Original Post — Direct link

Right now, it's hard to get a sense of who wants what. Yes, we run polls here on this subreddit, but that just us, we aren't necessarily representative of the entire community (as we have been told many times :) ).

Why not put in-game polls from time to time. Things like:

Which of these would you like to see in game first:

- Farmboy Luke

-Bespin Luke



Have this pop up when you start the game. This would be, by definition, the accurate sample you will ever get of what people want in game.

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

We do actually do polls in game, they happen every now and then. Supplement these with what we see from within the community and what we want to do and we have a good idea of the path to go down.