over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Hello there,

We're approaching the end of another month and as such it's time for a Community Survey.

Some top-line findings from the May survey:

  • In May your happiness levels were the highest they've been since December 2018, ever so slightly beating
  • Communication had also improved
  • You were happier with the Transmissions compared to April
  • You said that Geonosis is your favourite CS map, Kamino comes in second (narrowly)
  • Vader was your preferred hero, then Maul
  • CS is your favourite game mode, GA was second and HvV third
  • HvV rating increased considerably since the target system was removed

As always, these results help provide an insight into what the community is thinking and coupled with our own internal data, as well as further feedback help paint a more completed picture.

With that said, it's onto the June survey! You can find it here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CTWHEN0619

Please do let us know your thoughts.


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