we are ignoring any other aspects of the game whilst a greater focus is placed on maps, but I can understand what you mean.

Talk to me about the overall balance of the game as you see it whilst I'm here :) How do you feel it is?

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by joebonekenobi

Why was my reply to this deleted?

arguments are a form of conversations that make no sense as a "rule of life".

If you can reply to my frustration then why don't you answer my questions?

Because you decided to engage me by comparing me to an automated robot, and declaring that I'm only here for the sunshine. It was pretty rude and I'm conscious that you intended to behave that way.

I'm fine with difficult questions, I'm just not a fan of people who choose to start interactions in this fashion.

about 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by InnocentToaster

I tried.. it does not seem to work properly. Im from switzerland maybe thats why:(

We have global Customer Support options. If you're able to communicate in english, you can change your country locale in the top corner of the website to UK/USA and engage chat support.