There are a few things that are unclear, I would love it if either u/PartWelsh or /u/braddock512 could clarify:
will the Community Games stay up for some time even when the server empties? Or will they keep being shut down as soon as the last player leaves? From the patch notes it sounds like the latter is true, but I would like to have a confirmation. In my opinion they should be shut down only after at least 24 or 48 hours without any round being played, otherwise we will always be dependent on the server owner to be there and start the server.
is there the possibility to give admin powers to a user other than the one who created the server? This would be useful.
it seems like we can't manually move players, is that the case? If it is, too bad, because that would help with A) the lack of a balancer and B) to put a stop to pub stomping.
apparently some sort of team balancer was close to being ready, it just needed a few kinks ironed out. Is that coming at some point? I can't find any mention of it in the patch notes, please don't tell me this game is going to die without even an attempt at it. As of late I have to hop servers 5 or 6 times in a row in order to find a somewhat balanced match where one side isn't getting absolutely steamrolled.