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about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

It's frustrating, I understand and appreciate that. In terms of effort we have increased the time we are spending on fixing issues. Alongside this we have also worked through our backlog of fixes and worked on the prioritisation, which should mean key issues get fixed sooner, rather than later.

We're hopeful a number of key issues will be fixed within the September update. Once we have issues verified as "fixed" we'll look to letting you know.

As always there is a reluctance to confirm something is fixed before we are 100% sure, as edge cases do come up, or a new repro is found.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by nicholasr325

Can you comment on whether or not Speeder bikes, and in turn, all the ground vehicles will be getting a control rework?

This has always been my main issue on PC. I never want to play any of the ground vehicles except the ATST because they all control so poorly, especially with a mouse on speeders.

There have been active discussions around Speeder Bikes lately, we aren't very happy with them. Is just a priority thing.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Nova_Spartan

Is there anyway we can have some sort of access to view which bugs have been tagged and are known?

Some issues like Dooku being fixed in one aspect and the gaining more issues than he had prior this update is another glaring issue and there were several videos posted on it yesterday that made it to the front page and didn't get a dev post saying that it's been tagged.

Usually Jay would do that but he's gone now and now we have no way of knowing if you guys are even aware of it.

Is there anyway we can have some sort of access to view which bugs have been tagged and are known?

This is something we're looking at doing.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Nyzam45

One word: Jira

Works for other games I've seen.

It's not as easy as just opening our JIRA dashboards, there's a huge security nightmare to consider on that front. We're working on a system though.

about 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by Nova_Spartan

This would be incredible so we're not in the dark. Some devs usually use various sites like Trello for this type of thing. That said, this can be taken further though, please consider this.

A way of getting newly reported issues added to that list easily and in detail would also be instrumental and would incentive others like myself to seek out, record bugs, and perform tests to provide a details of what seems to be causing said bugs.

Making it so we can see what's being tracked is an excellent start, but if you give us in the community a more direct way to work WITH you on this type of thing in the way that we can such as identifying, reporting, and testing the bugs we come across I believe it wold be the best course of action for the game.

If you at DICE can think of a way for us to help more than we are already are whether it be a particular forum for players to give detailed analysis of each individual bug in the game (more so than the bug report forums on EA.com) and provide what information we can to you at DICE or some other way where you or someone else could touch base with us as we test various things, plenty of us would be more than willing.

I'd honestly enjoy the hell out of finding, recording, and testing various bugs if you would help you all at DICE squash them which in turn would benefit both of us.

Trello is an option we're considering. The community does enough already, what we need is just a system in place which shows "they are the current priorities", "these are the intended fix dates", "here's the latest status" and similar.