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  • Volume of foot steps (too loud and unrealistic)

  • TTK needs to be lower

  • Make tanks great again - it's a joke a huge game studio like DICE can't ensure proper balance. It's also a joke a fighter plane can bring a tank from 100 to 0 with two 500KG bombs. Yes, plausible, but utterly frustrating.

  • let us unlock Chapter and ToW rewards by playing in retrospect. I don't have the time to unlock everything when the "reward season" is on. Everyone with a social life and money to earn wants to unlock these later. I don't care if we have to wait months until we can. Just make them unlockable eventually. I don't get how DICE always wants to appeals to the casuals yet pulls sh*t like this. I earn a decent amount of money. I still won't spend a cent on in-game purchases. I find it incredibly disappointing how DICE doesn't care about this and how it's not a bigger issue for people.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by BusinessFuture6

I feel like it's fair to lock it behind ToW and Chapter rewards so they can make profit by letting the more impatient players purchase them in retrospect. What I think is unfair that you never get the chance to unlock them way later at all.

They'll obviously have their own motive to do it like this but I can't imagine demand is high enough to justify these time and money restrictions. I feel like there'd be a much bigger playerbase if it also made sure those who play less or later can unlock the stuff at some point.

Is there some explanation for why you're doing this differently, /u/Braddock512 and /u/PartWelsh?

You can unlock guns that are part of the Chapter Reward with Company Coins after the chapter ends if you missed out. All previous ToW gun unlocks should be available in your Company for Company Coin right now.

over 4 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Beta1548

FYI the two handguns from Chapter 5 aren’t available for CC in the Company

Weapon unlocks that are available to purchase in the Company are limited to Primary weapons - that's why you can't purchase melee weapons either.

I'm not 100% sure on the gameplan for that - perhaps to use them for future TOW unlocks - but I'll check on that.

over 4 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by EG_Heartattack

Wait, so your not adding the sidearms from the previous chapter for company coin purchase?

Sidearms have never been purchasable with Company Coin via the Company menu if they were in the TOW Weekly Rewards.I understand what you're saying and I've asked the team to review the policy on that. Whether or not it changes, I'll let you know.


From the update this morning, they tested and the Type 94, Model 27, and Jungle Carbine should be purchasable via the Company with Company Coins. If you don't see that, restart your game and check the Company again.

If you still can't purchase these items, please let me know so I can escalate it as soon as possible. Thanks.

over 4 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by EG_Heartattack

Wow that’s so disappointing you guys are locking weapons behind chapter rewards to not be purchase able at a later time. I’m sorry but that’s a terrible policy.

I’m going to do some research but I could have sworn there was a statement that any weapons that were unlocked in chapter rewards would be made available for purchase after the chapter was over.

We're not locking weapons. I'm sorry if the statement I made was misinterpreted - but that's not what I said.

Since the launch of Battlefield V, sidearms and melee weapons that have featured as rewards for Tides of War or Chapter Rank Up Progression have never been purchasable via Company.


From the update this morning, they tested and the Type 94, Model 27, and Jungle Carbine should be purchasable via the Company with Company Coins. If you don't see that, restart your game and check the Company again.

If you still can't purchase these items, please let me know so I can escalate it as soon as possible. Thanks.

over 4 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by EG_Heartattack

Ok thanks for getting back to me. Please consider mentioning to the team that many people were not aware sidearms would not be available after the chapter was complete. I put over 500 hours into bfv and usually get max chapter rank but the last chapter was the first time I didn’t make it due to work and school.

Edit: I do understand the melee weapons were never going to be available again but when you only introduced side arms into the previous chapter, we were not informed it would not be available again.

For sure. Please recheck my reply. I just edited it - the Armory/back-end update today should have given you the option to purchase the Model 27, Type 94, and the Jungle Carbine via the Company.

over 4 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by EG_Heartattack

Sweet! That’s great news! I can finally buy the model 27! Thanks for the swift replies!

But hey! If you don't see them, give it a restart and try again. If it's still not showing, hit me up so I can get someone to look at it for us.

Thanks and have a good one!