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Have you ever wondered why your health is suddenly full after a couple of trooper kills? Here's why:

  • if you hit a hero/villain and then kill a trooper you get 100 health instead of 20. It doesn't always happen but it happens often enough to be game changing.

Here's two examples:

1.You activate Luke's Repulse and you kill 3 troopers and hurt one villain. Those 3 troopers can give you 60-300 health because there was a villain among them.

2.You have hit a hero and then you run away and kill a trooper. That trooper has a high chance to give you 100 health instead of 20.

  • Reinforcements (Aerials,Enforcers,Infiltrators) sometimes give you 100 health instead of 20 when you kill them. The card's description specifically says heroes so this is a bug.

  • Sometimes you get 100 health for a trooper kill if a hero is nearby. You don't have to hit the hero. It's a rare occurence but still.

Yet another broken star card since launch. This should be solved before they become a passive ability.

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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Has anyone else experienced this?

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by F8RGE

Has anyone else experienced this?

Update: we've just marked this as a critical issue. Thanks for the flag.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Hamati

How is this a critical issue of all things? There is so much more we’ve been literally begging to get fixed for.

I’ve lost count of how many posts and comments I’ve made about the repulsor cannon- an entire star card/weapon that no longer works after Geonosis came out 262 days ago.

That’s not even touching the numerous even more pressing issues I see posted on here daily such as hero abilities failing, saber rubber- banding, being “kicked for inactivity” because you died too early in a hero showdown round, blocks failing, UI blocking where you’re aiming

I’m not going to go on, we all know what the bugs are but I’ve yet to see any of these actual issues “marked as critical” and I’m here pretty much every day.

The other issues you're most likely talking about are down as critical too.