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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by OpathicaNAE

Yeah, /u/F8RGE is too busy replying to people who write "EA sux" on rocks and then throwing down with them when they reply. He doesn't have the time to address bugs or the state of the game, let alone hackers. Too much vacation planning going on.

It's been well documented that I cannot talk about hacks or cheats publicly, sorry - but that's just the way it is.

I will "throw anybody down" if they resort to abuse or attacks instead of talking in a polite manner.

I've also commented on a few bug threads as of late and have a history of doing so. I won't keep repeating myself though, search function is there. Is easy to see what you want to see. I could reply to every thread, then the next time I don't it'll be "lazy devs" etc

Nothing wrong with vacations, I truly hope that you're able to get some yourself and you don't see them as a negative thing.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by OpathicaNAE

Trust me, I've been here watching and seeing what you haven't commented on. Hundreds of posts, I don't need to check your post history.

The fact that you can't (talk about it) is asinine, and the fact that it's so easy for your engine to be hacked and fall apart to bugs is pitiful. I get talking about it leads the hackers on, so maybe don't tell them what you're doing, and just tell us you're going to get it solved?

Maybe if you weren't so focused on appearances or lack thereof, you'd get something done.

And the guy didn't even attack you, he just fired back like you did. And you (or the mods) removed his comment and left yours, lol.

Also, how f**king sad is it out of all the positivity and feedback I've left you, this is what you reply to?

Edit: whatever, lol. I just want a game I f**king liked to run good and have devs that care about it and I even get shit on the subreddit. Instead of improvements and promises we get new f**king starcards and backlash from the devs. f**k this game and f**k the 5 dollars I gave you, it was only worth it for the graphics.

I don't reply to all the positivity because then people just claim "you only reply to good stuff".

Regarding cheats: already said we are working on it. I'm not going to go into more details than that.

Guy didn't attack me? It was Sithpost Saturday and I saw an opportunity to have fun by combining two threads. I hit back when the names started being called. If you can't handle a bit of fun on Sithpost Saturday of all days, don't dish it out.

New Star Cards? These would be the ones being added to the game because we're making HoK a passive, which has been a community request. Maybe not by you, but others have.

"Devs that care", I see you've resorted to step 8. Step 9 is calling us lazy.