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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Thanks for the video.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by IcedFreon

There's a couple threads and a bug report about this in the forums as well. And videos there also. Why no replies? https://battlefront-forums.ea.com/discussion/141465/hvv-respawn-issue#latest https://battlefront-forums.ea.com/discussion/141498/hvv-character-selection-bug#latest

Because I'm not going to spend all my time saying "seen" or similar. You don't need a babysitter.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by ImperatorMediocre

Your constant snarky responses these days are unbecoming of a dev community lead.

When you first started out in BF you were friendly, helpful and fomented a good rapport with the community. Now it’s just unnecessary sniping.

And here’s a thought related to this topic: why not start a thread listing ALL of the bug fixes that are being worked on so the players and community don’t have to spend all of THEIR time repeating bugs that you already know about. Or do YOU need a babysitter to constantly remind you of what you should be working on? Get it together.

Or do YOU need a babysitter to constantly remind you of what you should be working on?

You could always tell me what my job is, that might help. As a general rule of thumb it won't be close to the mark.

There's a reason we don't have a list of what we're working on, as that would mean opening up almost our entire JIRA catalogue and it would be next to impossible to maintain. We're working on lots of issues, with things moving around all the time.

With regards to the above, I've gone through this multiple times before. We've tried the whole "seen" "tagged" route of doing things and it didn't work. A lot of the time conversation might get duplicated and unfortunately I cannot be in all places at the same time.

My response is also not a guaranteed outcome. If there's something of value to add to the discussion, then I will try to do so. Sometimes I will make a note to say that we've seen something, but if it's here on Reddit or the forums then odds are we've already seen it.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by superjediplayer

You could always tell me what my job is, that might help

You're the guy who works on youngling hunt. Your unit type is B-3N Walker. You need to get youngling hunt finished in time for august, as that's the "new ways to play". You're also a leaker, so you want to tell us more about everything coming in the next few updates, in detail.

i'm sure i convinced him

more seriously, i really hate it when people expect that you'll respond to every single bug, as there are a lot and you also have other things to look through.

heh, I've been writing a CT for August today as it happens. Looking forward to it. No leaks though, won't get some info from me.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by superjediplayer

wait... i'm not sure why it didn't work, i was sure it was really convincing...

won't get some info from me.

alright, i'll just ask Dennis Branvall, also known as some_info, instead. (Dennis is clearly the main some_info guy, while you're the grievous leak guy)

could you at least tell me the name of the CT? or the topic? is it about the new ways to play or something else? (also, you said game modes. i assume they're all in 1 CT, right?)

ok, now that was asking too much, however i would really appreciate doing something like we had with maps at launch, where you tell us, for example, ** ***, and we have to figure out each letter, that example saying "EA bad"... It didn't exactly work at launch as we already knew all the maps from datamines and leaks.

"Community Transmission: TBC"

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by DJ31259

Is the August CT going to be released in the beginning of the month or towards the end of the month near the update?

Later in the month. CT won't just focus on the August update.