over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

We are going to make some backend tweaks to Capital Supremacy.

We know the crashing issue is caused during the transition between the ground and ship phase, as a result we are extending the length of the ground phase and shortening the ship phase. We are aware that defence of your Capital Ship will now be more difficult, which is a by-product of this.

The Changes

  • Increase tickets required on the ground phase from 50 to 100
  • Reduce bomb timer to 20 seconds, down from 100
  • Ticket bonus for boarding is up to 3 per boarding person, up from 1

These changes will start being deployed across our live servers at 12:00 CEST, in just over an hours time from the time of this post.

We're still working on a fix for the overall issue but we hope this will help ease the frustration in the interim.

Update June 28

At 12:00 CEST we will be making a change that increases the bomb timer to 35 seconds, up from 20.

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